Wednesday 1 September 2021

Welcome to Wednesday

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Hi Everyone
   This has been a bit of a hectic few days, but we still have time for a little Wednesday round up.
So first a couple of clips sent to us by our friend Theo. These are super and if there are any cheerleaders out there  for our blog and my art (yes I am looking at you) , take note for the next practice.
Thank you again Theo  and Take it away girls.

Find more Slick n Shiny cheerleading right here

   Now something from my own archives, this was posted years ago now but,despite its poor editing and structure I still think it holds up as a naughty piece of erotica.

Aunties Plaything

    I ran my fingers about every detail of the foot before me. Smoothing the glistening oil across the rubber in which it was enveloped leaving It with a deep liquid shine. Only when I was perfectly satisfied did I reach for the shoe. For a moment I admired its sensual lines . Its elegant arch,  delicate straps and long, dagger like heel. Then gently I slipped it over the offered toes, I heard a soft Oh of surprise as it moulded the tiny  foot into the sexy curve only a good 5-inch heel could, Before carefully closing the straps. I drew each together a closed them with a tiny golden lock. For a moment I gazed at the perfect image of femininity, then carefully repeated the act on the other foot. My heart raced as that second lock clicked shut, It was the finishing touch. 
   I paused, now for a moment, letting the moment hang, then slowly I drew my fingers and eyes up the length of those long legs, glad in skin tight transparent rubber they shone like glass and drifted on for ever as perfect columns of feminine beauty. Finally my eyes came to the white frilled hem of that tiny black rubber skirt, then up across its rippling shimmering surface to that slim waist, encircled now by the ribbons of that shimmering white apron. I swallowed, trying to still my heart, as I travelled on up to the soft blossoming swell of that young bosom , The nipples hard peaked clearly visible beneath the glossy material. Again I swallowed, I trembled as the creamy perfumed skin led me to that neck and finally onto that face the face I had dreamt of a 1000 time, yet framed now by a sweet pale pink pageboy bob, was a million times more beautiful , from the pale blue eyes soft with innocent tears, that peaked shyly from behind long fluttering lashes, to the soft young rouged cheeks it was  a million times more beautiful, yet as gorgeous as it was  it was the twin petals of  those full moist lips that broke my heart, they hung, rich in there succulent coating of cherry gloss, like dew ripe fruits, wet and heavy with juice. They parted slowly, there liquid velum peeling apart to reveal  white teeth and softly a voice more loving and sweet than a morning of bird song, reached my ears.
  “Thank you…so very much”.
 Drawn by that soft tone, like a bee to its nectar I rose until I stood tall above the trembling beauty. Once more now I paused, drinking in the vision before me, the feminine perfection, Then slowly I drew the beauty towards me, until my breath fell on those cherry fruits. We had kissed a hundred time before, our special kiss, our secret kiss on the corner of those lips a place where an eager tongue could slip out to taste my lip gloss. But this kiss would be like no other. I felt the beauty tremble in my arms as slowly I smoothed my glossed lips over those full petals. I felt breath drawn as I controlled them, allowing the glossies of our lips to mingles whilst gently easing them open to allow me to taste the nectar within. I watched those eyes flutter, the long lashes closing down in ecstasy as I luxuriated in the texture of our kiss. Then slowly we parted. I felt panted breath on my lips. On my cheek I heard that soft voice. Tender and dripping with desire.
  “I love you Aunty”
“And I love you and beautiful Andrew….my beautiful Maid”.

  I  looked up from my desk as Andrew entered my office. Today he looks every bit a beautiful as he did , that first time. Only now his body had truly blossomed into that of a very sexy girl and like the most beautiful girls he is never without immaculate make up nor a stunning outfit. Unusually it is fashioned from gleaming rubber or sometimes PVC, but what ever it is it is nearly always very tight and very short. Quite rightly so when you have a body and legs like his. Infact one day a client of mine commented that my Maid was the most beautiful young lady she had ever seen and asked if she had ever thought of modeling. Well I said she had not, but it did lead me to take some photographs of Andrew for myself, wearing some very kinky outfits my favourite being a stunning pale blue airhostess uniform in gleaming rubber.
 “ Do you like your gift?”, I say stroking Andrews botttom beneath the skirt maids dress as he bends over to serve
 “Yes thank you misstress”. He breathed in that kitten soft purr.
 “Do you like the way it feels?”.
 “Oh yes Mistress, so very much”
  “would you like it turned on again?”. 
The is a pause a long one. Then softly “Yes please”
 “Good girl”. I beckon Andrew to turn round before me. Gently I raise his skirt and ease those tight rubber panties aside. There before me glinting between those soft cheeks, buried in his most secret place is the tip of the plug which 6 hour earlier I had eased up into him. I had pressed him over the sink and slowly worked its wide bulb inside drawing in his sweet girlish gasps and squeals until every inch of it was swallowed. My finger touched the tip, softly hear it hum and a moment later Andrew gasps and wiggles his hips. Keeping him still I draw the panties up and lower the skirt. Motioning him to turn back to me. He dose, his legs crossed as if dying for the toilet, but with a look on his face like ecstasy its self. For a moment I just watch, and listen to his sharp hungry breaths, then leaning forward I say, “I want you to do something for me”
 “Anything Mistress”, he half sobs, still all a wriggle.
 “Play with yourself, before me”.
Andrew needed no second instruction and softly he raised his skirt with one hand and slipped the other into the already bulging panties. 
  It did not take long, the duel effect of his soft touch and the insistent humming vibration deep insde quickly turn his breath to a passionate panting. I adore this moment, I shift In my seat  and as his blue eyes fill with tears of joy and  that panting turns to sobs of pleasure, his back arches and with a gasp my beautiful nephew comes and as he dose I here him whisper his love for me. 
  I hold him until the tears stop, then with great love and tenderness ease his fingers from there heated place of  duty. They are warm and wet. Gently now I draw them to my lips, my tongue drawing in the liquid pleasure. He tastes as sweet as ever. I gaze at him now, so beautiful, so helpless. I guide his fingers from my lips to his, softly running them across, there cherry red surface, coating them richy in his cream. 
  Andrews eyes widened at the clear implication of my gesture, But I  did not need to offer instruction. Slowly ,his eyes fixed on mine, his lips part and tentatively his tongue rimmed his lips. Oh I have never seen a face melt in to ecstasy so quickly. His eyes rolled back beneath hooded lids and with a purr he released a deep moan, then to my astonishment for the second time in but a few minutes his back arched and with an even more excited squeal came. His climax rushed on for some time and I felt my darling nephew would pass out with joy, but slowly his breathing rested and I draw him into my arms, tasting his come on his lips with my own.
  “I am so sorry mistress”, he whispers .his face deep in my breast.
 “For what”, I purr, “Pleasure is nothing to be sorry for”. Gently I ease my fingers once more into those smooth latex panties and I feel his breath deepen. 
  “Thank you Auntie”. 


   Now some totally unconnected images. All of which have inspired fantasies in me and hopefully might do the same for you.
I just love the slightly uncertain look on her face.....or is that because she is really a he?

Now this is definitely a day he will remember

Holly Valance in a stunning chic pink outfit, Love the gloves

Keira in Bend it like beckham, need i say more

She just looks so ....nervous?

Some boys have all the fun.

 Just such a sleek fitting outfit and again a hint of embarrassment

and finally a little treat for non Patreon subscribers.Here is a hint of what you have been missing




  1. Another lovely collection. Impossible to tire of KK in 'Bend it Like Beckham'. I know how days to remember like that stay with you and continue to resonate.
    Nice to be reminded too of "Auntie's Plaything": a creation of beauty. Nothing really naughty just deep underlying love (and loveliness).
    And for the laggards: come on and Patreon - you know it makes sense. Think of the other recipes you might be missing!

    1. Thank you my dear S, so very glad you liked all those bits.
      As for Keira , I need say no more xx

  2. Hi Andy.
    Such a lovely, naughty story for first thing in the morning, I had to save it until later though I think I've read it before, not that I'm complaining.
    Love the selection of photos, especially the last outfit (the one before Andy playing in the birdbath...just wondering how you got out😘)
    How you can have a rest now the bank holiday Monday has finished.
    Take care, hugs xxx

    1. Hi Mandy, chance of a rest will be nice xx
      Yes. I like that tight leather outfit, perfectly fitted.
      Thank you so much my dear

  3. What a way to wake up. As if the juices were not flowing before. I have never before seen Cheerleader's in Latex. Where are those schools? Definitely not a High School . . . and those smiles. Thank you both.
    I do not have time so I must skip the story for later. perhaps after shower and candles and a glass (or two)
    of Malbec.
    As for the eight offerings at the end, who could not appreciate the oldie of Ms. Keira? However, I can appreciate the one after. yes, she does look nervous. So slim and trim, probably looking for something to eat. While hoping against hope not to stumble with such a short gait allowed by the restrictive dress.
    Thank you again for you and all of your donors.

    1. Bless you Lee, sorry to drop those Cheerleaders on you before the coffee could kick in.
      Keira will
      Never lose her appeal, so beautiful. Glad you liked all the others , hope they tickled your naughty imagination my dear friend

  4. Thanks for delicious naughty story - as always.
    As for KK and the other pictures - yummy.
    The little videos - I could watch them all day.

    1. Thank you Aidan, it is a pleasure to find these delights for you xx

  5. I got my toes done. I will show you on patron. I wish I had that hair though.
