Monday 26 September 2022

New Art. Name Dropper

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A sweet and
lovely new
piece from the
mind of our dear
friend Christeen.

Hi Everyone
   Hello hello hello , well here we are again, My head has been struggling with stuff of late, meaning I have been unable to really concentrate on anything  and especially on anything of an artistic nature, even writing this little piece is proving a challenge. 
  I am though feeling a little better now, but as ever that means I have huge backlog of Emails and comments to catch up on, which I promise to do so on as soon as I can, so Girlie Morgaine, Aidan, Beth, Mandy and all my dear friends I promise to get to you all.
   So on with the art,
    This piece was previewed over on Patreon a few weeks ago and generated the usual mass of gorgeous comments and ideas. So much so that I had to rework and re-write it in order for it to fit in with the wonderful ideas that came from Patrons.
  This is part to  of a mini series still in production, neatly setting up part 3 of which will appear very soon on Patreon. I will include part 1 just to clarify from where we are coming.
  Hope you like this and as ever my humble apologise for not being about for a while.

Part 1


Part 2


  1. Well, if Andy needs to be at the Mademoiselle Studio tomorrow, it's very unlikely that Auntie's going to let him play football today. Definitely no bumps and bruises. And no night out with the boys after the match. Especially when she'd prefer a night in with her girl (to be).

    Sorry to hear that things are still rough. Glad to hear that you're feeling a bit better. Please take your time. We'll all still be here. Very best wishes.
    S xxxx

    1. Who said he was going to the studio, perhaps Aunt Jane has other plans.
      Bless you and thank you for your kind words, we have been friends for so long I apologise for not filling you in sooner.

    2. Oh my! He's not got a place at an Awards Ceremony, has he?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Andy. It is lovely to know that you are doing better & to see your lovely art on screen. You don't have to worry about a reply to my mail, just knowing that you are okay is enough.
    I don't think Skinwo1 has to worry about Andy receiving the odd bruise. Every girl knows that a little concealer can work magic. All he has to worry about is how Lady Jane might embarrass him during the match.
    I hope everyone is well. Take care, Andy. Huge hugs xxx

    1. Agree about concealer, but Auntie won't want him aching too much tomorrow, at least not from football injuries. She's probably far more worried about his night out with the boys after the match. She'll want him bright and fresh on the 'morrow.

    2. Thank you Mandy, but I will reply asap and have rad the story and love it.
      I am sure Andy will be fine and if things get too rough you might be right, Aunt Jane might make her presence felt from the touch line .

  4. No football today! Just latex and heavy makeup! And practice and training on the highest heels to be perfect for the studio tomorrow! Hes becoming a girl!

    1. That might be the better option for Andy, but I am sure Aunt Jane has it all in hand xxx

  5. So happy to see you back. Take your time and leave little drips and drabbles for us to savor. Take care of #1.

    1. Oh my dear Lee, thank you you are sweet and your fun emails make me smile when i am feeling down. I promise to take care of myself . Big hugs

  6. Nooooo stress, take your time. The most important thing is that everything goes well for you. And then with all your talent and energy you can take the time you want for us. Kiss

    1. Thank you my dear Friend and thank you for the translations. I know it has not been easy for you of late and your kindness is greatly appreciated XXX
