Monday 26 February 2024

New Art. Maid in Training

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Monday has arrived
and with it the delights
of a new piece by our
dear friend Christeen.
This is a sweet one
with a hint of fairy-tale

Hi Everyone
 Sorry for being slow with replies and things, trying to get past a few issues at the moment, but that's for me to sort out and not for you sweethearts to worry about XXX
 Todays piece was previewed over on Patreon a few weeks ago.
It is a sweet little piece, without a big story to it, but It features a relaxed  Aunt Jane , overseeing her beloved Nephew as, dressed in his smooth glossy latex uniform, he learns new skills in her country cottage.
  This is from Andy's early days in heels, when the very idea of being permanently in heels would have been unthinkable to him.
  There is a sweet vignette to go along with this piece written by Skinnie S and posted on Patreon which I will share at the bottom of the image.
I hope you are all well
Big Hugs

By Skinnie Stallion

"That's so much better, honey.   Stand straight.   Keep your buttocks clenched.   It's not going to drop out if you keep them clenched."
"But Auntie...."
"No buts.   Another step forward.   Yes, that's good.   How does that feel in my Louboutins?"
"And the heel height?   It is quite a step up from 3 inches to 5 inches."
"Difficult, but they are comfortable.   Much more comfortable than those lookalikes I found on the internet."
"Yes, you can't beat the real thing," said Jane.   "And how is that plug feeling now?"
"Stretching, Auntie.   Stretching and slippery."
"Oh, honey, it's only little.  It's why you need to keep your buttocks tight in case it slips out.  I greased it well."
"Did, I really need it, Auntie?  It's so undignified," protested Andy.
"But your posture is so much better.   And it will prepare you for larger ones when the time comes.   Now take another step and try not to slop the milk."
"Yes, Auntie.  What do you mean larger ones?"
"You look so much better in higher heels, Andrew.   They really accentuate your calves and tighten your thighs."
"I didn't mean heels, Auntie, but I would like a pair," said Andy getting easily sidetracked.
"Oh, Andrew, you're only just having heels of your own.  One day, maybe you can have some Louboutins if you show me you're a good maid.   In the meantime you can borrow mine, just for today.   Now try taking a few more steps.   I think you'll be fine serving tea when the Vicar comes round with the latest Parish Magazine."
"I can't be seen by the Reverend looking like this, Auntie."
"You can and you will, Andrew.   Remember our bargain about letting you dress up?   You're my maid now.   You do what I ask.   And I want you to serve tea to the Vicar.   OK?"
"Yes, Auntie."
"And run upstairs and get me a pair of my black Zanottis.  If you're going to stay in my Loubous, I'm going to need to be some 6 inch heels."
"Yes, Auntie."
"That's a good boy.  You're so sweet, darling."


  1. Thank you Andy. I just wish I'd referenced Jane's casual T and her mug alongside her barefeet.
    I hope 'things' get better soon.
    S xxx

    1. Hi S, you are welcome, I love your little stories and vignettes and yes you missed those little details, but I don't think anyone noticed her Mug XX

  2. With bare feet, one must wonder if she is thinking about something a little secretive in that cute behind…
    As for Andy, those heels are delicious! They certainly show off those gorgeous legs and match a wonderful tight, hot number. Me next pls!

    1. oOoooo thinking about that little hummingbirds, what a naughty thing you are Natalie XXX

  3. I wonder if the Vicar knows, or if Lady Jane wants to gauged the shock factor when Andrew is unveiled. Being new to the maid service, he may show a bit too much acknowledgement toward the guest.

    1. Ah now you are correct Lee, this is before Andy is introduced to the good Reverend Green XXX

  4. Beautifully trained. Can just imagine the vicar either not drinking the tea as looking too much at Andy or drinking gallons of tea for the attention. xxx

    1. I don't think poor Mayfield will know which way to look my dear friend, I think it will be all too much for him to understand XXX

  5. When she mentioned that Andy would be prepared for "Larger ones", notice that she diverted attention only to the heels. I believe something else will be increasing in size as time passes.

    1. Who knows what Jane meant? Andy didn't seem to notice her shift. Heels have always been an area of interest, and she is being generous in letting Andy try hers. What else could she mean?

    2. Oh RH you are naughty, but I think you may be right, something will be getting a tiny bit bigger, not that I could imagine as to what you are referring 'Blush' XX

  6. C est essentiel d avoir une formation pour porter des talons et avoir la tenue de femme de chambre c est normal pour toute Sissy heureusement que Tante Jane et la pour réussir la meilleure formation pour notre sublime Andy si sexy ,Tante Jane montre son autorité sur Andy son éducation et importante Andy vas sûrement porter d autres talons aiguilles ,des bottes ou cuissardes ?

    1. Bonjour mon ami
      Oui, il est très important d'avoir une formation correcte. Surtout quand Andy aura d’autres styles de chaussures à porter.
      Merci pour ce si gentil commentaire

  7. ein Plug ist immer super für den Gang von Andy, er muss auch grössere bekommen....
