Monday 5 February 2024

Cheer squad. By Skinnie Stallion

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It is Monday and 
that means a lovely 
new piece from 
the ever sparkling 
mind of our dear 
Christeen. Come
on into the salon

Hello Everyone
Hope you are all well. Owning to my posting this months Calendar page over on Patreon we are a week adrift here on the blog and so I though I would take this opportunity to share another lost piece of fiction for our dear Skinnie Stallion. 
 This one takes us all the way out to Nowheresville where Andy and Jane are hiding out from the vengeful Sisterhood and finds Andy in that oh so cute Cheer leaders outfit.
 I have added "Andy's First Day" at the beginning simply because it kind of fits into the story.
  I have had to tinker with the way out, as once again this platform kept messing up the formatting, so hopefully after a lot of mucking about I think I have it looking mostly right. 

  Thank you as ever for your support and enjoyment of my art, I do so love our little corner of the net. Nearly 14.5 millions pages visits can't be wrong.


Andy's First Day

Cheer Squad By 
Skinnie Stallion

He felt on such a high. The fittings and the dress rehearsal had gone so well. The girls had  loved the new cheerleader uniforms that he'd designed. He couldn't deny that he'd been  influenced by seeing pictures of the Panther girlsº, but their outfits were basic in comparison.  He'd incorporated the college

colours around the hem and necklines. And ra-ra skirts were  much more suitable and gave much freer movement than tight pants. He certainly preferred  the absence of restriction and unwelcome tightness for some of the stretches and lunges. It  was a nice opportunity too for him to be back in latex without drawing attention to himself.  He'd even got the college 'MW' logo emblazoned across the chest of every girl.  
The squad had agreed that they wanted to  keep the new design under wraps until  the big game. It had been a secret  rehearsal with only the team manager  and Brad, the team captain allowed to  stay back after the team's practice to  watch. The rest of the team had been sent  on a five mile run to loosen up after their  final practice..  
Aunt Jane was waiting to pick-up and  take him home. If you could call their  little lodge, tucked away in the hills  above town, 'home'. It had been 2 months  now and there'd been no sign of either  The Sisterhood or their bounty hunters. It  looked like they'd finally shaken them.  
Now he just needed a quick pee before  they set-out for the long drive. He'd  shower when they got home and then slip  into something more comfortable. He  wondered what Aunt Jane would have  selected: perhaps one of his diaphanous  silk night gowns, or maybe one of his  harnesses - it was Friday night after all.  
He felt happy and wasn't concentrating as he headed on auto-pilot for the  Restroom. The changing room was quiet.  That seemed strange. Where were the  girls? He was certain some had gone to  change before they hit the bars in town.  
(Andy knew that some of them wouldn't  bother to change after the big game tomorrow: they would definitely want to  be wearing his uniform in the bars and  clubs tomorrow night.) 
He was fully in the locker area, before it dawned on him. He heard  movement behind him, and a male

janitor emerged from between the rows  of lockers with his mop and bucket.  
“Sorry honey, but you don’t wanna be in here when the team get back.”  
Andy’s heart leapt: he was in the wrong changing room. He'd heard too  much already about the hazing rituals that some of the boys' teams and  fraternities got up to. He had to get out. “Cheer squad change next door.” 
Then Brad appeared from the showers, just  wearing a towel around his waist. Andy had  always thought Brad quite a hunk. With no Will  for months, Andy had been tempted but he’d never been part of the  clique of airheads who went chasing after the jocks and dating  didn’t fit with lying low. 
"Say Andy, what brings you here?" Brad  said looking hopeful. He’d always had the hots for that English girl  with the cute accent. Then his tone changed on seeing the janitor:  

"Nice job tonight. Love the uniform and the new routine. No-one's  going to forget the Montana Wieners’ Cheer Squad after tomorrow’s  game. Let’s hope the team do as well as you and the girls."  
"Yes, er Brad. No-one. Sorry, wrong changing room," replied Andy  and scuttled quickly past a startled janitor towards the exit. Phew  that was close. At least his Montana Wiener would stay secret a  little longer.  
"Hey Andy," Brad called, "how about a date tomorrow night after the game?"  
"Ummm, yes," mumbled a startled Andy. He was getting flustered. Anything to get out. He  had to be out before the rest of the team got back from their run. 
“Say, can you wear your uniform when we hit town?”

“I guess,” said Andy scurrying towards the exit. He was going to need Jane to rescue him  tomorrow evening. Did cheerleaders normally have chaperones? But Brad did seem nice.  And he was very fit. And with no Will, it had been a long time. Such a long time. Such a  very long time..….



  1. Beautiful! The blonde hair and highlights are a dream! I love the cut on the shoulder line, with the thin waist and the amazing skirt! Those heels would be hell after a day in the halls… lucky they look incredible! Not sure I could cope with them!!!

    1. Hi Natalie.
      Thank you so much, so glad you liked it, i did so love creating that uniform and as for the heels, well you will get used to them XXX

  2. Fun story and sweet art. xxx

  3. He has only done what comes naturally. Especially being so long without. Wait until his new friends meet Auntie.

    1. You are so right Lee, even Andy can't control those emotions all the time. XX
