Monday 12 February 2024

New Art. Dangerous Times

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A delightful single
piece from the sweet
imagination of
our dear Christeen.
This is a super
feminine all white
piece ,love it.

Hi Everyone
   Monday has arrived, yes I know it comes round too quickly, but hopefully I can ease that Monday Blues with a new piece which was previewed over on Patreon a few weeks ago.
  It is  Slightly darker piece, and it set around the time Aunt Jane splits with the Sisterhood and prepares to leave for America with Andy.
 Indeed the way the Sisterhood are manipulating Andy and his image, I mean Andy is in some danger of being abused here, really angers Aunt Jane. 
 It takes a lots to make a lady of her class to swear ,but she is definitely not having this. I figure she left Andy in their care, whilst she went off to do some business meetings or something and has returned to find Andy in real Danger.
  Hope you like this
My biggest hugs

Ps Tune into Patreon on Tuesday for an extra Valentines treat

Hello again
One more thing, I deliberately kept Andy's classic pixie cut and not a more feminine style to highlight he vulnerability in this moment. Though the two "Thugs" don't seem to realise....or do they? 



  1. The story we discussed after your Pateron post is almost finished. A little teaser at the start:

    She shook and squeezed. A few more milky white droplets oozed out. She’d soon have to switch to a new one but there ought to be just enough this time.

    S xx

    1. Sorry for not replying sooner S, yes I have the story and will enjoy reading it very soon XXX

  2. Ooooo that is a very Kylie looking top and heels!

    1. It is very Kylie isn't it Natalie, It is a style I love, because it is so minimal, Andy is very exposed yet fully dressed. It just heightens his vulnerability I think XX

  3. Maybe they just want to get him out of the hot California sun? Would not want him to get tan lines in all the wrong places.

  4. Phew! glad Jane continues to be a super protector. xxx

    1. Yes Aidan, Jane is about to wade in and end this XX
