Wednesday 6 January 2021

Wednesday round-up and The return Mistress LeatherBeth

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Hi Everyone
  It's the Wednesday round up, back on Wednesday, but also back with the latest in the wonderful story "Fun in the Village" , By Mistress LeatherBeth.
 However this being round up Wednesday, I have included a few little bits and bobs, prior to the main feature.
  First is another selection of Re-Face Gifs, once you get the hang of the right form and quality you can have some serious fun.
Here we find two examples of our Andy in the states, back on the interview circuit.

  I shared this with some friends on Twitter the other day, It is short but super cute and shows the sweet effect of a hummingbird, set on gentle mode.

                                               "Mmmm That's exceptional"

Then we have this clip, from a German shopping channel, illustration the problem/delight of wearing quality Vinyl Pants. Those of you lucky enough to have worn such a sleek and sexy garment will totally understand.

That reminds me, ever since you tube dropped my channel lots of video clips on my blog have gone too, so I will have to re post them with my new account.

   Any way enough of me, Lets get on the the star of the show. The next part of Fun in the Village.
This follows on from here.
and is entitled " The Extravaganza"  and believe me, it is.

So, with a huge thank you to Mistress LeatherBeth, here we go.

The Extravaganza - Chapter 1
Mistress LeatherBeth

It was a Thursday afternoon during what was proving to be a long and idyllic summer, and Will was strolling along the corridor from the kitchen as Jane reached the bottom of the stairs.

“You got those bits and pieces that I requested from the village shop?” she asked. 

“Everything put away,” he replied. “And I also found this. It had been slid under the kitchen door.” He handed Jane an envelope which she opened.

“My, my” she said, after reading the card inside.

“An invitation, by the look of it,” said Will. “An invitation, indeed.” said Jane. “We are ‘cordially’ invited to a ‘HotHouse Extravaganza’ at The Grange on Friday week, 7 o’clock onwards. Well, well, an extravaganza. How… how fascinating.”

Will thought. “The Grange? Isn’t that the modern detached house on Strawberry Lane?”

“That’s the one,” said Jane. “Izzy and George Cooper’s place.”

“The Coopers? You mean, with the new ‘garage’?”

“I do believe they have extended their parking facilities recently, yes,” replied Jane. “and look at this. A dress code! ‘Excessively Informal.’ Now, what on earth does that mean, I wonder?”

“If these are the Coopers that Kat was telling us about a couple of weeks ago, I suspect that ‘Excessively Informal’ is code for ‘Kinky’, said Will.

“You think so? Amazing. But that could be a problem. I mean, I wouldn’t have the first idea as to where to acquire anything remotely ‘kinky’,” said Jane.

For a second Will was dumbfounded. Then he remembered Jane’s penchant for deadpan humour. She didn’t exhibit it very often, but that made it all the more effective when she did.

“I’d imagine you could get away with anything, Aunt Jane. You’ve been looking for an opportunity to give an airing to your newest pair of Freddys and Loubou boots, haven’t you? Or your strapless, backless, super low-cut, side-slit-to-the-waist ice blue latex evening gown.”

“You may be right, Will. You don’t think they’re too plain, do you?”

“Not at all,” said Will, almost hiccupping with the humour of the idea that Jane could ever be plain.

“Very well, the evening gown it is. And I’ve just had an idea for Andy,” she added. “He’s a trained maid. I could offer his services to Izzy Cooper. It’s been weeks since he spent a few hours in domestic service. I’m sure he’d jump at the chance.”

“It’s certainly an idea,” said Will. “I’m sure the two of you will have a great time,” he said.

“But, Will, dear, you’ll be coming too,” replied Jane.

“I not sure that it’s really my sort of thing,” said Will.

“Nonsense,” replied Jane, “a handsome young man like you can fit in anywhere. And you don’t want to be separated from Andy for too long, do you. I’m sure the pair of you will be able to get some time together during the evening.”

“We…ell, I’ll see what Andy says. We might be able to sort something out.”

“Yes, I’m sure you will. There, I’m glad that’s sorted.” said Jane, in an emphatic tone that left Will in no doubt that he would, indeed, be joining the local kinkerati at The Grange on Friday week. As she turned away, meanwhile, Jane grinned to herself. She really shouldn’t have teased poor Will like that, but sometimes she just couldn’t help herself. Hopefully she could get in a couple of shots on Izzy Cooper at this event, if not before.

This same Izzy was making a call. “Clive? Yes, it’s me. Just shut up and listen. Tanya told you about Friday week? You’re to arrive with your girls no later than 5, so that there’s plenty of time to prepare. Any problems, and Tanya and I will make your miserable existence ten times worse than it is already. OK?” She ended the call abruptly.

A few minutes later, Chloë, having delivered almost all of the village invitations that Madame Stella had tasked her with distributing, called into the Fullerton Arms to check in with Kat or JoJo, to see if either were on duty. She found JoJo behind the bar, painting his nails alternately purple and green whilst flirting with Bert, the oldest customer, who had more visible nostril hairs than teeth and who seemed to survive on a diet of scrumpy, pickled eggs and pork scratchings. Kat, meanwhile, was on her way from the dining room to the kitchen.

“Chlo!” What brings you out this way?” she asked,

“Just delivering some invitations for a HotHouse event at The Grange, a week on Friday,” she replied.

“Yes, I heard about that. A customer mentioned it earlier. So, you’ve brought us ours?”

“Actually, no. But I picked up a couple of blanks on my way out and, given the amount that you and Carmel spent on your first visit, I’m sure it was just an oversight. I’ll fill them in now. Or would you prefer to gatecrash?”

“Personally, I’d be a happy crasher,” said Kat, “but I think that Carmel and JoJo would prefer to keep their entrance low key, and just use the event to get to know a few more local pervs. I suspect that the vicar is just about the only local not on the guest list, sweetheart though he is.”

The subject was still on Will’s mind that afternoon as he and Andy lay in each other’s arms after a little Afternoon Delight.

“Has Aunt Jane said anything to you about the invitation to The Grange on Friday week?” asked Will.

“The Grange?”

“Strawberry Lane, The Cooper’s place.”

“The Coop…? You mean…?”

“Yes, those Coopers.”

“OK, erm, no, she hasn’t.”

“Dress code: Kinky. It sounds like it might be something to drum up business for HotHouse. Also, Aunt Jane has had the idea that perhaps she should ought to offer her trained maid (that’s you), to the Coopers to help things go smoothly.”

“What? Me? I mean, but it’s been so long since I performed service.”

“But you do want to, don’t you?”

“O, Will, I do. My maid training was when Aunt Jane first showed me the girl within. It brings back such happy memories, even if I was permanently embarrassed at the time. O, Will, you don’t mind, do you?”

“Mind? How could I possibly mind? It was Andy the pretty, sexy maid, that I first fell in love with.” Will smiled, then leaned across to nuzzle Andy’s neck and let his hands wander. Andy closed his eyes, allowing himself to be overwhelmed by Will’s strong masculinity. Sky rockets in flight.

“Isobel, darling? Jane Fullerton-Jones here. I’m just ringing to thank you for the invitation to your leettle event on the 19th. We accept, of course, and we’re all looking forward to it immensely. I was just thinking, though. It’s going to be a great deal of work for you. Perhaps you would like to borrow my nephew, Andy, to help you on the day? He’s a trained maid, and I’m sure he’d be a great help. Naturally, I know that you have Belinda to perform all of your most menial jobs, but you know what they say about many hands, and Andy is both efficient and highly decorative. Really? O, good. I’ll drop Andy off at the Grange at 2pm. on Friday week? What? A run through before then? Fair enough. Wednesday, 3pm, was it? I’ll make sure that he’s as shiny as possible. See you then.”

Jane somehow managed to slide her phone into what passed as the back pocket of today’s pair of Freddys (burgundy) and set off upstairs to give Andy the good news. Even before she’d reached the bedroom door, however, she could pick up the sounds of Andy and Will.

“My, my,” she thought, “Andy and Will sound as though they’re being truly, erm…truly compatible. Perhaps now isn’t quite the right time to disturb them.” With that, she made a mental note to tell Andy about his appointment the following Wednesday, and went back downstairs, smiling.

To Be Continued.......................


  1. Another totally enjoyable installment from Mistress LeatherBeth! If the previous story is anything to go by, I'll refrain to imagine where this one will lead, as I was surprised a few times.

    And Andy, I agree with you: it is impossible to remain unnoticed when wearing PVC pants. But they feel so good on oneself!

    1. Hi Sylvain.
      You have to be confident to wear them, you know you will get the eye and in my case the hand, right on my left cheek in a bar....Nice XXX

  2. Interesting vinyl pants. I cannot even imagine, though I had leather in my younger /slimmer days.
    I really like the first three gifs. I went a bit crazy trying to figure out who she is. There is a bit of you, but is there Emma and Kiera as well? Any who, she is a cutie. Perhaps some new up and coming Disney icon to be.
    Looking forward to the next chapter when I can get through the entirety in one sitting.

    1. Another beautiful and intriguing ending. Both with Andy and Will as the Love-birds behind closed doors and the possibility of Andy's debut and practice session at The Cooper's.

    2. Leather is hot, but my goodness PVC is just insane XX
      There is a bit of Emma Lee and yes a bit of Keira and oh yes a nice drop of Andy and......and i little touch of...... me XXXXX

  3. Wow the bits n bobs n gifs are great fun.
    Mistress Leatherbeth, a wonderful chapter. I was hanging on every word so thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I am sure I’m not the only who wishes to be at extravaganza.

    1. Until some years ago, I was regularly attending both the NorthBound Leather store annual party in Toronto and the Saturday big event of the Montréal Fetish Weekend (time constraints have precluded me from attending since then), and I can tell you that the "vibe" (feeling, atmoshpere, gestalt, or whatever you want to call it) given off by 2500 to 5000 fetish partygoers can't be matched by anything else. The same can be said of small dungeon events (as seems to be implied in the story) where everyone instinctively adopts a certain level of formality, partly because of the intimate atmoshpere, partly because you will meet the other attendees in regular life and you want them to remember you as a decent person, partly because everyone has made an effort to dress up and live up to the image they're projecting with those clothes (yes, clothes really do make the person); that doesn't mean that the event can't be fun and enjoyable, quite the contrary! A really large event is something that one must experience at least once in their life. And I have found over the years that those frequent play parties can be an excellent remedy for the blues of humdrum everyday life. If you haven't already, I wish you to experience both once the present global situation resolves itself.

  4. I'm so glad my little effort has pleased people. I hope you all enjoy the coming twists and turns.

    Mistress Beth

  5. Fabulous start to The Extravaganza.
    And the ReFace gifs are glorious. (But could they be otherwise?)
    Your S xxx

  6. Skinnie dear

    I think that, during 'Fun in the Village', you asked for more about Izzy and George. Your wish will be granted in Chapter 2.

    Mistress LeatherBeth
