Tuesday 24 December 2019

Christmas with Christeen

Hi Everyone
  As promised, here are 3 lovely images from the wonderful mind of our dear friend Christeen.
 Now I know it is late in the day, but maybe these will lift your spirits when we return after a little break.
Thank you all for your support, friendship and naughtiness over the last year. Please accept my very best wishes and  A very happy Christmas XXXX


  1. Queenofmyworld0211@gmail.com24 December 2019 at 21:55

    Thank you for all the time and love you put into your blog. It’s nice to have a place to go when life is not being as nice as you would like. Always be the wonderful loving Amanda/Andy we have all come to know over the years. Hoping this season finds you surrounded in love and wrapped in the warm embrace as only latex can. Wishing you nothing but the very best this Holiday season. May it be wonderful, spectacular, glittery, squeaky, rubbery, and smooth as possible.

  2. Well said, Queen! Merry Christmas and a big thank you to everyone behind this little corner of the net of ours. Thank you Andy for finally, it seems, providing Christeen with the bandwidth she deserves - I know that's been a sticking point for her over the years thanks to her popularity. Christeen, thank you for still going strong for nearly 20 years, you continue to outdo yourself and I always look forward to your new entries. I love your entries, it's a toss up between 1 and 2 as my favorite, but number 3 captures the mood this evening, where I write you after finally finishing (most) of my hosting duties. Whew. Christeen gave me the gift I really wanted :) -Kim

    1. Thank you Kim, I hope to continue going strong. Have a nice holiday.

  3. Chris look like a perfect Christmas ornament (pic 3). I wonder which one would get the most attention, would it be Chris wearing such a delectable dress or Andy in his hugging soldier boy suit?
    Hope Chris had a lovely afternoon shopping for shoes, it sounds as if the assistant will really enjoy teasing him while helping his Mistress select the right pair.
    Thanks for all the wonder art you give us, & wishing everyone a lovely day. Hope you all find something nice in your stockings.
    Big hug Mandy, xxx

  4. Thank you Mandy. I wrote the wrong comment on #2, but oh well. I think soldier boy would attract the most attention as a real boy wonder.

    1. Hi, I love think the comment you wrote is just perfect.
      As for attracting the most attention, it would be fun teasing them both equally.
      Hugs xxx

  5. Thank you to Christeen and Andy for hosting and posting wonderful works and thought provoking captions and stories. Wishing you both a glorious Christmas and and an adventurous New year in 2020.
    As always three new beauties and I don't just mean Chris.
    He is a true lovely in the first in his sissy pink and offset by the black shoes, or is that a fashion faux pas to be punished for?
    The second has his ready for time as a dutiful dress-up doll. As the whims of the matrons demand. he looks stunning in black with veil and seams, even if he does look as if he is returning from a funeral. Still gorgeous as always.
    but the last. Standing, waiting for orders on his seasonal red velvet. Showing the world what his tine in the gym at yoga, Pilates and aerobics has produced. Not to mention the dietary fasting. I am loving the dark hair and would like to see him work his way around the room in that shirt. Poetry in motion, graceful and fluid. Practice, practice, practice.

    1. Thanks and happy holidays to you Lee. He does have a funeral look, perhaps mourning his masculinity? I tried but failed to change those black shoes successfully to pink, so I left them black.

  6. Perhaps they will find something else to punish him for before the year ends. Maybe not moving his cute little derriere fast enough.

  7. Thanks Andy and Christeen. I hope everyone had Happy Christmas. This latest set of Chris art is again brilliant. His disdain is expressed perfectly, but he is pretty and mademoiselle is perfectly right to show him off. Very enjoyable.

    1. Hi Aidan, Thanks for you kind holiday comments. Happy New Year to all.

  8. Your Excellency Andy, Have I been wondering what holds Madame Jane in the Sisterhood? Did Jane choose to be there or is she there for convenience? Does each sister have her own little sissy or is it Jane's exclusive? Andy may one day replace Jane in the Sisterhood as a member, since practically today she is a lady. Perhaps Lady Jane does not decide to betray the Sisterhood and to ally with the Institute?

  9. Thank you for the wonderful Christmas presents! The first one shows Chris realizing his life at Mademoiselle has changed his life forever...and certainly for the better. His life is so much more exciting as a beautiful, sexy, desirable girl than as a plain dull boy. The second shows that Aunt Julia knows best and that Chris secretly loves his heels...the higher the better to show of his gorgeous legs! Chris should help decorate the tree when hobbled: it's a good way to practice his balance and coordination in heels and hobble skirt. And a special thanks to Christeen for sharing her art over the years as it gets better and better illustrating Chris' thrilling transformation. And also thank you to dear Andy for not only providing a forum for Christeen, but also for sharing his fabulous art and stories with our community here of femboi admirers. Happy New Year to you all!!

    1. Hello Lori, Thanks once again for your appreciation of Chris and his secretly cherished transformations.

  10. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

    Only just caught these three beauties.

    No. 1 This is very interesting. Why is Chris' Aunt in her lingerie? Perhaps she is having a lingerie party where her friends have arrived swathed in their furs to remove them and reveal nothing but sexy revealing lingerie? Possibly they are being waited on by hunky men dressed only in jocks or speedos? Chris has been dressed in his pretty new dress, exquisitely made-up and is about to be revealed to the group of Ladies for inspection.

    No.2 The lady in the up-market shoe shop has seen it all before. Mothers and Aunts bringing in their feminised sons and nephews to be fitted with new shoes and boots. However, this is something special. The boy is exquisitely sexy, showing off his stocking tops in his short black lace-trimmed dress, AND is hatted and veiled. She also notices that the boy and his Aunt arrived in a chauffeur driven limo. and were handed out of the car by a very hunky under-chauffeur in full black leather and high boots, the chauffeur remaining at the wheel. Not only this, two other women who are obviously the boy's nannies are also in attendance, presumably to see to any wardrobe malfunctions, make-up imperfections or toilet requirements. Also, she had no doubt that he would be in severe chastity and an anal intruder would be buzzing away in his pretty bottom; these were always part of the discipline of boys by their mothers and aunts. Yes, this is clearly a very good prospect and the Aunt will only be interested in the prettiest (and most expensive) shoes and boots with the highest of high heels.

    No. 3 Chris is rather unsure about Christmas. he does get lots of gifts but seem to be permanently on display, whether naked but wrapped in furs or hobbled and in ballet heels or corseted to within an inch of his life! Always, of course, in the tightest possible chastity, anal intruder at max and exquisitely made-up.

    Many thanks, Christeen. Looking forward to more of your wonderful work in 2020.

    love and XXXX


  11. Hi Stevie, Once again enhanced and entertaining scenarios that I would never have thought of. Hope to do more in 2020.
