Monday 20 May 2024

New Art: Out of the frying pan

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On Patreon today
We have the Monday
blues washed away with a
delightful new
piece from our dear
friend Christeen.
Thus is a very sweet
and detailed image
and we all thank you for
it Christeen 

Hi Everyone
   Hope you are all super well and if any of you  are not at your best I hope we can bring a little light and fun to your day XX
   So today we have the completed version of a piece which, when previewed over on Patreon, ignited lots of imaginations.
  So this is set during Andy and Janes time promoting Boy? in New York and  before they are forced to go on the run to Nowheresville, where they hide out in a small town, before Andy is kidnapped by the Sisterhood and sold in auction, leading to the Andy alone series of stories.
(See how it all fits together)
  I'll give you more of my thoughts on the image after you see it.
Hope you like it, 

Hello again, so lets unpack this and remember this is only what I think is going on, if you can see more please do tell.
  So having become disturbed by the sisterhoods influence and demands on her Nephew Jane has turned to a select Ladies group in Manhattan for help. However it would seem, as the title suggests, such is the desire to own a part of the worlds most beautiful boy, these ladies my not be the saviours Jane had hoped for and she may have just gone from the frying pan into the fire.
  Now then, Janes apology to Andy. I deliberately wrote this to be read in different ways. Jane can either be apologising for what is about to happen, which suggests she was backed into  a desperate corner and has knowingly placed Andy in a potentially perilous position or she is apologising for getting him into this in the first place, after all Andy loved playing football and perhaps at this moment she wishes she had never swapped his Adidas for Louboutin.
  Then there is the mystery woman......could this be a Sisterhood spy and could it be her betrayal be the  catalyst for then fleeing New York?
  Or could I be mistaken?


  1. Oh gosh - I feel 🔥just looking at it! I’m not sure if it is the cherry red dress, dani minogue hair, or those braids that are almost pony like… I’m all flushed! I’m going to believe it is a schrodinger apology… apologising for the past and future, but neither at the same time. All I know is those heels are to die for!

    1. Oh that is super deep Natalie, yes Janes apology is very loose.
      I am so glad you liked this piece my dear friend, I loved creating the smooth and shiny dress and I never thought of Danni as an inspiration for the hair style but you are spot on, as for the mistresses braids, well it just fitted so well.
      Bless you

  2. Lady Jane and Andrew may have been thrilled to have been saved from Nowheresville and being on the run, but it would seem the new ladies have dressed Andy up and are about to put him on a display of their own.

    1. Yes my dear Lee, it seems Andy has fallen into deeper water than expected, though perhaps they might not be a scary as they appear XXX

  3. I think you have it part right, this is the night Lady Jane and Andrew had to go on the run but not for the resions you think, I shal explaine.
    Jane has no iedea what is in store for andy, she is not sorry about stoping the football just what might hapen to him.
    so andy is led to a very imposing bedroom door, the atendent tells Andrew to wait till she has left to knock on the door, of course Andy obeys the instruction, understandalbey aprehencive, Andy knocks, a very powerfly mail voice instructs him to enter, standing by the bed in an opulet bathrobe and what Andy knew to be victoria secret lingerie (tho not a set he had seen at any of the shows or in the catalog) stood a large man esaley over 6" tall, with a warm smile on his face, "Andy my dear come in come in" he sppeks softer than he did before, maybe picking up on Andys' nerves, the man contnuies "I have been whatching your progres from affa, and maybe guiding it a litiel ,his simle got a litel wider at the remark, the man continued "I asked to see you in the hope that you might be able to help me attain sumthing if only just a small amout of of your look" the man finished and met Andys gaze.
    Andy was taken aback by this request, unsure how to procied.

    and that is where I turn it back to you
