Friday 20 December 2019

New Art. Dec' the Halls with bells and Andy

Hi Everyone
  Time for a Christmas special, I wanted to get this out a little early, just in case you were going away, and i did not want you to miss it.
 Well I never intended this to get this big and to be honest I was happy when I was finished, but I wanted to do a Christmas piece of Christmas art but with a difference, not sexy Santa, or helpless Elf, something that only Jane and the people at Boy? could come up with. It also features for the first time, StrangeQuirk Laboratories, a company we will be hearing more of in the future.
  Not fitting into any particular time line outside of the obvious,this really has all you need in the art and text, all 9 pages of it!  10 if you count the double spread.
 Hope you enjoy and I might have a little to say at the end

Hello again
   Well I hope I was right, you won't see too many Nutcraker sissies this year, especially ones melt wrapped.
Originally I had drawn the outfit as just that a cute Nutcracker soldier but then I had the idea of moulding Andy into part of the decorations to Janes big house and so it developed into this all in one melted on suit. It had to be in vinyl, A) because it was shrink wrap and  B) because it would give Andy thatt ultra smooth, permanently shiny and semi-rigidity needed to become an cute decoration.
  I would like to thank our friend Dr Strangequirk for allowing me to us his name and I believe our very own intrepid reporter Amanda Keira is paying the ;Laboratories a visit soon, so maybe we will find out more next time I hear from her, over there in the US.
  I will be back before Christmas, with a little Christeen, but until then


  1. Wow! You have truly outdone yourself with this set of panels. You are a talent with skill and focus beyond words.
    As always I made it to the third before being called away, but my mind is a whirl. Did he actually walk out like that? Way it a stiff stick soldier walk? More importantly, where is the string at the top of his head to hand this delightful bauble on the tree?
    Inquiring mind's want to know.

    1. Oh gosh you are sweet Lee, thank you so much for your kind words.Xx
      Yes Andy can walk as you described, with very ridged and squeaky steps. Though if he does need to walk further, the cleaver re-melt areas around his joints to be softened to allow easier movement. It’s all in the science.
      The Andy bauble is free standing, a optional base is on offer.
      Never lose your inquiring mind, I like finding the answers.

    2. I guess that it is better than being wheeled out on a handcart. he must be a sight in motion. Something cute you just want to help out, if one could get close enough with his Aunt about.
      Again, no shortage of admirers, to help polish, of course.
      Wishing you a wonderful Holiday Season and all of its Days.
      I am sure that you have been good.

    3. You are so right, I can't imagine Andy in a hand cart Lee, i think that would be very undignified.
      I have tried to be good, not always paid off, but I sure ain't done nothing bad.
      Merry Christmas my friend

  2. And a very merry Christmas to you, Andy.
    That was such fun, thank you.
    I'm sure the lovely ornament is going to enjoy being on display for his aunt, or though I can see he has is highly upset upon hearing that he will be unable to climax.
    Lady Jane must really be looking forward to her unwrapping her nephew in year, such fun she will have playing with him.
    Amazing how this wonderful gift is available at such a low price, Andy.
    Wishing you a sticky holiday, big Xmas hug Mandy, xxx

    1. You think the suit is a little too cheap Mandy? I shall have a word with the marketing department.
      Thank you as ever you are very kind and it is so nice when the details are noted, Andy doesn’t look desperately disappointed and will be on the edge for a long while, but Jane will comfort him. I expect she will be unable to resist unwrapping him before 12th night. She will miss her play thing to much and is making her plans for the new year as we speak.
      Christmas wishes to you too

    2. I'll have to get my order in before you talk to the marketing department, just to get next years display ready you understand. But I can't decide on the lovely Elf or sweet Miss Claus, it all makes it so hard.
      Will they be bringing out a cute Easter bunny too?
      I still think that Andy, with his closed eyes & open lips in frame 9, looks slightly aghast at the idea. Still as you say, Jane will give him plenty of comfort. xxx

    3. Please do not forget options for Halloween as well. He should be able to hand out candy.

    4. How very naughty of you, Lee. After this years delightful little treat, what would you suggest? xx

    5. The mind boggles. So much so that my coffee is cold.
      Something to let his beauty shine through and the Witch has been done.
      Tough call. An Angel perhaps? Not too Angelic though. A bit naughty.
      The thoughts imagine when covered in Latex.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Mm, such a hard question Lee, something naughty and not to angelic.
      I'm sure some of Janes' guest must experience the odd palpitation on meeting Andy, so maybe a naughty nurse might come in handy. Or at least Andy could look very elegant in his sexy uniform while Lady Jane (wearing a strict matrons uniform) remains unflustered and takes control.😷
      Hope the second coffee didn't go cold!
      Hugs Mandy xx

    8. Heavens above, more detail spotting, yes Andy is a little uncomfortable about the idea.
      Now If you use the code kissmybottom on your future order Mandy, you will get a special discount, whether it be the classic Christmas collection or as you and Lee have been discussing, any future style or design. The bunny is being moulded now.
      Hope you got that coffee Lee

  3. oh wow, what a christmas gift you gave us!
    I'm going to re-read it every day during the holidays. What a pleasure, what a fantastic fantasy.
    I couldn't resist checking the "mistress-shop-tv" website if it was for real. Oh, I wish it was!
    thank you very much, Andy
    and enjoy the holidays

    1. Aybe I should register mistress-shop-tv before anyone else does, could be on to a winner.
      Thank you Paloma, you are so kind. This was a work of passion and I am so happy you liked it. Happy re-reading

  4. Merry Christmas Andy.latex, oh gosh, those panels the story, the detail and excitement building, then leaving more to the imagination when he is released after 12 days, absolutely lovely.

    1. Hi Aidan, I very much doubt Jane will be able to resist opening her little plaything early, she has plans that can’t wait.
      Thank you so much, I am glad to be able to fill your imagination with naughtiness
      Best wishes

  5. You have outdone yourself Andy! The perfect Christmas gift to your followers!

    1. Thank you Kitka, more fuel for your imagination?

    2. Twelve days standing to attention beneath Aunt Jane's tree? As wonderful as that idea is I fear the scenario's far beyond my skill to re-create!

    3. There is an awful lot of detail there i must admit

  6. OMG! Something to fill my Christmas dreams. *giggle*
    I do so love your work and with this you have given us all a beautiful gift.
    Hope you have the Christmas you wish for and that the new year brings you everything you need to make you happy.

    1. Bless you and thank you Emma, that is very kind of you. I could wish for more, but I have all I need for a good Christmas.
      Hope your own treat is found in your stocking

  7. well in the spirit of the season I guess we can all agree that Andy's nuts are definitely being cracked and crushed.. Fa la la la la… and all that stuff. beware of all the gooey cream filling when you decide to unwrap him... hopefully by New Years

    Holiday greetings from Shadoman

    1. Well as part of the Christmas spirit I had intended for him to be Chocolate coated beneath his wrapping.
      A tasty New Years treat
      And merry Christmas

  8. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

    Amazing. You have absolutely surpassed yourself. Andy will really be the centre of attention in this outfit. The detail is incredible; I love the bit about the boot laces (you know me and boots!). I assume the boots have very high heels. Just one point, surely Aunt Jane will want to show him off in the other outfits? The fairy and Miss Santa sound delectable.

    Have a wonderful Christmas

    Love and XXXX


    1. Perhaps Jane will have to make do with showing her friends the catalogue in which Andy modeled all the styles for a photoshoot.
      Glad you liked the boots, when a bit crazy on the details, but I like the details.
      Bless you for your kind words and Merry Christmas

  9. A delight. I just hope the entrapped and encased Andy meets someone nice in the Four Realms. Maybe our interpid reporter's namesake?
    Take care.
    Your S xxx

    1. Ha Haaa! Yes the beautiful Sugar plum fairy, might be waiting for him, what a special treat that would be

  10. Hi Andy

    What a lovely story to end the year. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years.


    1. Hi Erika, bless you and thank you. Best wishes to you

  11. A truly epic effort. A real Christmas treat for us all. Am so in love with Jane

    1. Thank you so much and She is rather lovely isn't she Andy

  12. Thank you for your art and blog - wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - love nikky xx

    1. Hi nikky, Thank you so much, you are very kind. Hope to keep you entertained for a while yet

  13. 'Am so in love with Jane'

    Oh, I'm sure every one of us here is!

    1. Jane has many admirers, but she would love you all in return
