Wednesday 20 September 2023

From Skinnie Stallion

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Hi Everyone

  Here is something a little extra, a real genuine treat and it comes from our dear sweet friend Skinnie Stallion in the form of one of his superb telling of a piece of my art.

  This time he has selected A Strange Reaction and what a wonderful and clever tale we have.

Hope you enjoy this, believe me you will and thanks and apologies to Skinnie for not posting his super story sooner.



A Strange Reaction - Restroom Revelation :


Skinnie Stallion

1. Dinner Date

He gazed up at the chandeliers trying to distract himself, but they dazzled like the silver cutlery and the crystal glassware still spread across the table.   He closed his eyes.  He felt so hot.  Hot and flustered.  The young girl to his right was still finishing her dessert.   Thank goodness: it meant she wasn’t talking.  She might have liked his dress and admired his platform mules, but her inane chatter had irritated him throughout the evening.  She’d found the plot of ‘Barbie’ too complicated and had wanted him to explain it.   Twice.   He’d barely touched his pavlova.   It was hardly a heavy dessert, but he didn’t want all that sugar.  The raspberry garnish and a taste of the coulis was all he’d sampled.  It was the same with his main course.  He’d eaten the overcooked vegetables but left the duchesse potatoes and only picked at the rubber chicken.  The only thing he’d relished had been the balsamic glazed tomatoes accompanying the buffalo mozzarella starter.   He’d refused a bread roll and had stuck to iced water.   His neighbour remarked about what a ‘good girl’ he was and how she couldn’t stick to a diet while she tucked in remorselessly to whatever was presented.   

Andy gave a silent harrumph at that.  He wasn’t on a diet.  He’d never calorie counted.   He’d never needed to.  He was always so busy that he burned off whatever he ate: work during the week and maid’s work at weekends.   But he didn’t feel like eating this evening, not when he’d had so much difficulty getting into his dress.   It was ridiculous.  His diet hadn’t changed. He can’t have put on weight.  His bottom might have filled out slightly but that was only natural, after his Pilates classes.   A girl needed a little stretch, and it made life so much easier with Auntie and Will: it gave them something to hold on to.  


A close-up of a person's neck

Description automatically generatedHe’d wanted to wear his LBD, but Auntie had said ‘No’.   She was going to be giving the keynote speech at the Association of Business Executives annual dinner and needed to look like a professional businesswoman. She’d already decided that she was going in black.  Plain black.   No leather, no latex, just a sleeveless bodycon dress and a pair of Hot Chick Slings:  100s naturally, even if she was going to be standing for her speech.  Very appropriate attire for  a speaker on ‘Empowering Women’.  But Auntie had bought a new dress for him, ‘to give a nice contrast’ she said.   The only problem was he couldn’t get into it.   He’d needed to borrow some lube to slide himself in.   It had still been a struggle, but he’d eventually managed it.   He was relieved when he was finally able to call Jane and ask her to zip him up, and fasten and padlock his collar: the final, finishing touch as she referred to it.  At least he’d felt empowered when she said he could wear his mules.A close-up of a pair of legs

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The conference hall has hot and oppressive.   The background clatter of plates and intense drone of conversation was making his head spin.     As the waitresses cleared the dessert plates, he felt another wave of warmth surge through him.  He never thought he’d feel so glad that he’d followed his Aunt’s suggestion to use her Charlotte Tilbury Airbrush Flawless Foundation.   He’d layered it with Dior Backstage Face & Body Powder-no-Powder to give a smooth, natural finish.  His face might be fine but  felt hot and flustered.  

It wasn’t his face that was concerning him though.    He felt like his whole skin was glowing beneath his dress.   He shifted slightly in his seat but that only made matters worse.  He’d already asked for a cushion but that hadn’t helped.  He felt the base of his Hummingbird pressing against the back of his dress and rub against the cushion creating sideways pressure.  He didn’t need any stimulation down there.  Not now.   Auntie hadn’t even turned it on since the end of the first course when the chairwoman to her left had stood up to welcome guests and go through the plan for the evening, and that was only briefly when she could see he was bored by his neighbour.   She’d given him a cheeky smile as his eyes briefly glazed and she mouthed a kiss at him.

He shuffled again on his seat.   It squelched, or rather he squelched.  He couldn’t believe his Hummingbird had slipped down.  He never had a problem gripping it.   It normally sat high, drawn tightly into the cleft of his buttocks.   He felt something starting to trickle down the inside of his thigh.   This couldn’t be happening.   He touched his Aunt’s forearm to distract her from her conversation with the Chairperson.  She broke off  and turned to him, as the chairwoman announced that there would be a short break before the speeches.   He lent to his left and whispered in her ear: “Auntie, please can we go now?”

“Don’t be silly, darling.   I’ve still got my speech to do.   We can’t leave until the end.”  

“I’ve got a little problem, Auntie.”

“I know honey.  I think it’s adorable.   So cute.   But just because you’d like some your neighbour doesn't mean you can sneak out.   Not when you’re on the top table.  I didn’t think you liked her, but I suppose she is kind of pretty in a blousy sort of way.  I wouldn’t have thought she was your type.”

Andy responded like a scalded cat: “She absolutely isn’t.  

“So, do you want another go with your Hummingbird?” 

“No, Auntie, I just need to go!   Now!”   He realised he’d spoken too loudly as heads along the top table turned towards him.   There were even some glances from some of the lower tables.

“Well go and powder your nose, honey.”

“I can’t Auntie.  Not in public.”  

“Use the VIP restroom reserved for the top table.”

“Will you come with me?”

“If you insist,” replied an exasperated Lady Jane as other guests rose from their seats to get themselves comfortable before the speeches.   She guided him to the exit behind the top table.

2. Powder Room Encounter

A person with red hair

Description automatically generatedAndy took deep breaths then rose from his seat.   He was glad he was wearing his Pleaser mules.   Their 8” heels might look a bit extreme but that didn’t worry him. He’d perfected his snake-like walk to give him maximum wiggle.   It also meant he clenched his buttocks firmly.  He needed them taut to make sure his Hummingbird didn't slide out as he made the   short step across the corridor to the Powder Room.  Fortunately it was deserted: bladders were clearly configured differently for the habituées of top table.   “What’s up?” demanded Jane as the door swung shut behind them.

Andy steadied himself against a vanity unit, and pleaded for assistance, “Auntie, you have to help me.  I’ve gone all moist. Tell me what’s happening to me.”


“You know: damp.”   

“Damp?   Did you spill your drink?”

“No Auntie, damp.   Down there.   Damp down there.”  He gesticulated towards his bottom.  “Are you sure my Hummingbird’s not on?”

“No darling, it’s definitely not.   You’d feel it if it were,” she said as squatted behind him, “wouldn’t you?   Now bend forward a bit.”   Andy leant forward, using his hands against the mirror and ledge of the vanity to support himself and prevent himself from toppling on his vertiginous heels.   As his legs parted, his Hummingbird slipped out and rolled across the marble floor.   “Hmmm, I see.   I do wonder if you should wear panties when you’re out, but you’ve never had this problem before.  You’ve always been so nice and tight.   You do seem exceptionally moist.  Did you put extra lube on your Hummingbird?”   A person in a black dress

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“No, Auntie.   The only lube I’ve used was the one you lent me to help me get into my dress.”

“OK.  Let me explore.”   

He closed his eyes and moaned as his Aunt’s fingers explored his little crevice.  They came out coated with slime.  “Oh God.   What is happening, Auntie?  It feels so weird.”

“Er …. I think you might be having a reaction to the new lube, honey.”   A cartoon of a person in a bathroom

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Jane heard door open and glanced  to her right.   A smartly dressed lady in a short  beige dress entered the rest room.   "I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?" she said rather primly, shocked at seeing Jane fingering a pretty girl.

“My girlfriend  has a little problem,” said Jane examining the thick mucus that  Andy was leaking.  His little hole was starting to dilate and wink.   No wonder he couldn't hold his Hummingbird.  “I’m afraid she’s gone a bit slimy down below.  You don’t happen to have any pads on you?”

“No, sorry,” the lady replied sniffily.

A person with a high hair updo

Description automatically generated“How about a butt plug?” asked Jane.  “A large one.   We need to stop him leaking.”

“Definitely not!” exclaimed the lady.   “And what’s this ‘him’?  I thought you said she was your girlfriend.”

“He is.   The prettiest boy you could ever want.  And the prettiest girl too”

“Well really!   And why’s he so slimy?”

“I don’t know.  He used some of my new LarvaLube to get into his dress.   Maybe it’s a reaction to that.”  

“Well, he shouldn’t have used it there!  I’ve heard about his type,” she said turning on her heels and storming out of the Powder Room.

“Good riddance!” said Jane.  “A bit of a shame …. I quite fancied her.   Loved her hair: very retro hair.   Just hope she doesn’t heckle during my talk.”    Despite his predicament, Andy was secretly delighted: Jane might have admired the lady, but she had called him her ‘girlfriend’ and said he was ‘the prettiest girl’.  He sensed another wave of warmth rising within him.  His knees went weak as he writhed with pleasure, as his hot flush built. If only Auntie didn’t still have her fingers there.   He felt a surge inside, a surge he was unable to control.  Then release.  Merciful release.  “Aaah!”  cried Jane.   He turned his head.   His Aunt’s face was dripping with slime.  She was bent forward trying to avoid any running on to her dress.  

“Auntie, what are we going to do?”

“We’re going to have to get ourselves cleaned up.   Get some towels.   One for me, and several for you.”  

“Yes, Auntie,” said Andy trying to straighten himself.   He could feel mucus running down his thighs.   

“And don’t slip.  Your gloop’s everywhere.  You might have told me you were going to cum.”

“I didn’t cum, Auntie.  I just felt kind of hot.  Hot and nice.”

“As opposed to ‘nice and hot’, I guess?   Now get along with those towels.  I’m going to need to fix my make-up too,” she said looking in the mirror.

“You’re not still going to make your speech, are you Auntie?”

“Of course, darling.   What would any empowered woman do?”  She started to wipe her face.   Fortunately it hadn’t smeared her make-up too much.   “And you’re going to come and listen.”

“Must I, Auntie?”

“Yes, you’re my ‘Plus One’ for the evening.  You need to be beside me.”

“But what about all this?” said Andy trying to clean goo from his shoes, legs and crotch.

“You’ll have to wear my panties and pad it out with some napkins.   And tonight, when we get home, we’ll be using the latex sheets in bed tonight.   If you produced that much gunk when you didn’t cum, I really want to see what happens when you do cum.  I think it’ll be the Extra-Large tonight.”   Andy’s eyes opened wide.  “Don’t look worried, honey – the way you are tonight, everything should slide in just fine.   We might even see if you're ready for the XXL.”

“Oh, Auntie!   Where did you get that lube?”

“The Sisterhood gave it to me.   It’s part of a new range.   They said I could have a tester sample.”

“Oh.   I think you should just keep it for special occasions.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll let you have some when Will comes round.   Now let’s get back to the Conference Hall.   They’re probably waiting for us.”

3. The Speech

“And I’m delighted to introduce tonight our first speaker, Lady Jane Fullerton-Jones who’s here to speak about ‘Empowering Women’, a subject dear to all our hearts.   Many of you will be familiar with the Lady Jane, but here’s just a brief reminder.”  The chairperson turned to her notes.  “Lady Jane is a successful businesswoman.   Following a degree in Economics, she gained an MBA from INSEAD then worked in consultancies across Europe and the United States, and was a visiting professor at both Harvard Business School and Chicago.  Although no dragon herself …… she is a dragon investor.”   Mild titters of amusement from the audience.   The chairperson continued, “And who wouldn’t want to be in her Den?”  Uncomfortable murmurs from the audience.   “Most recently, Jane has been an Angel Investors, a major Angel, in the new successful fashion company Boy?.   Not sure why there’s a question mark at the end of their logo, but I’m confident Lady Jane  can explain to any who are interested in the speed networking session when we wrap-up.  Lady Jane, the floor is yours.”

The house lights dimmed.   Jane put on a pair of gold-rimmed half-moon reading glasses and rose to audience applause.  A spotlight picked her out as she picked up her notes.   “Ladies, I am delighted to be here tonight and invited to speak on such an exciting …..” she paused, noticing a slight moistness between her legs, a strange disconcerting moistness, “… subject.  Starting a business ……”, a moistness that seemed to be gathering, “… is always a challenge”, gathering front and rear.   She hoped she wasn’t going to regret lending Andy her panties and not wearing leather or latex.   Maybe it was because she was standing, but she couldn’t help noticing how warm the Conference Hall had become.

At the back of the Conference Hall, a blonde lady in a beige dress with beehive hair, hidden from Jane in the glare of the spotlight,  stood with a camera and tripod filming Jane’s speech.  She zoomed in.  It was clear from what she’d seen in the Powder Room that Jane had made contact  and that the LarvaLube was doing its work.  The Sisterhood were going to love this.   They did like playing little jokes on their more uppity members.   She almost regretted they weren’t live-streaming.


  1. Poor Lady Jane. It's no wonder the sisterhood invited her to the conference. I hope she doesn't become too embarrassed.
    I'm sure Jane will be more careful with that new lube from now on.
    Nice story, Ms. Stallion.
    Hugs xxx

    1. That was a cunning plan laid out by the Sisterhood, I am sure Jane will find her own way to retaliate.

  2. Well, that little story is a roller coaster of emotion no wonder theirs allot of moistness. xxx

    1. On behalf of our Skinnie,who is away right now I thank you my friend XXX

  3. A sneaky set-up. Lady Jane must find a way to get even, especially tit-for-tat. Like the Hatfield's and McCoy's, does anyone know where it started?

    1. That's a mystery lost in time, I don't think anyone knows for sure do they, I am sure Jane's revenge will be less bloody XXX
