Monday 21 October 2019

New Art: A Small Price To Pay

Hi Everyone
   Well I am back, I still have a few things to sort out but I have had a super break with my friends and caught some sun, but now we must return to business.
As promised I have created a sequel to Welcome Home Jane 
Which saw Jane and Andy returning from America to find their friend Helene paying the price for their upsetting of the mysterious Dark Institute. Jane had stared in shocked disbelief at her friend wrapped in a skin of gleaming Latex, moulded and posed as some bizarre perverted art form and all the time knowing there would be a great price to pay for her freedom. However it was a price she knew she would have to pay, but little did she know just how far she would have to go to repay her debt.
  As ever more after the image, but for now here we go.


     Dedicated to my oldest friends Skinnie Stallion (My S) and Capricious Amber (My Kitty) from your forever Stablegirl xx

Hello again.
 Well I hope you enjoyed that, it took me a very long time to perfect, but I have always wanted to create a pony girl scenario , but lacked the skill to do so, but having developed my art I was ready to do it some justice and I hope the results were worth it. I think so.
  I first had Jane in bridle and bit, but thought it was not restrictive enough and so added the full Latex pony head, which of course includes ear buds through which she can hear commands, whilst totally isolating her from the outside world. I have also imagined the interior of the hood to be inflatable, which will make it totally stable on Janes head, whilst again adding to her isolation.
 The suit itself is smoked transparent Latex and the hoof boots and gloves moulded into it and once the hood is glued into place it is not coming off until it is removed from her, be that in 3 weeks or longer. However judging by the conversation between Madame Dark and her lawyer (Note the lawyer does not wear Latex) I think that question has been answered. But for now, both their fates are in Andy's delicate sissy hands


  1. How could you Andy, that is just a bit too cruel, to have have the lovely Lady Jane all wrapped up like that and for the next 3 weeks, of course her lovely nephew could always train her well enough so she does win & they can find a way out the naughty Dark Institutes' will have to let us know sweet Andy.
    So glad to hear that you all had a wonderful break & soon have the other bit sorted.
    Big hug, Mandy xxx

    1. Hi Mandy
      I am so sorry to have upset you but think about poor Aunt Jane, she must pay the price and she is with honour in order to free her friend.
      I am unsure of of the outcome yet,but rest assured the moment I know What happened I will tell you all

    2. Mmm, I'll still put £5 on Jane winning.


    3. My you are a big spender XXX

  2. It's great to hear that you have enjoyed your time with your friends.
    Take your time to sort things out.

    What a beautiful scene you've made!
    I love how Aunt Jane's warm hand holds Andy close to her. The poor boy seems shocked.
    I'm not sure which next scene seems better to me:
    On the one hand I want to see how Andy desperately tries to train Helene to win the first prize. To me, he doesn't seem capable though. But who knows, maybe he can figure out a way...
    On the other hand, off course I would love to see Andy being trained as a sissy pony foal. I can't wait for a sequel.

    It's become a fantastic scene, Andy!
    I can keep looking at it and let my imagination go.
    Paloma xxx

    1. Hi Paloma
      Oh dear you have made a mistake, that is not Jane holding Anddy close, that is the stable mistress, If you note, she has golden blonde hair, as do all the members of the Dark Institute, where as our beloved Jane has her classic natural and beautiful grey tones.
      No that is poor Aunt Jane sealed within that Pony skin and she must pay the price to free Helene from her enclosure and also pray she can free Andy as well, though I think the stable mistress has desires on him already.
      So glad you liked it though and thank you for you kind message

    2. Oh my. Aunt Jane is the pony?!
      Now i'm as shocked as sweet Andy. ;)

    3. Got you in our web now, poor Paloma

  3. WOW! All I can say is WOW!
    I keep looking at hoof boots and it's all I can do to stop myself buying some, it would just make me want to try out the stable if I did! :-D

    1. Neigh girl! Stop your sweet whining you might cause a stamped in the stable.๐Ÿ’…
      Hugs Mandy xx

    2. Quite right Mandy, beware Emma, do not be tempted for once in the Dark Institutes stables your fate may well be sealed beneath clinging sticky Latex rubber....or that what you truly desire?

    3. Oh no. Why would I ever want to be strapped into hoof boots and sealed into tight, clingy, sticky latex? hmmm... tight. NO! Hmmm... Hoof boots and tight latex... Oh god!!!

    4. The boots I can't get out of my head...

    5. A beautiful set of hooves. To be worn either by choice or force. My imagination runs wild thinking of the rest of the tack. I hope you get a pair soon, after all Christmas is approaching, as is Halloween.

    6. They do look amazing, but for me the heel of a shoes is its appeal, so i must step aside and allow you all you be shoed and stabled together

    7. Normally I would agree with you Andy, but I just can't get those boots out of my head.

    8. I fully agree with Andy. I'll also go at stable wearing high heels. Xxx

    9. I beg Ms.Dark for your approval to wear these mule heels:

    10. Heels are just so sexy and you definitely have my permission Xxxx

    11. Mules in the stable? Whatever next? ;-D

    12. Please, I beg to be able to go wearing those miles heels. I've trained with them enough not to lose balance.
      Thanks, Andrew

    13. You are one person I know who can handle heels on unstable ground. You may wear your heels Andrew

  4. Welcome back! Your talents have been missed, but it is good to read of your enjoyment and to return refreshed. Sun, sand, friends and food. A welcome change indeed.
    With your latest offering, you do not disappoint, as if you ever could. Though I do not recall any stable I ventured into looking like that. The Ladies do seem to run a tight ship. How they ever tricked Jane into that tack and dressing should be breached in a future story line. Unless it is my usual confusion and it is not Lady Jane in the Pony suit. Wishful thinking on my part. With her muffled cries it may be a mess going three weeks without food. She does look to bring a pretty price. I would take her for a ride myself if it is she under all that. Between the sweating under the Latex and the lack of solid food she may trim down a bit.
    Andy, in all his glory seems to be blossoming for his part. Quite the trial ahead of him. Perhaps a test to see if he may be worthy of consideration of the Sisterhood. Apprentices are always needed even Sissies, to a point. The saying "rode hard and put up wet" springs to mind.

    1. Hi Lee
      Thank you for your kind messages both here and on my Mail, They are greatly appreciated XXX
      Fear not that iS poor Aunt Jane sealed within that clinging second skin and as for your fears regarding feeding and such, the institute are well skilled in designing the most practical as well as diabolical outfits and bondages, so you can be assured Janes feeding and watering, along with everything else, will be well taken care of.After all there are other more permanent members of the institutes stable who have been there far longer than Jane. Besides if Jane is to win, she must remain in tip top shape and if she is to be sold, the same must also apply.
      Have you noted and I am sure you have, the subtleties of the Dark Institutes ladies, if Andy was to be "absorbed" into there junior mistress programme, then he too would have to become a golden blonde, just as all the other ladies. All that is but the lawyer who,is not a member but merely a highly paid outsider, happy to turn a blind eye for the right price.
      Bless you my friend

    2. In due time, but Please do not take Andrews red tresses.

    3. Ah and there is the rub Lee, Blonde or not to blonde that is the question

    4. I can only assume that the choice will not be his. However he is turned out, he will Rock it.

  5. Andy,
    Most excellent work!
    You have succeeded in capturing the iconic full enclosure pony girl look.
    I love the inflated horse head concept.
    Good to have you back.

    -Dr. Strangequirk-

    1. Thank you Dr, I greatly appreciate your comments

  6. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

    Wonderful artwork as always. I still don't really buy into this Dark Institute thread but I do love Andy's boots. Perhaps with matching gloves and a training whip he will grow into his new role. love the thought of a sissy-boy pony bedecked with pink ribbons.

    Love and XXXX


    1. Never mind Stevie all the other realms are open to adventures, I see you are in some bother again in the 25th century, won't you ever learn.

  7. Hi honey. Hope you have had a nice stay in that sunny region... ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰
    What a high price Aunt Jane must pay for the friend's freedom. I wonder what kind of friend must be Helene. Maybe it is a friendship beyond we can know.
    And what a high responsability for her shy nephew. He must be just trembling hearing those words and feeling that hand traversing near his intimate parts.
    Your work of art about the smoked transparent latex is simply awesome.

    Powerfully catches my attention as the lawyer does not wear Loubos heels!!!
    Welcome to the fantasy!!!
    Xxx Andrew

    1. Hi Andrew, you might well be right, perhaps Jane and Helene are closer than we think 'wink wink'
      The question for Andy now is, how much does he rely on the stable mistresses guidance in training Aunt Jane and just how far under her influence will he fall

  8. Welcome back Andy - good to see you in top form with this anazing art.

  9. Never trust a lawyer who doesn't wear latex...

  10. Welcome back Andy Latex. It’s lovely art. Brilliant comments by others and your clarifications. My head is spinning thinking of poor aunt Jane sealed in her pony girl suit. Glad tho her nourishment and nature needs and will be taken care of by the special design. Then there’s a possible Sissy pony depending on the results of Andys quest. Don’t get me wrong but I’m a little uncomfortable with their heads being sealed in. I hope poor Andy doesn’t go to the Dark Institute. I prefer him as a short red head. Hopefully Aunt’s Jane and Helene are soon freed to enjoy new latex experiences with Andy and Will.

    1. FearNot Aidan, I am sure Andy and Jane can pull off some escape.
      So glad you like all the details and things and thank you for such wonderful comments and words. As for the red hair, well he has been blonde before, when in the USA. But he is a red head at heart

  11. It is shocking to me to see my queen Aunt Jane submissive to these women! She represents to me the ultimate symbol of servitude to a queen like her. My darkest wishes is for Aunt Jane to take control of the Institute and make all these women work to serve her.

    1. Ah but the lower she falls, the higher she must rise and rise she will, revenge will be Janes I have no doubt, but for now she must submit for her friends sake

  12. Hi dove, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being my friend and just for being you, one of the most sweet and adorable person in the all world (and an artist of great talent, moreover). Thank for your lovely dedication of this very special masterpiece! I think dear S. tried to comment too, but encountered a problem (see his message on Twitter). Love this pic and love you, your kitty Amber xoxoxo

    1. Aw Kitty you are a sweetie, it is scary how long we have known each other and I am blessed to know you.
      Thank you for such a kind comment and I am honoured to enjoyed it

  13. I'm glad you had a good holiday, Andy! My own take on all this is that just as your pictures are not all in chronological order, so they are not all in the same timeline. Some are alternate possibilities. You've been to some deliciously dark places with the Dark Institute recently, and threaten to go darker. There is obviously a possible alternate timeline where Aunt Jane is sold and Andy becomes a Sissy Pony - permanently. And that does attract me - I love ponygirl stories. But I'm sure that in the main timeline Jane will escape/be rescued, as you say she will have her revenge, and the rightful order of the world will be restored where it's Aunt Jane training Andy rather than Andy training Aunt Jane :)

    Stray thought: What do The Sisterhood think about The Dark Institute muscling in on their territory?

    1. Hello. My friend xx
      I think your idea is brilliant, I have the same thoughts about different timelines and branching stories, yes there is the possibly Jane could end up as the Princesses prised possession. Anyway you like to read these stories is super fine with me, just so glad you enjoy them.
      As for the Sisterhood Vs Institute, well perhaps sibling rivalry has something to do with it all.......maybe

    2. An alternate reality in which Amanda would train Aunt Jane as her maid would be interesting, a role reversal. Aunt Amanda and Sissy Jane.
      Another crazy idea I had would be Aunt Jane retiring and Andy as his successor taking over the leadership of the Sisterhood.

    3. That is a crazy wacked out world, but every universe has it's version of our heroes and Heroines

    4. Andy.latex maybe someday I can see something like this or no possibility?

    5. I had the idea to have Andy being corrupted by the institute and transformed into a trainee mistress, with Jane as a Maid, but as yet not found the "click" to make it work. One day we shall see it though

  14. Big fan of ponygirl art even tho I prefer to see a head shot complete with ears and the bitt in the mouth and oh yes the tail plag

    great work
    regards Shadoman

    1. Hi Shado’ I admit I like the ears and bridle look too, but I honestly could not get it right and when I came up with the head it was perfect.
      Big hugs

  15. Hey Andy I was wondering if there is a second part to this but I always look forward to your stories.

    1. Hello Paul, not yet but it is in the back of my mind, something will happen I am sure

  16. Where to begin!!!!! So many wonderful aspects to this one. So much jeopardy

    1. I do like a bet of jeopardy, Thank you for such loveLy comments
