Tuesday 29 November 2016

New Art "An embarrassing moment"

Hi everyone
  Time for new art and this is quite a simple one. All I wanted from it was to get poor Andy back into a sleek and tight uniform as opposed to the frilliness of his other dresses.
  It is just an normal day in Aunt Jane's household, She is relaxing over coffee with one of her friends whilst or poor red faced Hero/Heroine dutifully goes about his everyday chores, washing and cleaning and of cause the laundry. However today, Jane's exquisitely feminised Nephew has other, even more embarrassing things to distract him for his work.
  Need I say more, I am sure you can fill in the rest.


  1. At least poor Andy was in a longer skirt and not in his frilly French maid dress, but still very embarrassing

    1. Thank you VC, I think the tighter uniform, shows off his curves even better.

  2. Thanks for the update..
    Regards Shadoman

  3. Oh poor Andy, even on a quiet early morning his humiliation starts anew. It is a little bit of solace that he is wearing a standard upstairs uniform even if it is latex or some other tight fabric to show off his blossoming curves.
    The deliveryman must have been fooled at first. Easily distracted by the beauty before him. Pouted red lips in contrast ti so much porcelain white skin.
    No need to say that Aunt Jane took her sweet time while Andy stood there demurely, with eyes downcast and hands clasped together across his front. He has been trained well, thus far.

    1. The deliveryman must have been treated to quite a show as Andi left to fetch Aunt Jane. Heel to toe, heel to toe. Gliding along in his restricted skirt. I wonder if there is a walking slit?

    2. Hi Lee
      Oh I have no doubt Jane made sure the delivery guy understood clearly poor Andy was very much a boy, despite the beauty he radiated. I am certain she explained every un-necessary detail of the whats and whys of it all, whilst constantly asking her Maid to confirm the truth with a polite "Yes Auntie".
      Poor thing. As for the slit, Jane would keep the zipper tightly closed, purely for modesty of cause.

    3. I believe Aunt Jane loves her darling nephew far too much to permit any humiliation. Of course, his natural embarrassment at his utterly feminine appearance and demeanour would be absolutely delicious... Chrissie XXX

    4. You are do right, Aunt Jane would never ever humiliate her beloved nephew.

  4. Amanda I LOVE YOU... and never stoped.
    Amanada te amo ... y nunca te detengas.

  5. Oh wicked Aunt Jane! If there's one thing Andy knows how to do, it's glow with embarrassment! After all, he has had so much practice! But somehow it only seems to enhance his beauty and femininity. Another delightful picture; thank you Andy.

    1. Hi Pl thank you so much. Lets face it Andy spends most of his time aglow. I am just amazed how many uniforms she has for him. That is one big wardrobe.

  6. All part of Aunt Jane's plans to make him give up any remaining masculinity and accept his being a sissy. Every once in awhile he is exposed to someone. A delveryman, a store clerk, maybe even a policeman. His image on billboards, on TV, even on websites. He will no longer resist being a sissy.

    And then, Aunt Jane will start the next phase of Andy's conversion.

    1. Quite right RH, our little sissy must never be allowed to relax, each tiny embarrassment is one more step on the road.
      Super thanks as ever.

  7. Oohhh poor Andy. Just today, in his fest day (Sant Andrew) he has had a embarrassment beginning of day. But Aunt's Jane friend seems could be better and naughty the afternoon... and night???.

    1. Yes I think aunties friend felt it appropriate to visit on his Saints day.But she is more of a sinner for gazing to blatantly at his shiny wiggly bottom.
      . Thank you Andrew

  8. Oh Andy is so foolish and forgetful. Anyone would think that it's his time of the month. Maybe it is? Perhaps Jane is assisting his development. He certainly looks and seems ever more feminine and pretty. Poor Andy. And such a naughty Jane.
    Lovely as ever honey. S xxx

    1. My wonder Stallion, hello xxx
      It is odd, Andy gets more and more feminine, but (and don't tell anyone this) seems to be looking more and more like me. Very strange.

  9. oh,i wish i could help andy with his chores...

  10. check out emmerdale last night for the outfit leyla poured herself into to get her man. very high heels black rubber skirt, tight white blouse and specs....

    1. Yes, she looks very delicious. (Two short sequences, the first just after the advert break in the middle if you're trying to find. Great pratfalls too. I prefer the earlier to this though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkjhdS4UaFc )
      Thank you for drawing this to our attention. I'm sure Andy will appreciate.

    2. Hello Jon, Yes I do appreciate it very much thank you XXX
      and thank you as ever S xxxx
