Monday 13 September 2021

New Art. The Time Turner

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It is Monday and
that means a super lovey
new piece from the creative
mind of Christeen.
Pop on over the enjoy
the complete image.

Hi Everyone
    Hope you are all well XX
 So I have time to start posting this little series, from the Lady Jane Adventures. However instead of concentrating on the cover as usual, here are 7 pages from the comic itself.
  It was first posted over on Patreon about a month ago, so if you want to get this stuff in advance that really is the place to go.
    I will post this over the next two weeks so it won't drag on and then we will be back to the world of Andy and Aunt Jane for more sweet tales of feminisation.
  Ok, as I said these are pages from the classic Lady Jane Adventures Comic and we join Lady Jane and her whip smart, but peril prone, nephew/assistant Andy at the midway point of a story battling the twisted Time Turner.

   So roll up your sleeves it is time to strap on that six shooter and join Lady Jane as she battles the enemies of Queen and country in. ...........Victory of The Time Turner.




  1. Hi Andy.
    Has someone been messing around with the circuits of time, and is that who I think it is, the poor person cocooned in latex?
    Lovely art, I like Janes' hair, but surely she doesn't need a wig?
    Hope you are well, hugs xxx

    1. That is a dangerous power the time Turner wealds Mandy and perhaps it is our favourite beauty trapped by that power.
      As for Janes hair, it is how she wears it in this alternate universe, perfect for one with a six shooter on her hip

  2. It's not often we see Aunt Jane bested but there comes a time, or rather a Time Turner. She has to surrender poor Andy to his fate. He's always had his Auntie, now he meets his own Mummy. Poor Andy.

    Never mind. He may eventually get his consolation when he is finally freed and returns to her. As you said in your introduction, "it is time to strap on". Let's hope, for Andy's sake, it is.

    S xxx

    1. Bested? Only briefly, but maybe it is Andy himself who has the answer, as for strapping things on, we’ll that is another story LOL

  3. Andy? Sorry to bring this up, but you mention 7 pages and I only see 4 panels?

    1. Patience dear Sylvain, the rest will be posted next week.
      Yes it is a tease, it is also a stalling action to allow me to create more art LOL

  4. Hello my dearest friend it has been to long since I enjoyed your art and your words. For reasons I will tell you soon in a long over do email. I will say life has been especially hard as of late. Anyways on to why we are here and that is to see this comic/story unfolding. Our hero who is looking incredible beautiful in that white latex blouse and black skirt has stumbled on to something that has left him speechless. You like to leave us guessing but I will throw my opinion into the ring. I think its Andrew but in saying that....will that change the future? For if Andrew knows he is going to be taken then doesn't that change the future or by changing the f or does that branch off and make an alternate reality? So then if it is Andrew is it the Andrew from the past or Andrew from a different reality. Or this doesn't change anything and they use this to set a trap for the time turner. Or its not Andrew and in which case everything I said is meaningless..........hmmmm Very interesting indeed. Also im loving aunt janes pants and hair style. Definitely makes her more shoot first ask questions later type of lady. I love it my dear friend your imagination and creative are always enjoyable to watch and read. Talk to you soon

    1. Hello my dear friend
      Well I think you managed to confuse yourself there, but you are on the right track and if that is Andy and this time he knows what will happen he must be able to alter events. However we then have the issue of ,If Andy does not do as he has always done, that will send ripples throughout the timeline effecting everyone else around him.
      t's a complex beast this time business. I'd just sit back a watch the action.
      Glad you like the "Action" Jane, A genuine female Heroine , Mature, strong, smart and sexy

  5. So sorry I missed these yesterday, a lot of running around. I wish I were getting ready for the coming Holidays and Birthdays and such. If Andrew did find himself in the cocoon, how many others are also him?
    I do look forward to him getting dressed as a cheerleader and set out as a trap. It was nice to review the panels from Patreon and link them to your wonderous story. I for one like the obvious wig that Lady Jane has chosen as her style. Perhaps the better to slip unnoticed once the white is removed and replaced by another style and color. To match her outfit, of course.

    1. Hi Lee
      Hope you have found time to calm and not rushing about so much. Yes you saw these over on Patreon, but I am so happy you took the time to comment here too and now they are posted here, perhaps the story will continue with Andy in that cheerleaders outfit.
