Monday 10 October 2022

New Art: Priestess of Eternity

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An enforced shift.
With Poor Christeen
still getting herself
back up and running
again, it falls to me and
my archives to fill in
as best I can with three
concepts, for Andy and 

Hi Everyone
    Seems everyone is up against it this week with poor Christeen still getting herself up and running again, so what we all need is a little help from the two-fisted adventurist Lady Jane Fullerton-Jones and her ever resourceful if classically damsel prone assistant Andy.
Here we the completed cover to a piece previewed on Patreon. She we find Lady Jane relaxing at home, whilst Andy ever practical gives her the list of engagement listed in her diary.
 Naturally though Jane's idea of relaxation is learning a new skill, this time it would seem it a skill in which Andy already excels,but one for which Lady Jane needs to get help from the experts. 
  Hope you like this, I think it is fun and shows Andy and Jane's lighthearted side.


  1. For once I feel slightly vindicated that the story I posted on Patreon last month (What? You don't subscribe! Whyever not?) based on the uncaptioned version isn't too far from being appropriate for the fully texted. Except for the motivation of the Egyptian ambassador's reception, of course.

    Looks like Andy and Jane may have swapped roles in this one between Gwen and U45. Well, Andy has probably had a lot more practice escaping when he's been left trussed and gagged by his Aunt while she has a night with Charlene.

    Lovely work.
    S xxx

  2. Hi Andy.
    Can it be true, there is something she needs her beloved nephew to teach her? I hope she can free herself soon. Maybe she should have studied the book more closely. (Yes, I did see who it was based on.)
    I love her nearly see-through latex catsuit, just the thing for an adventurous lady to relax in.
    Best wishes to all, especially Chisteen. Hugs xxx

  3. Only an hour? It is a good thing that Lady Jane is always well coiffed and well on her way to ready, willing and able.

  4. Jane's catsuit is lovely though not suitable for the ambassador party, maybe afterwards. Andy is a very cutely and smartly attired.

    This is going to be fun to get freed seeing as it be difficult to read the book from up there. May have to admit defeat and ask for help.


  5. Sylvain in Montréal11 October 2022 at 09:09

    Hmmm… Maybe Lady Jane didn’t have incentive enough to put in more effort in getting free? She’s been there for three hours now. I would have suggested adding a latex occlusion hood after the first hour, adding a Magic Wand harness after the second, activating said Wand after the third, and so on until either she gets free or she admits defeat and asks for help (I know from experience that doing any precision work with the fingers gets close to impossible after having your arms in that position for more than thirty minutes).

    Fun aside, I wish Christeen and all those around you, Andy, a speedy return to health.
