Thursday 31 October 2019

Amanda Holden's shiny Halloween

Hi Everyone
   Well that was Halloween and this year following on from the gorgeous Kate Beckinsale's Latex gown, we find blog favourite Amanda Holden joining in the rubbery frolicks by transforming herself in the ghoulish Morticia Addams, sheathed in a stunning custom dress created by the brilliant William Wilde.
  But not only did Amanda don her super sexy outfit, she also went on to present her entire breakfast radio show in her sticky latex costume. Total dedication I would say, but we would expect nothing more from the lady who, a mere 9 days ago, posted pictures of her leg in plaster following a double break whilst on holiday.
  Not too bothered about Halloween myself, but if our favourite ladies keep this up I could be persuaded to join in myself


The very gown, displayed by William Wilde at his studio, ready for Amanda to wriggle into.

It's Christeen time

Hi Everyone
  Yes it's that wonderful moment, Christeen Time once again. 4 more wonderful adventures for poor Chris on his journey into femininity for us all to enjoy. Including a special one inspired by a recent post.
  Thank you as ever toor friend Christeen

Sunday 27 October 2019

A Latex Halloween with our Kate

Hi Everyone
  Nearly caught up on my holiday backlog, but there is always time to post an update from our U.S.A correspondent, the ever vidual Amanda Keira. This time she has drawn our attention to the ever gorgeous Kate Beckinsale and her her growing wardrobe of Latex.
    This time Kate has posted pics of her as Holly Golightley ,from Breakfast at Tiffany's. However unlike Audrey Hepburn's character, Kate has reinvented her in a sleek black latex dress, so tight she can barely walk. As ever the pics are done with Kates notorious sense of humour, whilst highlighting her stunning figure and beauty.
Below is a link to Instagram and a short black and white video clip.

If more images arise we shall bring them as soon as we can

Monday 21 October 2019

New Art: A Small Price To Pay

Hi Everyone
   Well I am back, I still have a few things to sort out but I have had a super break with my friends and caught some sun, but now we must return to business.
As promised I have created a sequel to Welcome Home Jane 
Which saw Jane and Andy returning from America to find their friend Helene paying the price for their upsetting of the mysterious Dark Institute. Jane had stared in shocked disbelief at her friend wrapped in a skin of gleaming Latex, moulded and posed as some bizarre perverted art form and all the time knowing there would be a great price to pay for her freedom. However it was a price she knew she would have to pay, but little did she know just how far she would have to go to repay her debt.
  As ever more after the image, but for now here we go.


     Dedicated to my oldest friends Skinnie Stallion (My S) and Capricious Amber (My Kitty) from your forever Stablegirl xx

Hello again.
 Well I hope you enjoyed that, it took me a very long time to perfect, but I have always wanted to create a pony girl scenario , but lacked the skill to do so, but having developed my art I was ready to do it some justice and I hope the results were worth it. I think so.
  I first had Jane in bridle and bit, but thought it was not restrictive enough and so added the full Latex pony head, which of course includes ear buds through which she can hear commands, whilst totally isolating her from the outside world. I have also imagined the interior of the hood to be inflatable, which will make it totally stable on Janes head, whilst again adding to her isolation.
 The suit itself is smoked transparent Latex and the hoof boots and gloves moulded into it and once the hood is glued into place it is not coming off until it is removed from her, be that in 3 weeks or longer. However judging by the conversation between Madame Dark and her lawyer (Note the lawyer does not wear Latex) I think that question has been answered. But for now, both their fates are in Andy's delicate sissy hands

Wednesday 9 October 2019

Midweek Christeen

Hi Everyone
  One last post as promised before I depart for a week or two and I can't leave you in better company than the wonderful Christeen.
 Take care everyone and see you soon

Monday 7 October 2019

Walking Fifi. By Mandy Sweet Heart. Chapt 6

Hi Everyone
 Here as promised and only a day late is the 6th and final (for now?) Chapter of Mandy's wonderful story.
 I have certainly enjoyed it and I hope you have too and we prey Mandy will write us a new story soon.
Part 5 below

Walking Fifi.
By Mandy Sweet Heart.
**Continuing on from *All in the Plan*
   & is based on art by SweetAndyLatex.
   Thank you, Sweet, Andy Latex**

Chapter Six.
In an unlikely Andy-like way he had spent much longer in the shower than at any time while fulfilling Janes’ wishes to be her adorable latex clad maid. He did not shower for so long merely because had never fully liked Jeniffers’ pet white poodle, Fifi, very much; as far as he was concerned the dog always acted as if it was better than any person, even before Andy had started doing all the maids’ duties he always found it strange the way Fifi apparently acted as if it had a higher standing than Lady Jane, the real reason Andy was allowing the water to cascade over his body for such a long time was due to his mind wandering to where Will might wish to take them all tonight, and trying to think about what to wear, plus he considering how he might approach his aunt so Will and himself might be allowed to have some midnight fun in the new hot-tub she had in the garden.
Only having a pair of lustrous glossy pinky tiny latex panties to cover his modesty Andy wrapped one of the fluffy jumbo sized, ivory towels over his torso before sitting to apply his cosmetics. Unlike when he was at a photo shoot and people were moaning that his face was not the way they wished, he felt completely relieved Jane had not said anything about his makeup earlier so he was happy to keep the light fresh appearance that he worn that morning. Proceeding with a light foundation he confidently applied the pink lipstick that matched the pink heels he would be wearing and more importantly would match his lovely pink nails before selecting the light pink eyeshadow, long false lashes and just a shade lower than his lipstick Andy blushed his cheeks, then out of the blue he decided on a bit of glamour was needed and used the hair glitter to add just a tiny bit of diamond sparkle to his appearance.
Just as always Andy had already cleaned his latex uniform, leaving it like a silky smooth lake of pink liquid ready to slip into.
With the sun dazzling into his room it was turning out to be a warm afternoon and Andy was beginning to wish someone had helped smooth a slippery layer of lube over his clear flawless skin, the latex slithered so slowly onto his tender body causing it to become sticky almost at once, as he continued to wriggle his slim hips half heartedly wondering if the lovely dress was a size smaller than he had worn that morning. Finally squeezing into the shimmering warm latex the rest of the uniform did not take long for the experienced feminised boy and he was very soon bending at the waist and clicking the tiny padlocks onto his pink six inch glimmering shoes before thinking of leaving the room.
With Andy being so dedicated he was soon securing the long leather pink leash onto Fifis’ diamond studded collar and straightening Fifis’ head bow. Feeling they were almost ready a very regal voice caught his attention. “Going out without informing me, Andy?”
As he had spoken softly to Fifi Andy had not heard Janes’ footsteps as she had been walking over the long rug to reach them. A very startled Andy turned, gasping. “No, no, of course not Ma’am.” Jane smiled at the way Andy kept using a word she thought he would never use again. “I was just making sure Fifi was ready first, Ma’am. Please, will you be home when I return or might it be best if I take a key, Auntie Jane.”
Andy felt his aunt lovingly gaze on him for a second or two before she replied. “It really is wonderful to have you here and doing all this for me, Andy, but remember I have the agency staff in tomorrow so you can leave your rooms in a bit of mess and have a proper rest.” Knowing he had left the damp towels in the hamper Andy smiled at her kindness as Jane added. “You won’t need a key darling, Jenny and I will be in all afternoon, now go and enjoy your walk.”
When he was younger Andy had often stayed with his aunt allowing him to regularly see a few maids in brightly coloured satin or PVC uniforms walking around the area, it was only after Lady Jane bought the luxurious lilac latex maids dress that Andy had any idea that some of the girls he spent time gazing at might not be females. Strolling along with the poodle by his side Andy felt so relaxed with people ignoring him as he enjoyed the sunshine and allowed Fifi to mostly choose the direction they walked.
Trotting along, Fifi kept her head high as if to say to the world, ‘look at me, I’m a good doggie taking the maid for a walk,’ and she often twiched the leash to make Andy go to the places she had been to before, endding up in a nice open space.
It was a wolf whistle from a passing stranger that reached his ears and finally bought Andy back to reality, making him look around to see where they were. He knew the park they were in, in the past he and a few friends used to play football there, Andy peered down at Fifi who gazed up at him with what appeared to be a smile on her doggie face. “Did you bring me here on purpose, Fifi?” The poodle just smirked back and carried on trotting along the path but Andy was now thinking it may be getting a bit late and carefully eased the dog towards the exit.
The loud calls and whistles was beginning to make Andy nervous, he felt the nervous butterflies flutter in his tummy as thoughts of how Shelia and the others at Cover Girl would react to stories of him being out dressed like this, he was supposed to keep a certain image for the magazine and more importantly the designers. Then another thought raced through his worried mind, what would Aunt Jane say. Andys’ fevered mind considered the possibility that she might punish him worse than the staff at the magazine. “I have to get back.” Andy mumbled to himself and walked slightly faster towards the exit as he heard a few more shouts.
Nearing the parks exit Andy felt slightly relieved as thoughts of his Will entered his mind and how he would stand by him no matter what happened.
Feeling as if he was on slightly wobbly legs Andy finally reached the walkway outside of the green space and looked down to see Fifi broadly grinning at him still. “Why did you bring me here, Fifi?” The dog still did not answer him.
Andy took a second to work out the best way to return to Janes’ villa and wondered when they had crossed this busy road. The vehicles going past appeared to be endless as they moved slowly along, but at least most of the drivers only looked at the road ahead. “We must get across, Fifi.” Andy murmured more to himself. “Why won’t the traffic stop and let us cross,” Andy gazed down the street to see if there was any possibility of a crossing anywhere close, the one way just went further out of London and no crossing could be seen and the curve close by stopped him from seeing very far to his left.
Feeling underdressed in such a short maids dress Andy was starting to wish he had worn one of the outfits he had hung in the smaller closet last night, all of them such beautiful dresses that he had been given by grateful designers, three completely designed just for him, Andy knew he would have felt so much more comfortable wearing any one of those creations.
The boys’ panic was starting to make him shake inside and he felt worse than the first time he walked into Christians’ with Jane as he was wondering what to do.
Still standing near the kerb he heard some teenage boys close by but could not make out what they were saying, Andy just hoped that they would cut into the park or turn around before seeing him; suddenly one of the boys called out. “Wow! Would you take a look at her?”
“I wouldn’t mind.” Called a second.
Andy could feel the tears building up as the third voice shouted. “What’s she got on, is that rubber?”
“Not sure.” Giggled the second voice nervously. “John, got your camera phone on you?”
Andy could feel himself squirm but dare not look at them or turn away in case it encouraged the three in any way, keeping his eyes on the traffic he listened as the voices sounded closer. “What do you think, Tom, is that the same girl on the magazine cover, the one your mum reads?”
Andy did not have a chance to hear if there was reply as his blurry eyes were filled with a silver car coming to a stop just as it went pass him.
His mind raced, ‘no one was supposed to stop here, the line said so’.
More panic filled Andys’ mind as he heard the door clicked open.
Andy gasped at what might happen now and clutched the leash tighter. A voice that was partly a grunt but definitely mixed in with a deep purr, nonetheless Andy should have recognised who was speaking at once, as the driver spoke up. “Maid, Lady Jane demands to know why you are still out.”
Andy glanced to see his Will smiling at him, thinking ‘my hero’ and caught sight of the three teenagers running down into the park, Andy sighed in relief and with the sound of horns beeping in frustration he hurried towards Wills’ car as quickly as he was able.
“Thank you, Will.” Andy gasped whilst making sure Fifi was safely inside and closed the door. “I really thought I would be there forever and those boys…..”
“I would never leave you standing on street corners.” Chuckled Will.
Allowing Andy time regained some of his dignified persona they sat in a comfortable silence, Will eased along the street until they stopped at a set of lights where Andy curled an arm around one of Wills’. “I love all my wardrobes, almost as much as I love you Will, but I don’t think I have it in me any more to be outside in these lovely uniforms, I hope Aunt Jane doesn’t mind.”

The End
For now

Sunday 6 October 2019

New Art. Just Two More Minutes

Hi Everyone
    New art on a Sunday? I know its weird isn't it, but I will be away from the middle of the week for a week, Holiday, nothing sinister, so wanted to fit in a few posts between now and then. So it's me today, Mandy tomorrow and Christeen on Tuesday. A lot to take in but I did not want to leave you empty handed.
  Anyway, new art.
   A piece which fits into no special point in our story. It is just a story of poor Andy getting on the wrong side of his beloved Aunt, what he has done? I have no idea, but Jane's infinite imagination in finding ways to punish/embarrass her sweetly helpless Nephew shows no sign of dulling.
  I think everything else is clear and as ever, the rest  I leave to your wonderfully imaginative minds.
A little more after the image

Hello Again
  Just a little detail, note I deliberately say Vinyl playsuit as opposed to Latex. This is because I imagined the suit being slowly heat shrunk onto him to form a seamless and perfect fit, flattening him in all the important places, whilst sealing his heels on to his feet and that naughty tail tightly in place. Just small things but I like the small things

Wednesday 2 October 2019

Walking Fifi. By Mandy Sweet Heart.Chapt 5

Hi everyone
   Here is the penultimate chapter of Mandys latest superb story.
Continuing on from Chapter 4 below (not complicated is it)


Walking Fifi.
By Mandy Sweet Heart.
**Continuing on from *All in the Plan*
   & is based on art by SweetAndyLatex.
   Thank you, Sweet, Andy Latex**

Chapter Five.
“What’s going on?” Jane gasped in unusually sleepy dulcet tones.
Having already given Will his breakfast Andy was finding this morning was turning out to be one where he felt less than innocent, and he felt his guilt swimming deeper just standing in aunt Janes’ room. “I’m sorry Auntie Jane, Miss Jeniffer. I tried to knock but my hands are full, I’ve bought you both some breakfast, I hope that is alright?”
Fully awake Janes’ cultured tones became more strict. “I mean the dress, what are you doing in a maids dress, Andy?”
Andy felt himself becoming more nervous and Jeniffer, fluffing her pillow and sitting up next to Jane became intrigued as she was hearing Andy frothing while positioning the trays on the bed. “I’m sorry ma’am, I just seen my wonderful old dresses shimmering  beautifully at me when I opened the closet this morning and Will is at work all day,” he remorsefully informed them, “I wanted to return a tiny bit of the pleasure you have given me by being your maid for the day and well, if you forgive me auntie I noticed a lot of dust on the shelves downstairs and thought you would be pleased.”
Jeniffer, placing a piece of grapefruit slowly on to the spoon, interjected. “You have to admit, Jane, that agency is nowhere as good as your Andy ever was and as they are not in today, if he wants to, why not? It will be great having him around again.”
Jane smiled at them both, how sensible Jeniffer could be and how quickly Andy had reverted back into his old worried some self. Now that Jane was over the surprise a smile filled her face as a feeling of how cosy this all felt, her with Jeniffer and Andy with Will, plus how lovely Andy looked as her maid. “You better do a good job then Andy, no slacking today, I expect to see a spotless house before you stop for lunch.” Her voice had remained stern but now softened. “Thank you Andy, you look beautiful in that dress.” Then attempting to be firm again but starting to giggle. “Why are you still standing there? Get and do you chores maid!”
Andy joined her with a titter, “Yes ma’am, thank you Lady Jane, Miss Jeniffer.”
In the deep carpet he spun elegantly on a single heel as Jane, still trying her best to be unpleasant but unable to soften her happiness, announced. “I meant it when I said that I expect a perfect job from you, Andy. Both Jenny and I will be inspecting your work.” Andy turned back and gave a low graceful curtsy before swirling around again, leaving them to their morning meal.
While enjoying their breakfast on a tray both Jeniffer and Jane had considered the idea that Andy had just been messing around to see how they would react to him back in one of his sleek maids dresses, but neither were totally shocked to see him busy with his pink headed feather duster in the main lounge and already the villa was looking so much cleaner. Andy had heard the two ladies walking across the hallway and knew they would be coming to this room, he twirled when he thought they would be at the door and dropped, giving a curtsy as they walked through the door but as he peered up Andy was unable to stop an almost silent, “wow,” from escaping and wobbled on his six inch heels. The sight before him took a couple of seconds to fully register. Both of the ladies were dressed in identical outfits; their beautiful faces were of course perfectly adorned with cosmetics, including deep glossy ruby lips, but it was the matching skin tight shiny black leather slacks that decorated their legs, they were so tight fitting for a second Andy thought they were sprayed onto their skin, along with a loose fitting plum red satin blouse showing just the perfect amount of cleavage to attract the attention of both genders, and topped off with eight inch deep red sandals that Andy was unsure how his aunt had known her head would clear the the door frame without having to bob down first.
With opposite hands placed on hips the two ladies looked on as Andy managed to rise slightly more gracefully, a delighted Jeniffer attempted to put as much fear into her voice as she used when Jane asked if she would help train him. “He appears to have become rather sloppy since being away. What do you think, Jane?”
Jane watched Andy as he stood fully upright, straightening his apron and looking somewhat ashamed of the miss footing while curtsying, with just a tiny hint of pride in her voice Jane told Jenifer. “I think he’s beautiful, Jenny. Andy has the whole world falling at his feet, yet still loves his silly old aunt enough to help her out.”
“More like the world is drooling at his feet, babe.” Jeniffer said without thinking, before adding. “I was just surprised, really I thought breakfast in bed was just lovely I never dreamed he fully meant to do the chores too, shall we leave him to carry on and relax in the sun?”
Jane found it hard to leave at once, just wanting to stand there admiring the feminised boy she had helped create, but Jeniffer linked an arm around hers and began to walk the lady out, as Andy began to curtsy again Jane mouthed ‘thank you’, feeling grateful for Janes’ kindness towards him Andy smiled at her before happily carrying with his work.
Will had taken himself off to work around nine thirty after telling Andy that it would be lovely to take all his girls out for meal out tonight, allowing Andy to just carry on as if it was perfectly normal for him to be Lady Janes’ maid when not posing so beautifully in front of the camera.
Neither Jane nor Jeniffer went out of their way to make life difficult for Andy but if they happened to be passing they made sure he knew that they were the ladies of the house, not that they really needed to because as soon as Andy heard either of them coming towards him he would always stand to one side and with a smile on his lips give a small curtsy as they passed; Jeniffer thought it was lovely to once again have an old fashioned courteous maid that shown respect to them but Jane felt pride for the lovely boy who could be doing anything he wished this week and considered that maybe Andy found it relaxing after being on show for so many months.
Although Andy had mostly been ignored all morning, and he kinda liked not having to keep pouting in front of the camera, so they could make sure he was alright Jane insisted that he was at the table with them for a light snack and in between nibbling the salad sandwich Andy had to tell them more than once that he was totally having fun being back here like this, even if it was only for today.
Having had a passing glance over his work even Jeniffer could see he was more relaxed than when she opened the door just yesterday and wanted to see if he was telling the truth. “I want you to take Fifi for a walk this afternoon, she needs a bit of exercise, you don’t mind do you, Andy?”
Not stopping to think Andy told her. “Of course Miss Jeniffer, it looks like a lovely day for a walk.”
“I will expect you to be wearing your uniform while your doing your duties.”
Jane looked horrified at way Jeniffer was talking to her nephew but Andy spoke before she had a chance to. “Yes Miss Jeniffer, as you wish but I do need a quick shower before I go out.”
Jane sounded as if he was being told to do something unsightly as she told him. “You don’t have to Andy, you’re on holiday and should be resting up and enjoying yourself while you can.”
“I am having a great time, Auntie Jane. It’s so nice not having to look into a camera all day or have reports asking so many questions and with luck if I go like this no one will notice me for a change.”
“We should call the paparazzi, have them follow him around.” Jeniffer said in her most sarcastic tones possible.
“No!” Jane almost shouted, causing both Jeniffer and Andy to heart to skip a beat as the two jumped. “You will not call anyone, Jenny. I mean it.” Jeniffer looked sad as she tried to say that she never would, Jane waved her comment away as if it did not matter and turned to Andy and with deep concern repeated. “You really don’t have to walk Fifi you don’t want too, Andy.”

Concludes next time....