Friday 29 September 2023

Hooray for Christeen

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Hi Everyone
   You know when you think you have it all under control and then something or someone puts the spoke in and messes it up, well that is where i have been this week, which is why I have been a little out of contact this week.
  Enough of that, its's Friday Yayyyyyy and we can all sit back and delight in these super new pieces from out dear Christeen and these are total classics


  1. Hi Andy, hello Christeen. I hope you're both well.
    Aww! His first kiss, but I'm sure Auntie is really pleased to know that Chris is attracting the boys.
    Can we see Chris leaving the salon? Maybe a photo will appear next week.
    Chris has nothing to worry about, we won't say a word!
    Auntie must have enjoyed seeing Chris when he was at the first party, and she is wishing to see if any more boys want to steal a kiss from him.
    Wishing you all a lovely weekend. Hugs xxx

    1. Hi Mandy, I'm not sure Auntie wants more boys stealing kisses from her 'good girl'.

  2. Super gorgeous with four real cuties. xxx

    #1, I am sure Chris is happy deep down, but yeah smart to shy away from the forward boys.

    #2, Oh gosh hopefully it is as frou frou as imagined.

    #3, Yesh we can keep a secret, just cos its you mind.

    #4, Well they have not got as pretty a gown as you and it is a rather nice cap to suit it.

    1. Hi Aidan, We can't tell if Chris in the first pic is happy or not.
      Time will tell.

  3. Oh how I love to return and find a new set to savor.
    I do not thing Chris has to worry about anyone mistaking him for male. The practice may never end, but he is stunning in any outfit. Let us hope that it is not just a goodbye kiss, but a start of something beautiful.
