Monday 29 April 2024

New Art. The Bullies of Knightley Manor

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Monday Monday here
we come with a 
new piece of sweet
art from our
dear friend Christeen.
I love a uniform
and this is just

Hi Everyone
   So nice to be back with you all my dear friends and today we have the completed version of a piece of art preview over on Patreon. It is  apiece which inspired our dear Skinnie Stallion to write a small bridging vignette. I have just sent him the second image in this perhaps series, just to inspire him more.
  So here we are and it seems you can judge my mood by the nature of my art, If I am happy I create images of love ,but when I am down (you might have noticed) I create darker concepts and this is one.

  It is set during Andy's early days, when the ladies of Knightley Manor were seen as a guiding hand on Andy's journey, however this piece is called The Bullies Of Knightely Manor and sets the tone for what is to come and perhaps leads in some way Andy's stay at the Manor. 
  Whilst Jane has been taken outside and offered an innocent invitation, as explained by Skinnie in his tale, these two mean bullies take the opportunity to have their fun with our sweet boy.
 I hope it is not too dark, in the past I have been bullied, but we all know it will end in love and happiness for Andy.
Big Hugs to you all


  1. Never fear, I'm working on it. Although I had thinking about a further twist. (Let's twist again.)
    S xxx

  2. Oooo… i can’t wait for the story; and the hint of Andy as a pony… just wow!
    The pink latex just sets the tone! The bow is a delicious touch!
    I love those boots! They contrast beautifully with the frills and the white. Do they zip or pull up? I think I need someone to teach me to walk in heels that high… once they help slide the leather up my smooth legs. It may not be long before most of those clothes are scattered around the floor…

    1. Hi Natalie, we gotta have boots for the stable mistresses because I love them too and as for the heels, nothing else will do.
      So happy you like it and leave it to Skinnie to tease you some more in the future, because he has seen what is coming next XXX

    2. Hi there!
      Boots are always a must! I love the way they wrap tightly around the mistresses 😘 - the heels are divine!
      Love! Love! Love it! I’ll let Skinny tease me with a little dash of fantasy and learn to play in high heels someday. XXX

  3. As always, Andy is just precious no matter what these two say. After all they need to keep in power, but I fear they are jealous of his innocence and beauty. Something they have lost a long time ago.
    However I do recall the Lady Jane being taken to the stables and given a stall of her very own. can that be far off?

    1. You recall correctly my dear Lee, there are other stories set in those stables, perhaps not this one but then again maybe so.
      As for the bullies, you are correct, they are so jealous of his innocence, wicked ladies XXX

    2. TY my sweet Andy. I hope someday we can revisit Lady Janes time in the stables. Not that she does not deserve it. Though she has always been protective of her nephew. Must have not seen it coming and was overpowered by the Sisterhood.

  4. Oh gosh, Aunty go and save cute Andy from those two bothersome ladies. Trotting down to to see the Ponies will be lovely. xxx

    1. I don't imagine Aunt Jane will put up with Bullying, but those bitches will be all sweetness and light the moment she re-enters the room XX
