Hi Everyone,
Well it has been a while, but it is good to be back .
So it seems our favorite style icon has been in the news once more.
This time our on the spot reporter, Amanda Keira, was on hand as Emma Watson made a big impression out East at a special gala showing of Alfonso Cuarons' Oscar winning movie Gravity, in Shanghai.
Wearing a classic Chinese style inspired mini dress of highly polished latex rubber, the always dazzling beauty turned heads and grabbed headlines and as ever our ace reporter managed to grab a few fleetingly revealing words with the young actress.

As ever her style and that dress headed the conversation, but this time the question "Latexium?" received a surprising reply. An almost embarrassed smile.
Emma Watson explains....
"Um well actually no , this is mine. It was created by a local designer, not specifically a fetish designer, but one who had seen me in other outfits and asked if I would like it.
I was a little uncertain at first, for obvious reasons,but personally I have always liked the simple style of classic Chinese dresses and I adored the little flower detailing and just fell in love with it.
It is funny how the Latexium curse was just that for a long time, a curse,but now having had such kind words written about my "New image",it has almost proved a blessing, allowing me to move on from Hermione. Latex is such an easy material to wear, so sleek and smooth, I love the way it clings and shines. There was a time when I would Bathe for hours to remove the aroma, but now even that is very pleasing to me.".
With that surprising tribute to what was thought of as a curse, the ever delightful Emma Watson bid our reporter a good evening. However, intrigued by Emmas sudden acceptance of the curse, Amanda Keira did what every ace reporter does and dug deeper. Tracking down the designer, to find out more.
Designer Jing Wai.....
Yes I offered Miss Watson a dress, she is a very sweet and generous lady, very beautiful and charmingly British. However I never designed that dress in Rubber.
Amanda Keira....
So do you believe your dress was affected by the Latexium curse?
I had heard of this curse, in the press, but to be honest thought it the work of a publicity machine. However I did witness something extraordinary, but I am still not sure of what happened. We had a fitting and Miss Watson did the dress great justice, she has a beautiful figure to dress.but then I could not help but notice a strong smell of rubber in the room. Miss Watson immediately began to apologize, saying she loved the dress and how she had hoped this was not going to happen, but I was just astonished to see before my eyes what was pure silk, transform into , well, into Latex.
So you witnessed the actual event, the Latexium curse?
It was quite bizarre, the silk became very very shiny, almost Liquid like and flowed from the centre of the dress, outward in ripples, until the entire dress was perfectly transformed down to the flower detailing. Quite shocking. Miss Watson was clearly upset at this and to her great honor offered a dozen apologies. Condemning the curse for ruining all my work.
Did you offer her a replacement?
Very much so. However the buttoning on the dress had become false, unreal, a mere detail and so with the collar being so fitted, she was unable to remove the dress.
So Emma was literally trapped within the dress?
Very much so. A prisoner in a latex dress. But there was one more thing. The dress, when silk, was cut to just above her knee, but with each condemnation of the curse, shortened and tightened about her buttocks and breasts, until it was really almost unwearable without total embarrassment with each movement. I could hear and see, the young Lady, very upset, almost begging the curse for forgiveness and to my amazement the dress responding by lowering the hem by two or three inches. Most bizarre. It truly is a curse. I felt very sorry for such a sweet lady".
So there we have it, an eye witness account of the curse close up and it's effects and perhaps we can now understand Emma's rather glowing appraisal of Latex as little more than appeasement to what can clearly be a very cruel and humiliating curse.
We shall keep you all up to date on all things Latexium, but for now, be safe, be happy.