
Hello and thank you for visiting my blog. Well it is not so much a blog more a place to share all the things i have written, drawn and generaly played with over the last 10 years. Most of them are related to my love of smooth slick Latex and shiny PVC, as well as the delights of feminization. I also have a huge crush on British TV presenter Carol Vorderman (The perfect model of the older woman) as well as the gorgeous Keira Knightley. (more my age). There will be nothing harsh or nasty here, just fun things, naughty things, sexy things and yes, well, Kinky things. Basically it's a stroll through the kinky lanes of my mind. hope you have fun. XXX

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Monday 14 October 2024

New art and a little treat

    Please help keep 
our blog alive.
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Monday Blues are
blown away with new
and delightful
art from our
dear friend Christeen.
Seems someone has been
neglecting his chores
about the house

Hi Everyone
  You will be as bored with this as I am, but my Paint is still not working correctly. You never realise how much you rely on something until it is gone.
  I have it on screen, it does everything i need but it won't create the same finish as we are used to, The blending is all wrong and I need to get it right before I put down my ideas or I and you will be disappointed. Please bear with me, It will not beat me.
  That is enough of that.
Today I'm gonna post this nice little image, plus a treat to make up for my lack of success with the paint program.
This image was shared on Patreon the other day and It takes us all the way back to that rainy day. The day Aunt Jane had something fun they could do. The day Andy's life changed.
  But keep reading, because there is that little treat to follow after.


I posted this story,  a while ago, like 10 years!!! It's a little messy in it's construction, but it is one of my favourite early pieces. I have tinkered a little bit with it and added a little bonus image.

 Sail Away
  A fantasy
  By Andy Latex

                His boss had invited him to take a trip on her luxury yacht , She said she was to sail down to the med to meet a very important client and needed a hand. It was a bit of a shock after all he really had no idea what type of business she was to conduct and could not imagine what good he might be to her, but why not , I mean what 18 year old, straight out of college would miss the opportunity to impress their boss on a one to one basis, or if he were being totally honest, what randy 18 year old would pass up the chance of being close to the woman who had become a regular feature in his nightly dreams since he had entered her employment. She was a tall stunningly beautiful in her early fifties. Auburn hair, flecked with confident grey, a woman of impeccable style and elegance, a woman always bathed in expensive perfume, a woman of position and control and one who knew what she wanted and she knew how to get it.
        No, how could he refuse.
        The trip was smooth and easy, he never saw the crew and for the first 2 days spent most of the time just sitting on deck talking with Ms Wilde about the business and his college time, That, of cause, was when he wasn’t secretly glancing at her three gorgeous stewardesses.
        They were a few of years older than him, may be 19 or 20, and if  Ms Wilde was the most beautiful woman in the world, then these three stunning girls with their, sleek hair, Slim waists, long legs and full rounded breasts, came a very close second. However it was not just their stunning beauty which continually brought his eyes back to them, it was also the way they were dressed, or rather uniformed. Each wore a classic, if rather sexy, imitation of naval uniform. A tiny tunic dress and cap in navy blue, with white trim and details, the skirt of the dress barely covering the curve of their bottoms. However, as eye-catching as the uniforms were, it was what they were fashioned from that intrigued him most. It was as if they were made of some strange liquid, that caused them to reflect the hot Mediterranean sun with every movement they made. 
      “They really are the most exquisitely precious  things I possess”, Ms Wilde said, catching him  gazing longingly. “I love them so much and I’d do anything to protect them. Do him like their uniforms, they are all made to measure, from Latex rubber. Very expensive. Aren’t they gorgeous?”
        He blushed deeply, quickly looking away from the closest beauties upturned buttocks, “Um…um yes they are very beautiful”.
      “They have been with me for 2 years now, they were about your age when I first I picked them up. Two are the children of friends and one like you worked in the office. I offered them a trip, just as I have you. Promised to let them experience a new life, just as I have you. Shown them exotic things, just as I have you and then I  seduced and transformed them in the most sensual beauties I could imagine…..just as I shall you”.
      There was a long pause before he realised what she had said, “I’m sorry”.
     “You will fit in so well, especially in the sexy uniform of my junior stewardess. Oh  It will be a little clingy and a little tight and sticky at first, Latex always is, but I am sure you will get used to it, as you will the heels”.
     “Me?…you…you  mean, you want me to be ….to dress like them”, he gasped in astonishment ,
      “Of cause Andrew and I promise you will become every bit as feminine, beautiful and sexy as my other boys”. There was a pause, a long pause and as the look of dumbstruck disbelief spread across his face, Ms Wilde allowed herself a smile of delight and triumph. Finally the net she had laid the first day he entered her office, had closed. “Oh I am sorry, did you not realise? That’s right Andrew, my boys, aren’t the beautiful. This is Robin, this is Sebastian and this, sexy red head who you were gazing at with such clear admiration, is Kim. Boys this is Andrew”.
      Slowly he turned to find the 3 beautiful stewardesses standing behind him. Each smiling their greeting
     “Andrew is our new Junior stewardess, please take him below and make him welcome. His first uniform is in my cabin, but I will leave his hair and make up in your hands, but I want him looking perfect so take your time. Oh and boys, remember what I said this morning”
      The young man was stunned, astonished and bewildered at the sudden turn of events and although he meekly begged and pleaded, saying it was crazy and wrong, he knew there really was nowhere for him to run, he was trapped, on a boat, in the middle of the ocean and quite simply he knew his fate was sealed.

      The reception party on the yacht had been huge success, business was completed and every one left the boat in love with Ms Wilde’s 4 beautiful Stewardesses and especially the junior . For immaculately made up, with glistening frost pink lips and dressed in a tiny pink and white latex uniform, Andrew had felt the gaze of every guest on the boat, and sometimes he had felt more than their eyes. 
  As he went about his duties he noticed Ms Wilde and Robin looking at hi and if he were nearer he would have heard the beautiful woman complementing her stewardess on her choices of outfit for her new acquisition. “The pixie wig is inspired , Robin, you have done so well. He still looks so much like a boy, but is as beautiful as any young lady can be”. 
  Every guest had wanted to kiss him good night and every guest wanted to take him home, but now the boat was empty and quiet and he was once more the sole possession of one person, Ms Victoria Wilde
      “I knew you would fit in” she said holding his well manicure hand, “You are so very beautiful Andrew and in time, as I add to your femininity, you will become even more so”.
     She kissed his cheek and he felt a tremor of excitement like never before. “But you must remember, you belong to me now”.
     Andy nodded his understanding. “Yes Miss Wilde”
    “Ms Wilde”, They both turned to the sexy voice. The other stewardesses stood in the doorway, “Please Miss. Andrew has been making us so horny all night, please can we take him below and play with him. Please Miss, you said we could after the party. We have been ever so good”. They chorused as one.
     “Of course you may my dears.That is what I promised.  Provided that is,that  Andrew agrees.”
Ms Wilde now took Andy's hands and looked him straight in the eyes. “Andrew”,she began, her tone serious “Robin,Kim and Sebastian would very much like to make love to you. Would that be okay?”
It was not a question he had ever imagined being asked before and to be honest if the three beauties had been girls he would have had no doubts, but he had never thought,imagined,dreamed of ever being with boys. Yet these “Boys” were like none he had ever imagined. Ever since Ms Wilde had revealed the truth he had been filled with strange curiosity. 

  Ms Wilde sensed his uncertainty and squeezed his hand gently. “I …I don’t know what to do” Andy whispered. His soft tone making Ms Wildes heart flutter.
  “I understand Andy, but you don’t need to know what to do because the boys are going to be making love to you. However if you want to…..love them back ,then they will guide you.”
  Andy took a breath, Ms Wilde could feel his hands become hot in hers. He took a little step on his heels, elegant now and to the boys delight and with a tremulous sign nodded. “I’d like to”.
  Ms wilde ,smiled and squeezing hi hand in understanding stepped back ,“I know this is new to you Andrew, I totally understand and so do my boys, but this is all for you, you need to do nothing, as I say, they will make love to you, so do not be afraid to let them touch you,  they will guide you and help you and I will see you in the morning,  ……Boys”
  Before he could think he was surrounded by perfumed latex femininity. Delicate hands ran over his body, fingers popped buttons, lips brushed his neck and tongues slowly tasted, as without effort he was enveloped in their sensual embrace and gently lead from the lounge.
     Andy’s head span, it said it was wrong , it said these were boys, but they were so feminine, so soft and perfumed, his body did not hear, their touch was too soft, there whispered words to sweet, there breath and kisses too warm and without struggle he surrendered to the sensual assault and by the time he was laid out on the single giant bed below deck, he was naked but for his glossy Panties and a sheen of sweat. Then moments later, all that remained was the sweat.

      Andy did not awake the next morning naked. For as he stirred, the warm sun settling on his body, he was dressed like never before, dressed from head to toe in a film of glistening lip-gloss and as he stirred in his sticky coating, he felt a warm breeze on his buttocks followed by a soft moist caress of lips. With his eyes ,sealed shut by same film of lip-gloss that sealed his entire body, he felt hands about his body, soft tender hands and slowly he was eased up onto his knees. Softly something warm touched his lips and without thought they slowly parted allowing his tongue to snake out. It was long and hard, a warm liquid seeping from the tiny dimple at its tip and it had a taste he had only just discovered hours before, but would relish forever. A hand softly settled on his head, a pressure applied, not hard, not aggressive but guiding and he allowed himself to be so. His lips parting just enough to excepted its width, allowing him to work them about its slippery tip, coating it in his own gloss, before slowly accepting the intruders length deep into his mouth, rolling it on his tongue, swallowing it down. He moaned softly and slowly begin to suckle and as he did he felt his up turned buttocks being parted and as the warm summer sun played across his feminised body, a second hard visitor gently sort entry to  his body and as it did so, smoothly easing up into him he felt a glow, a shimmer, a wave a excitement and a pleasure like never before.


Friday 11 October 2024

Here comes Christeen

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We have the conclusion
of a little story
involving Andy and
a special piece
of his beloved Aunts
It is a sweet little
tale, showing the 
love Jane  has for
her beloved nephew.

Hi Everyone
   Thank goodness Friday is here, it has been a long week and for some of us, it has not ended yet, Booo gotta work all weekend.
Never mind, because I now have my Paint programme just about under control so can start creating Andy and Aunt Jane art the way we like it.
But before then, It's Friday and that can only mean  we get to enjot super new art from our dear friend Christeen,
Big Hugs

Wednesday 9 October 2024

Welcome to Wednesday fun

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Hi Everyone
 A quick update. HOORAY!!!!!! I have my paintshop up and running again, so hopefully I can get back to creating some new art, featuring our favourite Auntie and Nephew.

  Whilst I am here, lets take a look at one or two sweet little things, starting with the utterly perfect and gorgeous Heidi Klum, who took the cat walk by storm at the Paris, L'OrĂ©al Womenswear Spring-Summer 2025 show. This is how amazing a woman of mature years can look stunning in Latex. The dress is perfect ,simple clean lines , that ripple like liquid across her body as she moves.
She even corrected a slight stumble with her classic German cool.  

There's only one way to get over such beauty and that is to take a glimpse at these wonderful creations by our dear friend Ambre.
Andy in motion is such a wonderful treat.

Andy giving his beloved Grandma a big hug.

I can't compete with those wonders, but here are some fun Ai concepts created purely by chance, two capturing Andy in a stylised form and one..........Well can you recognise this blog legend, in the third?

Guess who?

And now, there is only one way to end this post and that is to hand it over to our dear friend Skinnie Stallion, who brings us a super new story, based on my art.

First Dance

By Skinnie Stallion

Andy sheltered behind the camellias.    At least he was away from all the children running around and the clamour of the party.  Away for a while: he knew he'd have to come out when the cake was being cut.   He wished he had his phone so he could catch up on Instagram with what Paris and Kylie and the other party girls were doing.   But he had no phone with him.   His dress had no pockets, and Auntie had made him leave his iPhone in the BMW.  Listening to the exultant shrieks and whoops he'd never felt less like a party girl.

He looked over at Marjorie's summer house.   'Shed' she called it.  It was as big as the Scout Hut.   Bigger.   That was where Jane was.   Enjoying herself with all the mums.   That was where he wanted to be.  Some of the mothers looked very pretty.   Yummy mummies.   A few couldn't be much older than him.   Well not more than ten years.  But none of them were  going to look at him.   None of them were they going to give him the time of day.  Not wearing a dress.  And definitely not this dress.    

Jane had sprung that surprise on him this morning.  It was all well and good saying that they were going to Marjorie's for her twins’ birthday party.  He could accept that, especially when she brought out a new pink pair of Kates as a consolation treat for him.  A sweetener.  "A lovely pair of new heels for you," she'd said.   Only an 85mm heel: something practical for wearing about Fullerton Towers during the day, he’d thought.  Of course he'd said yes.   And then she'd brought out the dress.    A matching dress.   A matching pink latex dress.  "Your party frock," she'd said.  He was trapped.  He had to go.

Andy steadied himself against a branch of the bush, and leant forwards trying to shift his weight on to the soles of his Kates to stop his heels sinking into the lawn.  He couldn’t work out why he was struggling: his Aunt seemed to have no difficulty in her 120s.  But Jane was always graceful and smiling.  And she had more experience.  A lot more experience.  He needed more practice.  Not on the parquet floors and thin rugs of the corridors and day rooms at Fullerton Hall: he was used to them when he was cleaning.  Nor stone floors: he spent enough time in the tiled kitchen.  But on the thick carpets in the lounge.   They would probably present the best challenge when wearing heels.   Silently he wished he could be walking on the hard wooden floor of the Shed rather than languishing in the shadows on soft grass.  

He didn’t know which was worse: the shrieking kids or the laughter emanating from the Shed.  With the sun going down, tea had clearly given way to prosecco, and the bubbly was having its effect. The ladies were letting their hair down while their children played.      That’s where he’d prefer to be.  With his Auntie.  He’d always prefer to be with Auntie, but he was frightened the ladies would laugh at him.   A boy in high heels.  A boy in a dress.  A tongue tied boy who couldn’t talk to them.  A boy who wouldn’t play with the children but was too nervous to talk to the adults.  Jane had done this to him.   

Surely the cake would be served soon?  Bedtime must be approaching for the younger children. They would need to go home.   He shuffled round the bush, branches to see what was happening.   The entertainer had packed up and gone.  He’d been spared that humiliation.   The children were still playing.  He caught fragments of conversation leaking from the open doors to the Shed:

“…. you won’t believe next term’s school fees ……”

“…. I liked him in Luther.   Such a hunk……”

“… latex?  Really?  Latex?  I’ve never tried …”

“…. I’m sure I saw Bunty with her fitness instructor in Lurgashall, yesterday  ….”

“…. a top up would be nice, thank you …..”

“…. yes, we’ve already booked Courchevel for January.   Gstaad is so passĂ©….”

“…. holding hands ….”

There was a louder voice amongst the hubbub:

“…. he’s so silly.  Won’t play with the children.  Won’t come in to say hello.    Moping outside, I guess….”

With horror, he recognised his Aunt’s voice, and it was getting louder.   

“I’m sure he’d like to meet you.   I’ll go and find….” 

He tried to retreat behind the bush but it was too late: Jane appeared on the verandah and immediately spotted him.

“But first I need to get him playing with the children.”   She gave him a look.    “He’s been so self-centred.”

Children clustered round her as she came forward.   They loved their Aunt Jane.   Their kind Aunt.   The Aunt who gave them lovely presents.   The Aunt who always dressed that bit differently from their mums and their other Aunts.  A person in a black shirt

Description automatically generated

Jane stopped to speak with one of the boys who seemed especially keen to talk with her.   Unlike the rest of the children, he was smartly dressed in collar and tie, with a classic blonde fringe and polished shoes.   Very preppy.    The boy pointed at Andy who was rooted to the spot.   It wasn’t just Andy’s heels that were sinking; now his heart was sinking.   What could he want?  

After a brief exchange, Jane walked purposefully towards him while the boy lingered.  "Why are you standing here, darling?   You can’t hide behind the bushes all the time."  She took his hand.   Any other time, he’d have been happy to hold his Aunt’s hand.   He liked holding hands with her: it made him feel special.   But he knew what was about to happen and cringed.  He tried to shake his hand free.  "Why don’t you come and socialise?”  She started to draw him forward.     

“Auntie, please.   I can’t.   Not like this.   Can’t we go?”

“Nonsense, honey.  Not before the cake’s been cut.   And there’s going to be a little disco after.   You should see all the lights Marjorie’s put up.” 

“Must I, Auntie?” he scowled.   

“Oh, you silly boy!  Of course you must.  You look so sweet when get petulant,” she teased.   Andy straightened his face immediately.  “He was already resigned to what was going to happen.   What Auntie wanted, Auntie got.   “And there’s someone here who really wants to meet you.”  She beckoned to the blonde boy to come forward.  “Let me introduce you to Liam.   Liam, this is Andy, my niece.   Andy this is Liam.  He’s a little shy but has something to ask you."

A person and child in a yard

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The boy seemed tongue tied for a moment before bursting out:  “Your Auntie says you’re a boy, but I don’t believe her because you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and … and … will you dance with me, please?”

“Oh no, I couldn’t” said Andy looking helplessly at his Aunt.  

“Sorry, Liam.   I’m afraid she's very shy with strangers! Perhaps you could help her.  I'm certain she and the girls will have plenty of areas of interest in common, if only boys and fashion!" Andy blushed. 

"Boys and fashion....Yuck!" exclaimed Liam.  Apparently he didn't share any of those way too girly concerns. 

“Andy’s a bit of a fashion expert,” interjected his Aunt.  “He reads all the magazines.”

"Auntie, please!" protested Andy.

"None of that sweetie. You will go with Liam, and I want you to have fun! But do take care of your new dress and heels!"

Andy looked down at Liam.  “But Auntie, I’m much older than him.”   He had to be at least  four or five years older than Liam.
A person and two children dancing

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“Honey, since when has that mattered with us,”  replied his Aunt.  Andy blushed.  He’d never thought of it like that.  “Liam just wants to talk  and have a dance.   He tells me he’s going to be an investment banker like his daddy.   Be nice and just talk to the children.  It’s not difficult.”    Jane brought Andy and Liam’s hands together.  “Now Liam, take Andy over to meet your friends before the disco starts.   And don’t let him eat too much cake.   I want him to still fit in that dress.”

“Yes, Auntie Jane,” said Liam.   It wasn’t only Andy who referred to Lady Jane Fullerton-Jones as Auntie.  

“Be good both of you,” said Jane looking back over her shoulder at the two boys  “…and Liam…”

“Yes, Auntie Jane?”

“I’m sure Andy will let you have a dance at the disco.  Won’t you, honey?”

“Yes, Auntie,” he said disconsolately.

“Golly!  Thank you, Auntie Jane,” said Liam looking adoringly at the older woman.  It looked like Christmas had come early for him.   

“But be aware,” a slightly sterner tone entering her voice, “I’m having the last dance with Andy.” 

A child in a white shirt and blue tie

Description automatically generated“Yes, Auntie Jane,” said Liam.   “And can I have a dance with you Auntie?   Please Auntie?”   

Andy gasped.  He couldn’t believe what he’d just heard.   Liam might be shy, but he’d never have had the courage at Liam’s age to make such a request.

Jane stopped and turned back to look at them both.  “My, you’re not such a shy boy are you, Liam!   I can see you’ll make a good investment banker, schmoozing and flattering your clients.   Of course you can.”   She looked directly at Andy.   “See Andy, that’s how it’s done.   You only have to ask.”

Andy felt sheepish but decided to seize the day.   He might as well given how the day was turning out.  “Well then, please can I have the First Dance, Auntie?”

“Naturally, honey.  I thought you’d never ask.   I always like to have the first dance with the prettiest girl at a party.”   With that, Jane pivoted on the sole of her Louboutin and swept back up to the Summer House.

‘She’s nice, isn’t she?” said Liam when Jane was out of earshot.

“Yes,” agreed Andy.

“I like her leather pants,” added Liam.

A person in a pink dress

Description automatically generated“Yes,” mumbled Andy.

“I saw you behind that bush.  You look very pretty.   Why do you wear a dress if you're a boy?” asked Liam.   “Do you want to be a girl?”

“It’s er. …. it’s a  ….. it’s a bit complicated,” muttered Andy.   “Let’s go and find where the cake’s being cut,” he said changing the subject.    “I’ll race you there.” 

“I’ll win easy,” responded Liam already letting go of Andy’s hand and starting to sprint towards the marquee.   “Girls can’t run!”

Not in these heels, thought Andy, pleased that the moment had passed.   His mood was brightening.  He’d got out of that scrape and was already looking forward to his dance with Jane.   He was wondering who else he could ask to dance.   How many of the yummy mummies would want to dance with a boy in a latex dress and high heels?   He would only find out if he asked.

Jane looked back from inside the Summer House and saw Andy tearing after Liam across the lawn.   Her boy was learning.   If he danced nicely, he might get a treat when they got home.   And it wouldn’t be more cake.



Monday 7 October 2024

New art. Eldorado 4: The search for Samantha

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If you Like pink
Like heels and 
love a pretty
Chris,then this 
super new piece from
Christeen will make
the Monday blues
blow away.

Hi Everyone
  Still here folks, snowed under and still suffering from a slow and unhelpful Paint program and bless you all for your patience with me, I am trying to catch up.

However that isn't going to stop us from have our Monday treat and that treat is a fun follow on from a piece published on here a few weeks ago,

 We are blasting off back to the 25th Century to bring you a few more images from the latest Adventure featuring our poor helpless Samantha and the ever gorgeous Colonel Wilma Deering.
It's gooey, it's slimy, but it's the kind of fun we like.

Biggest hugs

First an update to know where we are.

and now

Friday 4 October 2024

Hooray It's A Christeen Friday

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A rare thing. A completed
image, with full dialogue.
This is because ,as you 
know I have been 
without my Paint program
and have been unable to
create any new art for a 
while.So instead of messing 
up the Saturday Girl story
I have chosen to post this
lovely little image of a 
moment between a young
Andy and His Aunt Jane 
that kind of changed the 
cause of his life.

Hi Everyone
   What a week, been bounced all over the place doing real life work, which is nice and fun, but it is always good to get back home and settle down with something new and wonderful from Christeen and these really are wonderful.
 Thank you Christeen

Monday 30 September 2024

New Art: Saturday Girl 4. Ms Dane

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We have the delight
of new art from our 
dear Christeen.
This has a wonderfully
naughty touch
to it and features an
elevator and we all
know how our sweet Andy
loves an elevator.
Don't we 

Hi Everyone
  So it seems, when it comes to creating new art, the more I try the trickier things become. Yet again my Paintshop is not doing what I want it to do. I can create, but it is so slow and ponderous it's driving my bonkers because I have so many ideas to work on.
  This in turn is messing up my correspondence, so yet  again I am so sorry for being so slow in my replies and things.
Fortunately I have a few created earlier to keep us all entertained and in touch with our favourite Hero/Heroine and his loving Aunt Jane.
  So today we have the completed version of the 4th in our Saturday Girl series, running on Patreon.
Andy is another step closer to taking his place in the world or Bergman & Knightley and those of us following it on Patreon will know what a world it can be.

Friday 27 September 2024

Happy Friday with Christeen

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It's the final Friday
of the month and that
means we stop 
everything and bring 
you the very latest
page in our  exclusive
calendar Aunt Jane.
This time our gorgeous
heroine is all slick and
shiny, ready to save those
in need.

Hi Everyone
  I seem to have my Paintshop where I want it, though it's still not a slick as it was, but I'll get there.
In the meantime I can step aside and lay back with the rest of you a enjoy these super new pieces from the ever wonderful Christeen and these three are total classics.
Happy weekend