
Hello and thank you for visiting my blog. Well it is not so much a blog more a place to share all the things i have written, drawn and generaly played with over the last 10 years. Most of them are related to my love of smooth slick Latex and shiny PVC, as well as the delights of feminization. I also have a huge crush on British TV presenter Carol Vorderman (The perfect model of the older woman) as well as the gorgeous Keira Knightley. (more my age). There will be nothing harsh or nasty here, just fun things, naughty things, sexy things and yes, well, Kinky things. Basically it's a stroll through the kinky lanes of my mind. hope you have fun. XXX

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Friday 20 September 2024

Christeen saves the day

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our blog alive.
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On Patreon Today.
The next image in our
mini series Saturday Girl
This time Andy is in 
a state of heightened 
embarrassment and
nerves as he prepares
for his first day at the
now infamous (If you
are following on Patreon) 
Bergman & Knightley

Hi Everyone
  So a quick update......I have no update. My Paintshop, on which I create my Andy and Aunt Jane stories is still dad in the water following the Microsoft update and so I have a copy on its way from a friend. Yes I know i could download a shared file but I am not downloading anything for a while after that last mess Microsoft made of my old machine.

Anyway, that aside, we can still sit back and delight in the latest art from our dear friend Christeen.
Three classic this week for us to enjoy, so enough of the moaning, lets get to it.

Wednesday 18 September 2024

It's a big Wednesday round up.

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Hi Everyone
  Welcome to a bit of a Wednesday round up, with lots of shiny stuff ,lots of our blog faves and some other stuff to delight.

Oh and stay till the end for some of my new style Ai art.

Lets kick off with a lady we do
not see enough of on the blog, I 
have a bit of a soft spot for this 
lady and she is the divine Davina 
Mccall, who this week picked  
up a lifetime achievement award 
at the National Tv Awards wearing 
his hot shiny brown leather dress.

Next some of our dear friend Girlie Morgane's wonderful translations of  my art

Only one way to follow that kind of delight and that is with Blog Legend Carol Vorderman, stirring up some political trouble whilst turning heads in some of THE tightest pants we have seen for ages.

Speaking of shiny things. I don't know if this is a new or old image but heck Gillian Anderson really does rock latex

More shiny shiny of the highest order. I've always liked this lady, she just wants to have fun, but behind the scenes she is quite active for some good causes, right now though Paris is on top pink form.

and finally, over on the middle high tiers of Patreon we have a whole new world taking shape.
The extension of the Bergman & Knightley empire

Monday 16 September 2024

New art. Saturday Girl 3. A little bit

   Please help keep 
our blog alive.
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On Patreon Today
We have the genuine
pleasure of new art
from the ever brilliant
Super cute and 
sweet as ever Christeen
never fails to delight.

Hi Everyone
   If anyone sees a computer flying through the ar it might well be mine, This update has caused me headaches like you would not believe and I have spent so much time just straightening things out hat all my fun stuff has been on hold.
  That though will not stop us enjoying the completed third part of the Saturday Girl series, running on Patreon.
 So now we get our first glimpse of the Bergman/Knightley Saturday Girl uniform poor sweet Andy will be wearing when in store and you can't help but thinking ,it's gonna be awfully slick and tight in that skirt.
  The series will continue in two weeks time, next week something new from Andy and Aunt Jane's world.
    Big hugs to you all

Friday 13 September 2024

Thank Friday for Christeen

    Please help keep 
our blog alive.
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On Patreon Today
We are taking a little
and momentary step back
from the Saturday girl
series to bring you
a classically embarrassing
moment for our dear 
sweet Andy.
This just came to me and
I had to create it.

Hi Everyone
   Friday has finally arrived and what  a long week it has been, full of tech issues with this blog and computers. I foolishly did and update on my main computer ,the one I do all my art for work and for this blog and Patreon and my machine would not do anything, basically it blocked everything, so I had to unpick the update and that took me two days and I did not finish until late late night, what a pain.
 Anyway we seem ok right now so lets put that behind us and just delight in new art from or dear friend Christeen.

Gotta say, I'm loving these 


Monday 9 September 2024

New Art. Saturday Girl 2. About turn

   Please help keep 
our blog alive.
From only $3 a month

On Patreon Today
Its is Monday and
that gives us the
treat of new art from 
Christeen and it
sounds like Chris is 
being told a stern 
In frills

Hi Everyone
  I do hope you are all well.
  So here we have the completed version of the second part of the Saturday Girl series which has been running on Patreon and now on here.
There is an accompanying story to this by our dear friend Skinnie S, but I am going to save it for Wednesday as I think the first part got a little lost when I posted it on the same page as the original art. So keep that in mind, there is a story to follow.
So the delivery guy has been and Aunt Jane now has the first of Andy's Saturday Girl uniforms fresh from Bergman & Knightley for him to try.
Very soon we will get to see our cute young man in his uniform, but not today my friends, not today .



Friday 6 September 2024

Thank Friday for Christeen

   Please help keep 
our blog alive.
From only $3 a month

On Patreon Today
The latest image
in the Saturday girl
series which began
a few weeks ago.
This is a day or two 
later and Andy is 
beginning to get a 
little nervous.
Thank heavens for
the loving touch of
Aunt Jane

Hi Everyone
 Well it's been one of those weeks when we are glad to get to Friday and now we can all sit back an delight in the latest wonderful new art from the ever amazing Christeen


Monday 2 September 2024

New Art. Saturday Girl

    Please help keep 
our blog alive.
From only $3 a month

No Patreon Today
A delightful new piece
by Christeen to take us
into the new week. 
Looks like poor Chris
is in for a formal
time. I am sure 
everyone will adore 

Hi Everyone
  So today we have the completed version of Saturday Girl which was previewed over on Patreon a while back and the second part of which appeared Friday.
 However we have the added bonus of our dear friend Skinnie Stallion and his amazing writing talents who has produced not one but two pieces to accompany this image.
 The first being the little story to expand the image and the second some very important details both Andy and Aunt Jane will need to take account of.

  Hope you like this
My very best wishes

Saturday girl
Skinnie Stallion

“Andrew!   Andrew!”  What now?   He was busy.   He sat on a chair in the kitchen and finished pulling on his trainers.    “The postman’s coming up the path.  Open the door, darling, he should have a parcel for me.”

“OK, Auntie,” he called and ran to the front door, opening it just as the doorbell rang.  “Oh, hello.”

“Hello, Master Andrew.   Haven’t seen you here in a while.  Guess your Lady Fullerton-Jones is here for a while given the mail re-direct.”

“Yeah, well, Auntie thought it better if we were in town rather than at the Hall.  I’m staying with her  over the summer.  My parents are off on a cruise, and then breaking the voyage for a few weeks to stay with relatives.”

“Lucky them.  Match today or just a kickabout?” asked the postie observing his soccer strip.

“A practice, not a match.  Last one before the summer break.  There’s no games over the summer, but coach wants us to stay fit and be ready for next season so may have some Saturday kickabouts with the lads.”

“Quite right too.”   The postman peeled off some letters wrapped in a rubber band and pulled a small parcel from his sack.     I’ve got a few things here for your Aunt.   Let me see: Fullerton-Jones…  This one needs to be signed for.   Can you do the honours?”

“Sure.”    The postman peered at a hand-held terminal for a few seconds, pressed some keys, then thrust it towards Andy.  “I can never do this,” he said as he drew a shaky ‘A Watson’ with his finger on the small screen.  

“Don’t worry, no-one can,” laughed the postman, handing the letters and parcel to Andy.   “Enjoy your practice   Give my regards to your Aunt.”

“Thanks.   Will do,” said Andy.   

As he closed the front door, he found his Aunt behind him in the hall.   “Leave the parcel on the stairs, Andrew, and I’ll go through the post in the kitchen before I take you to practice.”

“OK, Auntie,” he said, handing the letters to his Aunt.   He followed her into the kitchen, admiring the way she walked on her narrow stilettos and the snakelike wiggle of her hips. He was already conscious of the impression that she was likely to make on his colleagues at the practice ground in her tight necked black satin blouse with ruched sleeves and shoulder pads, and knee-length black PVC pencil skirt.   And naturally she’d finished with a touch of aristocratic elegance: an almost choker-like short string of pearls round her neck accentuating the tight neck of her blouse.  How could she do this to him?  The guys would rib him remorselessly.  Dressed in black like that, perhaps he could say she was going to a funeral?  She’d be able to make anyone rise from the dead in that outfit; she certainly had that effect on him.   She always did.

Jane flipped through the envelopes.  “Bill.   Bill.   Junk.  Charity.  Junk.  Oh, what’s this.   Aah!  I’ve been waiting for this.”  She slipped a nail underneath the flap of the envelope and unfolded the letter.   There were several pages.   “Yes!” she exclaimed triumphantly,  “it’s from Bergman and Knightley.”


“Oh, you know, the Department store at the top of  The Lanes.”

“The one with the shiny dresses in the window we saw?”

“Yes, that’s the one.   I thought you’d have spotted it with your eye for fashion.”   He had.   He’d spent quite a bit of time with his nose pressed against the glass staring at the display mannequins.   

“So why are they writing to you?”

“Well, you know we talked about you getting a little job over the summer.”

“Yes, Auntie.”

“Well I made some enquiries with the job agency who said Bergman’s had some opportunities, so I gave them a call and popped in.   They seemed nice people”   Jane put down the envelopes and fanned the pages of the letter in her hand.   “And there’s a form for you to complete.”   

“So what’s the job.   Shelf stacking?   Accounts clerk?”


“Warehouseman?  Tea boy?”

“No.   I talked to them and they’re looking for a Saturday Girl.”

“A what!?”

“A Saturday Girl.   I used to work as a Saturday Girl when I was your age.  It gave me some spending money.”  She handed him the form.   “Let me just read the letter darling.  Listen honey…..”

“A Saturday girl? SATURDAY GIRL!!!” moaned Andy.

Jane started to read the letter aloud:  
“ ‘We are delighted to offer Andrew the position of Saturday girl in our store. We found your application to fit with our needs and requirements and recruitment structure.’   
Oh this is perfect Andy, they want you for the whole 6 weeks of summer, that will give you something to do when there is no football, 
‘We will provide full training and compliance with all regulations.’  
Blah Blah Blah 
‘Full uniform will be provided and heels no less than 4 inches in height will be required at all times.’ 
Well that’s not a problem.  
‘Your request for specialist variants on our uniform policy have been agreed and appropriate uniforms will be sent to you for approval and fitting.’   
Oh that’s wonderful that means you will be wearing Latex in the store. I was a little worried they would not agree to it, but that is perfect.    
‘Our heads of department agree Andrew would be an exceptional addition to our store family and would like to offer him a position within our cosmetics department.’   

And they want you on the cosmetics counter! Oh my God that's wonderful! Oh my goodness!  Oh my goodness, this is just…when I was a Saturday girl I never got to be on the cosmetics counter, they were always the most exotic and beautiful…... Oh God! I am so proud of you Andy. They say you will need to be in store an hour and a half early to be made up each day by their cosmetics expert and if requested will be required to act as a model for in-house and online demonstrations. That means you will be on those big screens when they do demonstrations.   
‘We include formal agreement contract along with rights agreements for use of images in both in store and online promotions .’
Oh, this is going to be so much fun.”  

“Saturday Girl?????”    He stared at the form dumbfounded.

“Yes, darling, a Saturday Girl.”

“But haven’t you spotted that there’s a bit of problem here, Auntie?”

“What’s that darling?”

“You may have noticed that I’m a boy and they’re looking for a Saturday Girl.”

“Oh, I went through all that with them when I talked to Bergman & Knightley.   I showed them a photo of  you and they seemed very keen.   They particularly want young men.   Nice looking young men.   They say they’re far easier to manage than young girls and more reliable.”

“And what’s this about latex?”

“Oh, that was my addition.   I know you’ve always admired my leather pants and dresses.   Seeing the stock at Bergman & Knightley got me thinking that maybe I should add some latex to my wardrobe.  It seemed sensible if I could see how it looked on you first.”  

“And heels?  I can’t wear heels in public.”

“Why ever not?  You’re quite happy to wear them when you’re at Fullerton Hall. Make-up too.”

“That’s different.”

“No it’s not.”

“But someone might recognise me,” pleaded Andy.

“A pretty Saturday Girl?  I think not.   They’ll what they expect to see.” 

“But Auntie, I can’t…”

“Andrew, you can and will.  Where have you got to with your job hunting?”  Andy looked shamefaced.   He hadn’t even tried except for asking at the carwash and the garage.  “Nowhere.   You’ve always said you want to get into retail and use your design talents.  This is a great opportunity.   Relevant work experience always looks good on a CV.”

“Yes, Auntie.”   He knew better than to argue with his Aunt when she addressed him as Andrew.

“Now honey, we need to move or you’re going to be late for football practice.    I was thinking of staying to watch.   When we get back, we can complete your form and drop it in at Bergman & Knightley after lunch.   Won’t that be good.   It’ll show how keen you are.  Maybe they’ll show you round?”

“Yes, Auntie.”   It wasn’t Jane who was going to be attending a funeral.   It looked like he was on his way to his own.


There is more to come from this, Skinnie is creating something very special. Talking of which

  And now as an added treat we have that very contract for you all to read. Can you imagine being presented with this, would your heart be racing, you are about top sign something that would change your life forever.


Bergman & Knightley

Est. 1995

Bergman & Knightley

Ship Street

The Lanes



Our ref: B&KBrighton_180712_JF-J1 12 July 2018 

Dear Lady Fullerton-Jones,


Thank you for visiting our store earlier this week and submitting a job application for your nephew, Andrew Watson.   

After careful consideration, we are delighted to offer Andrew the position of Saturday Girl in our new store. We found your application to fit with our needs and requirements and recruitment structure.  

This letter (the “Assignment Offer Letter”) confirms the details of Andrew’s assignment and provides you with information that we hope you find helpful.   Enclosed is a copy of Bergman & Knightley’s standard terms and conditions for this type of assignment (“Standard Terms and conditions for Temporary Work”).   As required by the Employment Rights Act 1996, the particulars of Andrew’s employment are set out in Schedule 1 (two copies attached) which provides details about the role and duties of a Saturday Girl. Together, these documents are referred to as your “Assignment Agreement (the “Agreement”).  

Andrew will commence part-time employment on Saturday, 21 Jul 2018 (“the commencement date”) as a Saturday Girl at Bergman & Knightley on The Lanes Subject to a Probationary Period of 2 weeks, and subject to termination as provided in this Agreement, Andrew’s position is temporary and will end on Saturday, 25 August 2018.   However, subject to suitable performance reports, Andrew may be offered extensions.   

Andrew’s standard working hours will be from 9:15 am (store opening at 09:30) to 6:15 pm (store closing 18:00).  However, some flexible working will be expected.  Overtime working may be required in the event of late night opening and fashion shows.  In addition, Saturday Girls will be expected to provide cover, as required, on some Sundays.

 B&KBrighton_180712_JF-J1an & Knightley.docx


Page 2

Bergman & Knightley

Est. 1995

As a Saturday Girl aged 18, Andrew’s standard rate of pay will be £5.90 per hour.

We will provide full training and compliance with all regulations.  Compliance with regulations including company Health, Safety and Environment policies and use of Rest Rooms is mandatory for all employees.  All Saturday Girls are required to use the Female Rest Rooms: failure to do so is a disciplinary offence.   Misbehaviour on company premises may incur restrictions, penalties and fines.

Full uniform will be provided and heels no less than 4 inches in height will be required at all times.  Since employees are considered ambassadors for Bergman & Knightley,  the uniform must be worn at all times when on duty and during travel to and from Bergman & Knightley’s premises.  Uniforms, shoes and any accessories provided remain the property of Bergman & Knightley and must be returned within 7 days of ceasing employment with the company.  (The Bergman & Knightley Uniform Policy is attached.)

Please note: Your request for specialist variants on our uniform policy has been agreed and appropriate uniforms will be sent to you for approval and fitting.  Care and maintenance of the uniform is the duty of the employee.  In this case, given the choice of fabric, regular cleaning and glossing will be required.  Matching undergarments will also be provided.

You have indicated that Andrew already has extensive experience of wearing make-up and high heels.   In consequence and subject to an appearance check before his commencement date, our heads of department agree that Andrew would be an exceptional addition to our store family and would like to offer him a position within our Cosmetics Department.

The requirements of working in the Cosmetics Department mean that Andrew will need to be available to be made-up by one of our expert Cosmetics Technicians at least ninety minutes before his standard start-time.   This time will be unpaid but does mean that Andrew will not need to apply full make-up before travelling to Bergman & Knightley on The Lanes .    However, as a B&K ambassador, basic make-up will still be expected: e.g. lip gloss, eyeliner, eyebrow pencil, eyeshadow. Please advise of any allergies since false eyelashes and nails will be required to be worn.

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Page 3

Bergman & Knightley

Est. 1995

Please note: A mandatory requirement of working in the Cosmetics Department is that nose rings and other facial piercings must not be worn, or at any time when wearing the Bergman & Knightley uniform.  Bergman & Knightley (jewellery earrings, necklaces, bangles and rings) will be provided as part of the regulation B&K uniform.   Collars and other accessories may also be required to be worn on occasions. 

Besides assisting with customer service and sales, Saturday Girls in the Cosmetic Department will be expected to act as models for in-house and on-line demonstrations.  We include formal agreement contract along with rights agreements for use of images in both in store and online promotions.

Given Andrew’s experience and his customer facing role in Cosmetics, the Head of Cosmetics at Bergman & Knightley on The Lanes has suggested that Andrew start immediately on 5” heels rather than go through the standard probationary period for junior Associates on 4” heels.   I hope this will be satisfactory.  

Please note: While leggings are normally issued as part of our standard Uniform set, only skirts and dresses may be worn by Associates in the Cosmetics Department.   Andrew will be issued with stockings and suspenders in the chosen fabric.   Bare legs can be displayed, particularly on hot days, but must be smooth and fully depilated.  

Please review the attached contract in Schedule 1.   Andrew needs to sign and return the duplicate copy before his start date on Saturday, 21 July.   Andrew should also confirm the following size information:  dress, neck, breast/bust, waist, hips, leg length, shoe size,

We look forward to having Andrew joining the Bergman & Knightley team and becoming part of “The Hood” as we refer to our Bergman & Knightley associates.

Yours sincerely,

Madam Staff

Madam Staff

Head of HR

Bergman & Knightley 


  1. Schedule 1: Bergman & Knightley Assignment Agreement for Andrew Watson (2 copies: one for signature and return, one for retention)

  2. Bergman & Knightley Standard Terms and Conditions for Temporary Work

Bergman & Knightley Uniform Policy

 B&KBrighton_180712_JF-J1an & Knightley.docx

Page 4

Bergman & Knightley

Est. 1995

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