Sunday 3 January 2021

New Art. The Chamber of Horrors

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A super peek at an
upcoming piece by
the wonderful Christeen.

Hi Everyone
   So we have seen Andy all feminine and girly over the past few weeks,be it in a sweet fairy costume or nearly naked but for a pair of nude Louboutins. So now it is time to see him once again in action mode, blasting off the year to battle deadly and often kinky foes, in the 25th Century.
  I previewed this a few weeks ago on Patreon and it got the imaginations ticking, But today we have it in it's full and complete splendor.
  Once again I will add the ideas and comments from Patreon, because I think they add so much fun to the piece.
  So strap it on (No...the rocket pack...naughty) and blast off with Andy in the 25th Century, where the ultimate trap may be about to close.
  I have added a few more panels as a treat. I was not intending to do so, as the piece is not entirely finished yet, but i thought I would tease you a little. Also it added a cliffhanger feel to it.
  Take care, a million thanks and big hugs 

As promised, here are the Patreon comments

Skinnie S
Oh dear!  If Commander Watson isn't careful he's going to be trapped, captured, encased and stored alongside members of his crew in the Fertility Hive.   This time there'll be no Aunt Jane to rescue him.  But perhaps that nice new ship's doctor might be able to assist?
Lovely work and can't wait for the full installment.  Happy Christmas. 
Your S xxxx

Aidan O’Rourke
Oh my, those pink latex little outfits are gorgeous. Hope Miss Galaxy is ok. She may need to spend time recovering in the vac room. 

Beautiful work in both. It would seem Cmdr Andy has a new uniform and headgear in the first. A very becoming color, and I thought they were cat ears instead of communication devices, at first glance. I hope the uniform protects well against the fog. 

Robyn Stephens
 reminds me of Isaac Asimov from the Foundation trilogy where someone has to guess which robot is the naughty one in a group of many robots. 
I am a si fi fanatic but its been years since I read lots of that stuff, put my time into being girly since. 
Love the pose and the outfit. like OH its too much to find her, what shall I do fiddle de de.


  1. Oh dear! It seems my earlier comments have come true. Although it's good to know that Colonel Deering has finally emerged, this is terrible news for the Commander. Our beloved leader of Sissy Squad has been trapped by a scheming adversary and her stun gun has left him unable to resist the slime squirting and
    oozing from others already encased in the Fertility Hive.

    The slime will dissolve his uniform and bond with his skin to provide an impermeable but flexible layer. Before it darkens and hardens, he will be fitted with a breathing and feeding tube, and a catheter and bulbous excretion probe for waste, pleasure and breeding purposes. After all, the Hive drones need to be kept healthy and functional.

    Before his casing finally sets, the Commander will be winched into position and bands and manacles will secure him in position, another drone clamped to the Hive wall. Only when he's anchored and braced and his new skin has finally set will he start to come round from the stunning he received at the hands of his brutal opponent. And only then will he find the full the cruelty of her actions.

    Not only is his beauty hidden forever, but he is now just another anonymous clone in the Mucozoid Hive. He can never be found. He can see nothing. He can only hear the thrum of the feeding and breathing tubes and feel the throb of the reproduction equipment. The tube filling his mouth prevents speech. He cannot move of his own volition, although the subtle cunning of the Mucozoids means that the manacles and pinions of the Hive wall move every few minutes to maintain muscle tone of their Drones and allow reproduction to proceed. He is just another Drone, toiling in the Mucozoid Hive.

    The Mucozoid reproduction cycle is short lasting only 6 hours. The start of the cycle is designed to keep the Drones happy and content. After a short feed of nutrient rich ambrosia, each Drone’s rear probe starts to hum and vibrate. The Drone cannot resist the excitement and squirms with pleasure within the confines of his entombment. (And they are all ‘he’. The Mucozoids know that human males never get to experience the full pain and pleasure of reproduction so this is their gift to them.) After twenty minutes of stimulation, the probe expels a strong, warm jet of slime filled with Mucozoid eggs filling the Drone’s rectum and passing into the lower bowel. These meet with Mucozoid sperm that has happily been swallowed and ingested as regular squirts from Drone’s feeding tube. The sperm has been nourished as it travels through the Drone and is wriggling and active and ready to fertilise the eggs. Once fertilised, cell reproduction is rapid. The lower intestine provides a nutrient rich environment for each egg to grow into little oval pebbles about an inch in diameter. The drone has to pass these painfully from his colon into his rectum before they become little hatchlings that excrete slime and slither out through the Drone’s anal probe. When all are clear, the Drone’s rear is flushed and the cycle begins again.

    The Cycle of Life and the cycle of perpetual pleasure and torment for the Drones. The Mucozoids know that in earlier centuries, the humans kept battery hens. They don’t consider the process cruel. The Drones are kept fed and regularly pleasured. It’s in the Mucozoids interests to keep them healthy. There’s none of the silliness of other Alien life forms where incubation occurs in the chest. They see their Hives as a process of perfect symbiosis rather than destructive parasitism. The humans ought to be grateful. After all, their Hives remove unnecessary human males from the galaxy and give purpose to their lives, while allowing female humans to take the lead and enjoy themselves.

    So, the Commander is going to be trapped in an incessant cycle of pleasure and pain, and become an agent in furthering the Mucozoid horde. What will become of him? Let’s hope his headset earpieces picked up that final conversation with his adversary before the slime deactivated them.

    Lovely work, as ever.
    Your S xxxx

    1. Crumbs, what a super vignette, a different slant on what I had in mind, but that is what I live about sharing my art, it often comes back to me with a whole new life.
      Thank you my dear S, this is superb as ever.
      I feel my meagre reply doesn’t do your skill justice, but I want you to know I love and appreciate it enormously.
      Thank you so much for the time and talent you brought to this.

  2. Oh no ! The Commander has fallen victim to the trap set by his adversary, Selina.
    Is it possible that he will become just another drone to be, set onto the wall, just one of many?
    How will he ever be found when he looks like all of the others?
    Perhaps Colonel Deering will return the favor and save our heroine,
    or the Sissy Squad will breach the compound and save the Commander and the others who have not succumbed too much to the conversion.
    Oh my, yet again.

    1. I don’t, know how this is going to go, but I know I will tune in next week (or whenever) for the next instalment
      I can imagine the Colonel has payback to deliver on Selina and will have Andy’s team as loyal backup.
      Thank you Lee, you are on top for as ever

  3. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

    As Andy (Captain Andrew Watson, RRS) went down he smiled to himself. As he had suspected, the evil Princess Selina did not know about the Royal Regiment of Sissies' Latex Uniform Packs (LUPs). The were completely bullet proof and zap proof. He also noticed out of the corner of his eye that the integral heels in the LUP were higher than the modest 5 inch heels sported by the Princess. He lay prone and waited for the Princess to advance into the narrow corridor confident that the cavalry, in the form of Stevie and his platoon, would be arriving very soon and the Princess would be the one trapped. All in a day's work and no make-up spoilt!

    Love and XXXX


    1. Oh Stevie, I think you and Lee have got it spot on, but it is how far Andy has been taken that will decide the outcome of this battle, but no doubt Stevie will be leading Andy’s elite team in to action. Love the little heel details given Dom Andy’s perspective.
      As ever your smart and delightful imagination comes though.
      Thank you so much

    2. Thank you for the nod, Andy.
      I do like Stevie's thoughts. I can imagine him/her bursting in and saving the day with his henchwomen/Sissies as backup. Now that would be a picture. Like old-timey war comics. I do hope none have a well worn cigar hanging from their glossed lips.

    3. You are welcome my friend. I already have the image in my head, a classic all action image, with lots of posing thrown in.

  4. Gorgeous in high def as always. Now I’m really really happy to glimpse Selene. I think Andy will be ok, why though, I just can’t put my finger on it.

    1. Why would Andy be ok?, wink wink, Think you could be right Aidan, we'll just have to wait and see how. after all it took 3 years for Han Solo to be rescued LOL xxx

    2. Wink wink, I usually not great at predictions, wink wink, but don’t make us wait 3 years, I know you won’t, 3 weeks LOL xxx

    3. No pressure then. LOL XXXX

  5. Has Andy bitten off more than he can chew? Will his nemesis finally get the upper hand? The story could take off in many directions from here. The next chapter would have to involve Colonel Deering, of course.

    To paraphrase an old television show: stay tuned next week, same sissy-time, same sissy-channel.

    1. It's pure Flash Gordon (I will forever thank my Dad for sitting me down and getting me to watch the old republic serials)
      Andy always has it under control, but maybe this time he will need just a little help.
      Thank you Sylvain
