Monday 30 August 2021

New Art. Darkness falls. The complete series

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Monday has come round
again and for those not 
lucky enough to have a 
bank holiday to relax on
here is a super new piece from
Christeen to brighten your day.

Hi everyone
   Hope you are all well. XX
Today we reach the final parts of our unplanned mini series. To make it all flow better and to add a hint of  tension to it all I have reproduced the entire series leading up the the final two pieces,Oddly for this blog the finale does not feature Andy or Jane,but I hope it clearly reveals what the story has been about and what it has set in place. 
However if it is not clear I will be back at the end to polish it up a little.
So off we go.

Andy arrives at the Sisterhood Manor the hierarchy of the Manor established.
 Maids, then Governesses, then Mistresses.

Andy finds the Governesses
un-trusting of Andy. He is not 
even one of their Maids and 
merely a guest

The Governesses use their strictest
methods to teach Andy that being a Maid of the Sisterhood is not a game.
However we also see Madame Dark 
exhibiting a secret tenderness towards one Maid. A tenderness not allowed within a Governesses makeup.

Her motives unclear,Madame 
Dark, acting on her own desires,
chooses to vindictively punish 
Andy for some unknown and 
probably un-committed misdemeanour.  
However her plans are thwarted by the rare 
intervention of the senior Mistress.

Calm having once more settled on
the Manor house Andy is collected by his beloved Aunt. However he seems rather nervous, timed even. His demeanour one of complete submission. Totally unlike the sulky young man she knew and loved.
 What had gone on? 
What had he witnessed?
The appearance of the Sisterhoods lawyer, means Andy's silence it is not to be challenged

And now for the finale.

Deep in the vaults below the Manor,Something is stirring, something is being born that will haunt Andy, Jane and even the Sisterhood for years to come.

And so we have been witness to the creation of the Dark institute, the ultra strict splinter group born of vengeance, deep within the heart of Madame Dark.
  Hope you liked this and liked the little twisted ending.


  1. Wonderful.
    I have not forgotten. Just need some writing time to finish.
    Thank you.
    S xxx

    1. Hi S and thank you , I know you have been having issues , just the idea of you writing something is exciting

  2. Hi Andy.
    I think Mistress Dark is a tiny bit upset with being punished, but how does she escape from her sexy vinyl prison, & the padded room, to be able to reap her naughty revenge???
    Hope everyone is OK. Take care, hugs xxx

    1. As they said at the end of Flash Gordon, “ The continuation is yours for the making” so as yet I have no idea but I suspect she has allies in the camp.
      All good thank you Mandy

  3. Ah-ha, am happy to finally find out the reason of what has been set in place. Will be exiting to find out how the escape goes.

    1. It’s a genuine origin story, all super villains have those.
      So glad you liked it Aidan

  4. Has Mistress Dark taken too many liberties with the help? Does absolute power corrupt absolutely? Not to her mind I would imagine. perhaps the Sisterhood thinks she needs to be taken down a peg or two, but that is fertile ground for the revenge to take root. Now she has plenty of time to plan her breakaway and whom she can trust to follow. Of course there will be underlings as spies to be left at the Manor and within the Sisterhood. Dark Days ahead, tee-hee

    1. That’s just it Lee, what will the Sisterhood do with her, rehabilitate her or sell her off as a featureless vinyl doll.
      Whatever it is I doubt Madame Dark will go quietly. She will have help from those spies and underlings you mentioned. She will not rise alone.
      Dark days indeed

  5. More of the supernatural vision in the riding habit!!!!! Very classy, very sexy, very dominant, very powerful!!! The action could center around a girl’s school/riding academy. The leather boots and jodhpur wearing equestriennes would ride past a boys military academy which is also a stud farm. Their mares would always seem to be in heat, the stallions, both human and equine, would be driven crazy with lust!!....hilarity ensues...
