Wednesday 28 September 2022

A Wednesday Hello

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Hi Everyone
   Welcome to a quick Wednesday get together . I am still trying to get myself together so this will be quite brief, unless i get carried away.

So first off we have some of our dear friend Girlie Morgane's super translations of my art. It took Girlie a lot of time and effort and dedication to create these and I am very very grateful. More will follow.

Now the delightful and beautiful Kate Beckinsale once again gives us a hint at her wonderful love of things glossy and shiny. This time at the premiere of her latest movie she accessorises her pink gown with slick black latex/PVC gloves.

To round up this quick hello, we have the return of the gorgeous Mel Lowe, AKA 

 She is such an elegant and beautiful lady, but when she slips into those shiny pants she becomes even more so.

It is funny, but those boots really make me smile, because as you know I love heels, but those boots remind me of an amazing summer i spent in Ibiza, where I met a girl who spent the entire summer in a bikini and wellington boots. It was a strange combination but she just became a star in the resort for her style.


  1. Hi Andy.
    Yes, bikini and wellingtons do sound like a very strange combination to wear all summer. But as long as she was happy. Surprised that she didn't talk you into wearing something similar, but in latex.
    I thought you were going to show us a picture of Kate in a long, flowing latex dress, now that would have been a treat.
    My French isn't up too much, but thanks to Ms. Morgan, we are treated to some of your art again. Happy, happy, joy, joy.
    Hope everyone is well, and hope you are well hugs xxx

    1. Hello my friend
      It was a very memorable look, but she looked great. Yes Kate in a sleek full latex gown would be a mic drop moment.
      Big hugs

  2. Merci énormément pour ces traduction en Français pour tes images et ton art merci énormément 🥰🥰🥰🤗🤗🤗💋💋💋😘😘😘 c est plus facile pour moi de mieux comprendre l histoire sans faire la traduction cool 👍👏👏👏

    1. Bonjour mon ami. Je suis si heureuse que ces traductions vous permettent de profiter davantage de l'art, Girlie sera également très heureuse

  3. Any excuse to revisit your classics, but aren't they all classics? My thanks to Ms. Morgane and all of her hard work.
    It is a treat to see Ms. Beckinsale in something other than black. As lovely as she is, she would shine in anything. So many pictures and different angles. I simply adore the heels. I can imagine how graceful she was.
    Thank you for this taste this morning. Here, at least.

    1. Hello Lee
      I am so glad you liked these and yes Kate in pink and black is a treat. Bless you for your compliments about my art.
      Many thanks as ever,you are a treat XXX

  4. I do so love Andy in those jeans with heels.

    1. Thank you my dear xxxx, it is such a sexy look and those heels are really cute XXX

  5. Hi Andy,
    I love seeing pics of Kate. Very stylish combo of those gloves.
    Wow Mel can model. I am fixated now on those pants. The boots are a gorgeous compliment. Much nicer than regular wellies.

  6. Thank you for the compliments, it feels so good. And it's also a real pleasure to contribute to Andy's work (Merci à vous pour les compliments, ça fait tellement plaisir. Et puis, c'est également un vrai plaisir d' apporter ma petite participation à l'œuvre d'Andy)
