Wednesday 15 September 2021

Wednesday round up

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Hi Everyone.
 Welcome to Wednesday , we will be over the hump by the end of the day so it is all down hill to the weekend from here.
 To help us on our push to the summit of the week we have.

  Two Chapters from the wonderful writings of Mandy Sweet Heart, Two this week, not because I am rushing it, but because I love it so much it seems cruel to just drip feed it to you. Plus there is a treat. for you.

By Mandy Sweet Heart
The missing Chapters part 4

Chapter Two. 
Andy watched as Ms. Lash-Buckle slowly walked through his small office without a 
word, and he waited until he heard the sound of her clicking heels drifting away as she walked down the corridor. 
He waited another thirty seconds and as there was still only silence being emitted from the hallway, he elegantly stepped towards Janes’ office door. He barely tapped the door before opening it and creeping his head through the gap, yet Jane merely smiled at him and beckoned her nephew in. “Auntie Jane, is everything alright?” Andy apprehensively asked. 
“Of course, but…” Jane said and, as it involved her nephew, she continued to tell him about the meeting; eventually she added. “So, how do you feel about spending the weekend in America with your silly old aunt?” 
Using a surreptitiously subdued voice, Andy asked. “Do you trust her, or the Sisterhood?” 
Although Jane often referred to herself as ‘his silly old auntie’, Jane instantly knew why Andy was whispering and simultaneously made a note to remind herself to call a security company so they could check the place for any listening devices, yet to Andy she said. “I don't think it's wise to trust them twice, but the offer sounds tempting and I would simply love to see you modelling a few of my lustrous latex garments, almost as much as I love seeing you glide around the office everyday.” 
“Well, as Will is away,” the tips of his fingers rested on his lips and he lowered his voice as he softly uttered, “what about your special friend?” 
‘Gosh, you had to love him,’ Jane thought as she made a mental note to remind him how much they talk about his boyfriend but she was pleased that he hadn’t mentioned Kittys’ name, and then she considered the idea that maybe they were just being paranoid, and curiously said. “What time is it Andy?” Although there was a clock on the wall, he glanced at his watch and told her what the time was. “Come on, I’ve had enough today. We can decide over a coffee.”
Rather than finding a nearby coffee shop, Jane swiftly told Andy how they were going to Slicks’. “I just want to tell kitty that we might be away for the weekend.” “I know how badly you have wanted to open a few stores in the U.S, and I’ll do it for you.” Andy chripped, as he returned to her earlier question, then added. “But I’ll only do it if you come too.” 
It took a moment or two for Jane to realise what Andy had said, and while they entered the emporium, but before they made their way to the lower floor, she replied. “I’ll be coming with you darling, and thank you for doing so much for me.” Even before stepping off the escalator, Jane spotted her friend replenishing a railing and as she quickly made her way towards her, an irritating voice that she recognised called out. “Kitty, are you wasting time again?” 
Kitty noticed Lady Jane and sighed, yet Jane gave her a seductive grin and slowly winked. “Oh what a bore! I just don’t know why I shop here any more.” Jane said loudly. “As soon as I can find a genuinely helpful member of staff, the management finds a reason to interfere!” 
“Oh, Lady Jane, I didn’t see you there. I’m very sorry.” The floor manager stated. “Is there any way I can help you?” 
Jane peered at the woman, lightly sniffed and insisted. “I doubt it, Kitty is the one I prefer having to assist me.” 
“Of course, Lady Jane,” the manager grovelled and unconsciously gave a half curtsy, “I’ll leave you two alone.” 
“How do you stand working here and with that woman?” Jane asked as the manager turned to another member of staff, then Jane giggled, “I would have throttled her by the end of the first day.” 
“I need the job.” Kitty said, then she giggled to herself. “And I love meeting people, especially when they are you.” 
Jane leaned forward and gave her a quick kiss, then she became more serious. “Kitty, darling, I can only stay a minute, I just wanted you to know that Andy and I will be going to America for a few days but I want to see you next week.” “You’ll definitely be back for Andys’ birthday, won’t you?” Kitty demanded with wide eyes, Jane nodded her head and Kitty seemed to relax and she resumed. “Wonderful, I’m looking forward to letting you handcuff me to your bed.” 
“Kitty!” Jane gasped. “I didn’t know you were like that, you always appear to be so demure.” 
Deeply blushing, Kitty stressed. “Neither did I, and I don’t want anyone else to know, but since meeting you and Andy…” Kitty felt as if her entire body was blushing, yet she wanted to tell Jane and slowly persisted. “I keep having these unimaginably naughty fantasies about you.” 
“Oh wow! I really will be back in a few days, and I want to hear all about your spicy fantasies. I’ll have the cuffs, latex sheets and the chocolate flavoured honey syrup all ready to lick off your beautiful body.” 
Kitties’ eyes began to sparkle as they grew wider, and she gasped. “I do love you Jane, but please don’t tell anyone, at least not yet, and especially anybody here.”
“Of course not my darling, and I would really appreciate it if you didn’t tell anyone where Andy and I are going,” Jane slowly licked her glossy red lips, and to add to Janes’ enthusiasm Kitty mirrored her action, then Jane continued, “and I’ll do all I can to make your erotic dreams come true.” Jane unexpectedly giggled and gave the wide eyed younger girl an additional wink. “But, I’m truly sorry, we really must go and if that woman has anything to say, just tell her I was inquiring about my order and if you ever want to leave this place, I’ll find a position that is just perfect for you.” Jane kissed her again, then quickly said. “By the way Kitty, there is nothing going on between Andy and I. Maybe if he wasn’t my beautiful nephew, but...” Rather than continue her sentence, Jane blew a kiss from her glistening red lips. 
Kitty fluttered her lashes in astonishment and was about to tell her how she might take her up on the offer to work for her, but she winced as her bashfulness stung once again, plus she unexpectedly found that Jane was walking down the aisle in search of Andy, yet Kitty silently wished her farewell.

Chapter Three. 
Although they had both imagined that Andy might have a little difficulty getting 
through customs, to Janes’ frustration he simply sailed past passport control, and from there Lady Jane found the eleven hour flight a total endurance of endless monotony. 
Despite the arduously long flight they had endured, when Jane stepped off of the plane in her red leather skirt and jacket, a top that was only secured by a single button near her navel, it looked as if she was going out to meet a few friends for an afternoon coffee, and although the man at immigration control spent an excessively extended time to allow his eyes to drift over Andys’ latex encompassed body, they cleared passport control fairly rapidly. 
With Andy wielding their overnight luggage, Jane was peering at the collection of named notices being held by smartly dressed chauffeurs and considering how easily they were accepted by customs when two young feminine looking young men approached them, the two boys were dressed in identical short sleek black latex skirts and glistening white latex blouse, yet Andy found himself admiring their seven inch dark purple needle-like stilettos. 
“Ms. Lady Jane Fullerton-Jones?” One of them smoothly inquired. With one brow raised, Jane nodded, which allowed the young man to continue. “Please forgive us for our tardiness, there was some unexpected road works that delayed us Ma’am. My name is Trixie, and this is Dixie, we come from the Sisterhood and I can drive you in the limousine or Dixie has brought the Porsche 911 Carrera, if you wish to drive yourself.” 
“I’ll drive.” Jane coldly infomed the man, yet her frigidity may have been due to the long flight. “Just give me the directions, if you please, and we will be fine?” “Of course ma’am,” both Trixie and Dixie replied harmoniously, then, as Tixie started to verbalise the directions they would need, Dixie added, “do you wish us to carry your luggage?”
“That’s okay, my nephew can manage. Come along child, don’t dawdle.” Jane giggled as Andy struggled with the five suitcases and his shoulder bag, which kept sliding around on his glossy black latex, trendsetting crop top, yet he was starting to feel delighted that his aunt had instructed him to wear his black latex leggings. 
Having reached the small sports car, Trixie made Jane aware of the preset sat-nav. “Gosh, I haven't driven a Porsche since I drove for them in La Mans.” Jane cooed as she gazed at the small vehicle before her, and Andy fought to arrange the cases in the small compartment, then, rather loudly, Jane said. “We will soon be there Andy, darling.” 
“Please Ma’am.” Dixie stressed. “I don’t know about how it works in England, but the authorities here are somewhat strict, so may I suggest that you keep below the posted speed limit?” 
“They can be so inconvenient.” Jane sighed as she pushed her refined English accent to its limit, then she climbed into the cockpit and allowed Trixie to show her the satellite navigation controls. 
When Lady Jane was sure she understood everything, in an overall show of defiance she started the six cylinder engine and gunned the accelerator, but just as she was about to leave a lengthy line of rubber on the tarmac she spotted a grey dressed official taking note of her registration and Jane quickly allowed the motor to idle before sedately easing the car away from the curb, yet Jane was pleased to see how the annoying official gave her a polite nod. 
It might have been several years since Lady Jane had graced America with her footprints but she genuinely was surprised to see how it had evolved with so many buildings. However, once she detected the road opening up, Jane spent more time glancing around her and in the rear view mirror, and without bothering to warn Andy, she promptly pushed the accelerator pedal to the cars’ floor. Immediately, Andy found himself gripping the sides of her seat yet, even through his mild discomfort, somehow he noticed the mischievous glee on Janes’ face. 
Despite the miles rushing past them in an absolute blur, the one thing that Lady Jane hadn’t realised was the way the twin-turboed German motor simply drank the fuel when it reached close to a hundred and seventy miles an hour. 
Yet Janes’ luck held as she just caught sight of a sign informing her that a rest stop was a mere five miles further down the highway. 
As the speedometer began to briskly nudge below fifty, Andy cautiously asked. “Would it be alright if I buy myself a bottle of water?” 
“Of course darling.” Jane replied and flashed him a smile. “Get me one too, just make sure your lipstick is perfect before we meet this Sisterhood.” 
Thankfully, the red 911 had hemorrhaged enough enthusiasm so that Jane could coast the car into the filling station, and as she was incompatible with doing such menial tasks as filling a tank herself, she was more than delighted to see the service station had an attendant. “Want me to fill it up with a high grade?” The attendee politely asked. 
Unfortunately, Jane had no idea what sort of fuel was needed but she told the assistant to go ahead without stepping out of the vehicle, then she watched Andy exit
the car on shaky legs and was left openmouthed at the sight of him wobbling slightly on his sharp black, six inch stilettos. However, she softly remarked. “Put this on your card Andy, just get a receipt so I can claim the cost back.” 
Jane smiled as her nephew seemed to regain his confidence in his hand stitched Loubiutins’, and as he entered the small shop she finally opened the car door to stretch her long shapely legs. 
Nonetheless, Jane was utterly dismayed at seeing Andy when he walked out of the store, she had always encouraged him to be proud of who he was and to always embrace his femininity; yet he was walking with his head bowed and even from a distance Jane could see her nephew shaking his head and mumbling to himself. 
Simultaneously, Jane watched her nephew, and though she was appalled by his conduct, she felt love for him but Jane was attentively watching the van that also drove into the services, and she was especially observant of the three men that piled out of it. 
Rather than degrade herself by raising her voice like a football yob, Lady Jane waited a moment for Andy to come closer. “Do come along child, or we shall be late for your own party.” Jane said, or to be more precise, after hearing Kitttys’ enchanting sexual fantasy, Jane wanted this thing with the Sisterhood over with and then she could concentrate on the fun she was going to have while making that dream substantial real for her, and the challenge of bring her bashful girlfriend to life. Then she added, “Have you paid?” 

“No I didn’t, ‘cause the man said, the CCTV footage of me bending over the water cooler was worth more than any fuel.” Andy groaned and raised his hand to his brow. “Hate this, it’s so embarrassing.” However, maybe it was just as well Andy could not hear the three young men talking as they talked among themselves. “Man what an arse.” The first man said, which was quickly followed by. “You see tha zip?” The third man nodded and said. “All the way round...Yeah!” 
With amazement, Jane had watched Andy walk around to the drivers side of the Porsche without saying a word, and as she needed him to start focusing on the task ahead of him, rather than berating him, she simply said. “Wrong side honey, or are you going to drive?”

To Be Continued..............

Another classic role, for which Andy auditioned, again he knocked it out the park, but still I think Jennifer Aniston  made it her own.

   Now some images created by our dear friend Shadoman and kindly donated to us as a tribute to the work of our dear Christeen  and this classic especially.

These are awesome. 
Thank you Shado XX

With The world still full of rubbish news, Apart from Emma Raducanu's awesome U.S Open win, it is nice to have the mood lightened by a glimpse of something Smooth Slick N Shiny. This time provided by BBC Breakfast presenter Naga Munchetty

Come on Sally, Please take the hint........



  1. Morning Andy, I wondered if you would recognise how I used your art..but can you spot the others??
    A nice tribute to Christeen by Shadowman, although I don't think it would be so easy pulling the trap over the wooded land.
    Hope everyone is well. Take care, hugs xxx

    1. First off thanks to Chrsiteen for giving consent for Andy to ost the images I did for her. I was going to put in some captioning but thought not to this time around as a picture is worth a 1000 words. As to pulling the cart, they are light and although it cannot been seen there is a path through the wooded area

      glad you enjoyed the images
      Regards Shadoman

    2. Oh I spotted them Mandy and could not wait to add the art. I am so happy you used them as a reference because it gives me an excuse to post them again.

  2. So much happiness while browsing your publications.

    1. Awwww that is such a sweet thing to say, thank you my dear friend

  3. Another box of Treats or should that be Revels with such a delightful assortment. Great work by all.
    S xxx

    1. or another ancient reference, A Peakfreans family assortment LOL
      Thank you my dear S

    2. Ho, ho! A Cracker Barrel of delights. Or would that be too cheesey?

    3. Cracker barrel? nope now you lost me LOL XXXXX

  4. Quite a variety of offerings this morning. One more fascinating than the previous.
    I think Ms. Munchetty has her Hummingbird set a bit too high for a stint on the sofa.
    It is a wonder how she failed the audition, or at least came in a close second. Of course, Ms. Aniston
    owned that part, and made it her own over the years.
    As for me, it is the Pony Set. From introduction through almost full regalia. Well it is a start to acclimate the beast to her new station. The tail seems a but low, but the plugged on will soon be introduced. While the chastity harness fills double duty. The boots may get some getting use to, but the blinders keep her focused on the tedium ahead. A beautiful outfit to get comfortable (?) with her situation and surroundings. Easily controlled with the arms bound as well. Just focus on the path several meters ahead.

    1. Lee

      I do enjoy doing PonyGirl art and when I commented on a certain image of Christeen's she said she would love to see my interpetation in 3D
      form so I did a grouping. I love those boots and my only regret is they come without horseshoes, Now what is a pony without his or her tail... Now one thing I did consider was to have Chris's chastity inside or outside the latex uniform. I opted for inside this time around I am so fortunate to have a 3D text model that resembles the stage 4 Chris and maybe if Christeen gives the word I can do a few more, But tributes are what they are, and would never overcrowd the original artist work.

      Thanks for your kind words Shadoman

    2. I hope you will overlook my misspelling. Two, I think. Every time I fail to proof a couple slip by.
      You are a true talent and your interpretation on the theme is a pleasure to behold. I wonder how long it was from start to finish. From Chris to a stunning filly. A Pony with a ponytail to his tail. Maybe a bit if a starvation diet (with hormones) to get him into the basic uniform, then accessories.

    3. I think we have to admit Jennifer Aniston wins out there. Glad you like Naga, she was actually suggested to me by S.
      You are right about Shado's art, it is very vert good

    4. Lee

      3D art can be complicated at first but I have been doing this since 2004. so to answer your question, the whole set took perhaps 5 hours as with 3D art you do not have to start from scratch for each panel. Once you have you models set, you can simply repose the figure ad props like the neck to wrist restraint. Backdrops are just as easy and in this case the two backdrops were already created and ready to use. The hard part is posing the characters and getting the lighting just right and depending on the set, characters and lighting the rendering process can take anywhere from 15-45 minutes however I have had sets where I start rendering at 11 PM go to bed and it is just wrapping up at 6 in the morning.. Maybe I will post a little how work is created in 3D for Andy to post and show you how a image is created from start to finish.

      Regards Shadoman

    5. Thank you for all of your work and the tribute.

  5. A lovely Wednesday roundup of treats. xx

    Pity Andy didn't get the role after a splendid audition but Jenifer does win out. There's always the reboot.

    Shadoman's tributes, really are fab!

    MSH, love the chapters, those cheeky boys should get a little slap from Jane before they get the courage to slap Andy's arse, the car is just perfect too.

    1. Aiden

      Thanks for the kind words

      regards Shadoman
