Monday 6 May 2024

A Monday Special with Skinnie S

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Hi Everyone

  I have taken the executive decision to dedicate this Monday to the brilliance of our dear friend Skinnie Stallion.
  He never fails to create the sweetest and naughtiest of stories to accompany my art, adding so much to my Andy and Aunt Jane story, whilst often spinning into his own rich and colourful version.
  So here is Skinnie's take on one of my favourite pieces of recent months.
  Big hugs and many thanks

Executive Stress: What I Have in Mind


Skinnie Stallion

Andy stepped into the elevator and breathed a sigh. His head was buzzing. Another business meeting over. The last of the morning stint. He checked his watch. Nine-thirty. What was it with Americans and breakfast meetings? He'd seen three clients since he'd set up stall at a side table in the capacious hotel lobby. All he'd had were three espressos since six-forty-five. Now he just needed to get back to his room and enter the orders on his laptop. And maybe some orange juice, something freshly squeezed. 

A person with blonde hair

Description automatically generatedIt was nice that Aunt Jane trusted him to meet with potential buyers on his own.  And she couldn't complain about the results. The BOY?™ order book was bulging ever since their appearance on The Tonight Show.  Jane had insisted that male buyers would not want to meet with a fuddy, duddy old business woman like her.  They'd think that they would be able to strike a much better bargain with a softly spoken, inexperienced British ingénue. After all, Andy was a blonde, a blonde in heels. A sweet guy, but dressed like that he had to be a soft touch.  Jane knew better: a flutter of his eyelashes and they were putty in his hands, though Andy had found that pausing during the meeting to check his make-up in his compact mirror and then reapplying his lipstick seemed to have an even more beguiling effect. It was distraction. It gave him thinking time. His lipstick was always fine but he did like leaving big lip prints on his little coffee cup.  They seemed to make an impression. And not just on the male buyers, though they were mostly male.   Jane liked to think she had charm, but Andy enchanted female buyers too. 

Far from being a soft touch, her boy was hard. Jane quickly realised that he could strike better bargains than she could. They expected her to be the tough negotiator, not that soppy English boy. A boy who liked to dress up in girl's clothes. What was clever about that? Andy knew the BOY?™ catalogue even better than her.   After all, he'd worn and modelled most of the items. He even knew the Man@BOY?™ range intimately: he'd helped Will out of it often enough. 

Andy pressed the button for the Executive Level. As the elevator doors began to close, someone come running across the lobby and dived into the shiny steel cabin. As the figure turned and straightened himself, Andy gasped in amazement. "What on earth are you doing here?!" he exclaimed.

“I had to see you.   I’ve missed you so much,” said the handsome figure gathering his breath.  He held out his hand.

“Oh Will!   Me too.  I’ve missed you too!”   Andy took Will’s hand allowing his friend to pull him close. “But how?”A person and person hugging

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Will didn’t reply.   He was too busy kissing the love of his life.  Finally their lips parted as the lift began to ascend. “You’re all over the internet.   There are clips of you and Lady Jane on The Tonight Show on YouTube and Twitter.   It wasn’t hard to find you”

“What?”  Before he could say more their lips met again.  “I knew we’d made an impression here, but back home?”

“Yes, back home.   ‘Brits Big In New York’ on the gossip pages too.    And all that Amanda Kensington stuff.  Ok, you might not want to use your real name, but Amanda Kensington? Did you and Jane really think you wouldn’t be recognised?   Though, I see you’re a luscious blonde now.   You were still a cute pixie redhead on TV.  I liked your hair like that. How come blonde?”

“It’s a wig, silly.   Amanda was my idea.   I need to be someone different over here. It would be too easy for The Sisterhood to track Andrew Watson.  And I want something different.   I need something different.   Something I’ve not been getting for weeks.”

“What’s that?” asked Will.  

“You, of course, silly,” said Andy setting down his tote and putting his arms round Will’s neck.   “Something I need now.”

“Oh, darling.   Me too.  I was hoping you were going to say that.  Let’s go to your room.”

“We can’t.”

“Why ever not?   I just want to get you out of those things and into bed.  You have got a double bed, haven’t you?  All US hotels have double beds.”

“Yes, a Super-King.   But you still can’t.”

“But why not?   You never showed much reluctance back home.   And I thought you wanted me.”

A person and person dancing

Description automatically generated“Oh, Will, I do.”  Andy pushed himself even closer against Will .  “I do so much.  I need you deeply.  I need you inside.”  He put a leg forward between Will’s and ground his pelvis against Will’s groin.   “Deep inside,”  he whispered in Will’s ear while rubbing his thigh against Will’s crotch.

“Then let’s go.”

“We can’t: I’m sharing with Aunt Jane.”

“Sharing a suite?   That’s OK.  We’ll go to your room.”

“Sharing a room.  And a bed.   And I expect she’ll just be finishing her breakfast in bed about now, and expecting me for afters.”

“Oh, honey.   Well, if it’s like that.”

“You know, it’s always been ‘like that’.   But I want you.   And I want you now.  Right now.   You remember how we did that shoot for Man@BOY?™?”   Andy knew they’d soon be at the Executive Level.  Thirty-five floors might be high  but not for what he had in mind.

A close-up of a person's hand on a elevator

Description automatically generated“How could I ever forget?” said Will gripping Andy’s waist with one arm and clasping his sweet friend’s tight latex bum with the other, and  picking up him up, if only to stop him grinding and to kiss him more.

“Well let’s do it in real life.”   Andy reached over Will’s shoulder and pressed the Emergency Stop. The lift came to a jarring halt.  

“What? Here?” exclaimed Will.

“Right here, right now.”


“Take me, Will.   I want you so, so much.  I need something to relieve my stress.  All this work and missing you.  We don’t have long.  No need to undress.  Just unzip my skirt and drop your trousers.   You can slide my panties to one side.   I’m still lubed from last night with Auntie.”

“But it’s a glass lift, Andy.   People will see.”

“Thirty floors up?   I doubt it.  And not if we’re back from the glass.”

A person and person hugging in an elevator

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“That’s a shame, since I was planning to take you up against the window.   I could admire the view will giving you what you need.”

“Don’t be cheeky.   Now get me out of this skirt.”

“OK, honey.” Will lowered Andy and reached round to undo the zip.

“Come on, babe: the Midi-BOY?™ Pencil unzips from the bottom hem not the waist,” advised Andy, “don’t you remember?”

“There were so many designs when we did that shoot.  And most of the time, you weren’t wearing anything.”   Will fumbled with the zip.  

“Don’t pull, Will.   It’s latex, remember.   It’s delicate.   Like me,” Andy giggled.

“Not so delicate that you don’t want a good hard ……”

“Just get on with it, since that’s what you want too.”

Will fumbled some more before kneeling and craning his neck round Andy’s taut thighs.   He looked down at the hemline where he’d been scrabbling.  “Mission Control, we have a problem,” he groaned in despair.  “Bloody rubber!”

“What kind of problem?” asked Andy.  “You know you don’t need to wear that kind of protection with me.”

A close-up of a person's legs

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“Do you have a key?” asked Will.

“A key?  I thought you were wanting a condom.”

“A key.   There’s a padlock on this zip.   Surely you have a key.”

“Oh, no.   Auntie dressed me and did my make-up before she went back to bed.   She must have put me in the Midi-BOY?™ Pencil-Secure.  She always thinks the padlock makes for a more chic look.”

“Yes, I remember when she used to put you in padlocked collars and chokers.”

“Still does,” sighed Andy.    “Don’t you have a key though?  I thought you took one at our shoots.”

“You are forgetting, Andy.   Remember last time?   Aunt Jane took my keys back.”

Andy pushed against Will’s chest and freed himself from his lover’s arms.  He began to lower himself to his knees, tugging at and loosening Will’s belt as he descended.  “We don’t need keys for what I wanna do.”

“No, honey.   That’s a lovely thought but that’s not how I want you.”   Will put his hands beneath Andy’s arms and lifted his boyfriend back to his feet.  “You’re so sweet.  Maybe sometime later but not now.   Not when I want you so much.   Better go to your room and say hello to Lady J.  Perhaps another day when you’re not locked.”   

“I guess so,” groaned a wistful Andy.   He released the Emergency Stop and the lift started to ascend the last few floors.  “Just check my hair’s straight,” he said looking at his reflection in the stainless steel panelling.  “Mmm…. lipstick.”  He pouted, then took out a tissue and lipstick from his tote.

A person and person in a elevator

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Executive Level” drawled the lift.

Will took Andy’s hand.   If nothing else, he could hold his friend’s hand.   Andy guided him down the corridor.

At this point you get a treat, read on from here and get two alternative endings, one (the first) is classically sweet ,whilst the second is just plain naughty. I could not chose which to publish, but then realised both are deserving of their place.

Read on

Andy gave his coded rap on the door and listened with an ear pressed against the door.  Jane would know it was him and not Room Service, nor an unwelcome agent of The Sisterhood.   

“Come in darling.”

Andy poked his head round the door.   “Are you respectable, Auntie?”

“Respectable, certainly,” said Jane.   To Andy’s surprise she was out of bed and dressed, resplendent in a sleeveless black top,  shiny leather pants and Louboutin Hot Chick Slings.  “Respectable but probably disreputable, at least in The Sisterhood’s eyes.”

“We have a visitor, Auntie,” he said, opening the door a little wider.

“No, honey.   I told you: no-one comes up here.   Only meet clients in the lobby or the restaurant.   Take them straight back down.”

“No, Auntie.   It’s someone special.”  He drew Will forward.   “Someone very special.”   Will peeped over Andy’s shoulder.

“William!” Jane exclaimed, as Andy stepped aside and they both entered the room.  “How marvellous to see you!   But how?”

“I’ve already told Andy: you’re all over the internet after The Tonight Show.   You and Miss ‘Amanda Kensington’.”

“Well, Amanda was Andy’s idea.”

“So I’ve heard.”

“Auntie,” said Andy coquettishly.

“Yes, darling?”

“Are you going out?”

“No, darling.   Why do you ask?”

“Well, you’re dressed and I was wondering about the key to my Midi-BOY?™ Pencil-Secure.   You see, I thought I was just in the Midi-BOY?™ Pencil but I realise you’ve padlocked me in.”

Jane put a hand on Andy’s shoulder and gave him a hard stare.   “So how did you realise?”

A couple of women sitting next to a window

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“I could feel the lock banging against my calves.”

“Really?” said Jane, shifting her stare to Will who shuffled uncomfortably.   She turned back to Andy.   “And what if I gave you the key?   What would you do?   Go to the toilet?”   Now it was Andy’s turn to look embarrassed.    She turned back towards Will.   “Don’t worry, I think I know,” she said giving Will a wry smile.   “And how did you get on with the clients?”

“Great Auntie.   Lots of orders.   I’ve got them all listed on the Order Sheets in my bag.   I was just going to put them on to the system.   See.”  Andy retrieved a sheaf of papers from his leather tote and handed them to Jane.

Jane thumbed through them.   “Hmmm….. You’ve done really well.  A great morning’s work.   I think you might have earned a bonus for that.”   She fished a little brass key from the back pocket of her pants then turned to Will:  “You must be tired after your journey William.   How long are you with us?”  

“Only a few days.  Just a long weekend.   I asked work for some urgent compassionate leave.”

“Hmmmm…. don’t you mean ‘passionate’?” said Jane with one of her wry smiles.

“Maybe, I have so missed Andy.”

“Look, you two lovebirds stay here while I go down to the restaurant,” said Jane.    “I skipped breakfast and now I feel famished.   Why don’t you have a chat and get reacquainted, while I put the orders on the computer and send back to HQ and the atelier.” 

“OK,” said Andy with more than a tinge of sadness in his voice.  

“And when you leave William, we’re going to have to move on too.”  

“Do we have to Auntie?” pleaded Auntie.

“Yes, honey.  If William can  find us so easily, so will The Sisterhood.”    She gathered up Andy’s tote and thrust the papers inside.   “I’ll be down in the lobby for the next couple of hours.  You have your ‘chat’.”   She arched an eyebrow and walked towards the door.   As she passed Will, she whispered in his ear:  “The key’s on the table.   You have my blessing.”  

“Err…..Thank you, Lady Jane, said an embarrassed Will, still unable to drop the formality. 

“Thank you, Auntie,” said Andy who’d just spotted the key too.   He ran forward and kissed his Aunt.   “Thank you so much,” he called after her as she swirled out the door which sprang shut behind her.

“Phew!” exhaled Andy and Will in unison.   Will pulled Andy close and kissed him.   “I think we know what we’re doing for the next two hours, don’t you?”

“I always do what Auntie says,” giggled Andy, melting in his lover’s arms and starting to scrabble with the buckle of his belt.   “Just make sure you do too.”

Version 2: Naughty

Andy gave his coded rap on the door and listened with an ear pressed against the door.  Jane would know it was him and not Room Service, nor an unwelcome agent of The Sisterhood.   

“Come in darling.”

Andy poked his head round the door.   “Are you respectable, Auntie?”

“Respectable, certainly,” said Jane.   To Andy’s surprise she was out of bed and dressed, resplendent in a sleeveless black top,  shiny leather pants and Louboutin Hot Chick Slings.  “Respectable but probably disreputable, at least in The Sisterhood’s eyes.”

“We have a visitor, Auntie,” he said, opening the door a little wider.

“No, honey.   I told you: no-one comes up here.   Only meet clients in the lobby or the restaurant.   Take them straight back down.”

“No, Auntie.   It’s someone special.”  He drew Will forward.   “Someone very special.”   Will peeped over Andy’s shoulder.

“William!” Jane exclaimed, as Andy stepped aside and they both entered the room.  “How marvellous to see you!   But how?”

“I’ve already told Andy: you’re all over the internet after The Tonight Show.   You and Miss ‘Amanda Kensington’.”

“Well, Amanda was Andy’s idea.”

“So I’ve heard.”

“Auntie,” said Andy coquettishly.

“Yes, darling?”

“Are you going out?”

“No, darling.   Why do you ask?”

“Well, you’re dressed and I was wondering about the key to my Midi-BOY?™ Pencil-Secure.   You see, I thought I was just in the Midi-BOY?™ Pencil but I realise you’ve padlocked me in.”

Jane put a hand on Andy’s shoulder and gave him a hard stare.   “So how did you realise?”

A couple of women sitting next to a window

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“I could feel the lock banging against my calves.”

“Really?” said Jane, shifting her stare to Will who shuffled uncomfortably.   She turned back to Andy.   “And what if I gave you the key?   What would you do?   Go to the toilet?”   Now it was Andy’s turn to look embarrassed.    She turned back towards Will.   “Don’t worry, I think I know,” she said giving Will a wry smile.   “And how did you get on with the clients?”

“Great Auntie.   Lots of orders.   I’ve got them all listed on the Order Sheets in my bag.   I was just going to put them on to the system.   See.”  Andy retrieved a sheaf of papers from his leather tote and handed them to Jane.

Jane thumbed through them.   “Hmmm….. You’ve done really well.  A great morning’s work.   I think you might have earned a bonus for that,” she said fishing a little brass key out of the back pocket of her pants.  “Don’t worry, I’ll put the orders on the computer and send back to HQ and the atelier.”   She gathered up Andy’s tote and thrust the papers inside.   “I’ll be down in the lobby for the next couple of hours.  You have a little ‘rest’.”   She arched an eyebrow and walked towards the door.   As she passed Will, she handed him the key and, in a stage whisper, said in his ear:  “Fuck him, William.  Fuck him hard and fuck him good.”

“Err…..Thank you, Lady Jane,” said an embarrassed Will, still unable to drop the formality. 

“Thank you, Auntie,” said Andy.   He ran forward and kissed his Aunt.   “Thank you so much.”

“Look at him William.   He’s so lovable and he needs cock so bad.  He’s missed you so much.”

“I’ve missed him too.”

“I’m sorry about that but we had to get away from The Sisterhood.   I’ll see you both of you lovebirds downstairs for lunch around twelve-thirty,” said Jane, swirling out through the door.   “Remember William: hard and good” as the door sprang shut behind her.

“Phew!” exhaled Andy and Will in unison.   Will pulled Andy close and kissed him.   “I think we know what we’re doing for the next two hours, don’t you?”

“I always do what Auntie says,” giggled Andy, melting in his lover’s arms and starting to scrabble with the buckle of his belt.   “Just make sure you do too.”


  1. Thank you. But crikey, I never thought Version 2 would see the light of day. Still William and Andy love each other very much, and in both versions Jane is just acknowledging that and what she thinks will be good for her fugitive boy. (Did I ever send you the 3rd version where Jane leaves them, and it's a few minutes before the star-crossed lovers realise that she's left the key on the table for them?)
    S xxx

  2. i like both endings of this nice story

    1. Thank you. I was worried that Version 2 went too far. Pleased you liked both.

  3. Fab pics and delicious writing. Lurve the naughty ending. xxx

    1. Thank you, Aidan. It seems clear that Andy's readers enjoyed both endings. I was trying to reflect not just the passion between Andy and Will, but also his Aunt's love for him and understanding of his needs. She wants him to be happy, even though they're both on a traumatic journey to escape the clutches of the worst side of The Sisterhood. She loves him dearly but there are things that only Will can provide.

  4. J'aime bien les deux histoires

  5. A great story and a stir of emotions!

    1. Thank you Natalie. I'm sure Andy can feel Will stirring.

  6. Fico me perguntando quando Amanda sairá da casa de Tia Jane e irá morar sozinha ou com o William.
    Fico me questionando se ele poderia ser uma Tia Jane para alguém treinar alguém para ser a nova Amanda

    1. We do occasionally see glimpses of Andy's future with William. ( and A happy couple with two adopted children, with Andy the perfect loving mother.
      As for Aunt Jane, she will always be part of Andy's life. She will be the perfect loving Auntie not just to Andy, but to Connor and Keira. And as her mother, the Baroness gets older, Lady Jane will spend more time recruting, monitoring and supporting the *Berwick Market Particulars who will continue to help Jane and Andy on their missions.
      S xx

      *For non-Sherlock Holmes readers, an obtuse riff on the Baker Street Irregulars.
