Friday 2 December 2016

Emma Watson.The LateXium files re-opened

Hi Everyone
  Hot from Washington,a whistle blower has uncovered further incidents of the Latexium curse and Its effects on  British Style Icon Emma Watson. Suppressed until now this image clearly shows the Harry Potter actress in what our fetish fashion contact describes as a Skin tight Latex Bondage inspired dress, with buckle and strap detailing.
   Though the image is dated at about 2010, during Miss Watson's spell a spokesperson for house of Lancome Paris, the photos have been kept under wraps in a file marked secret. 
  However we here at S.S.n.S as no strangers to busting a story wide open and fearlessly publish it here for the very first time.

Since going to press further files have landed on our desk. 
Please stay tuned to this channel for further updates


  1. Hold the Front Page. In fact, hold anything you choose.

  2. She is always amazing. A true fashion icon.
    Though she does have an interesting smile on her face. I hope the curse has not included a bit of a filler in her posterior. Between that and the tightness and the need to walk she could be in a little distress.
    Oh what she must endure.

    1. The smile is intriguing isn't it. I am not sure if it a forced smile or one of surprise. Perhaps a little of both.

  3. I've hoped to see news on lovely Emma and her G.L. infliction... Any chance that there will be any more of this soon? Btw, I wondered how G.L. reacts to her UN Ambassador role...

    1. We at S.S.n.S have received more de-restricted photos and shall be posting them soon. As for her UN work, it seems any influence the curse may have is limited during her work.
      Please keep tuned Anon
