Monday 24 July 2023

New Art. Web of Fear

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It's Monday and
that must mean a 
Super new piece of
art by our dear
friend Christeen
for us to enjoy.

Hi Everyone
   Welcome to Monday. As ever that means it is my place to share new art with you. 
This was previewed over on Patreon a few weeks ago and to day we can enjoy the completed piece.
  The latest Adventure for Lady Jane created many thoughts and ideas as you what could be happening here, but today we all get to find out.
   I'll pop back after the image just to fill in a few gaps, if there are any.
Hope you like this.

So we have no sign of Lady Jane or Andy in this image, but we can imagine they are on the case somewhere in the service of Crown and Country.
Judging by the crows response, it does seem poor Princess Kate, is that effective as a Scarecrow. 
I don't really think I need to go into any more detail. I think it speaks for itself.


  1. Well, we (the Royal we) were close. Poor Princess Kate. But it will be a sweet inversion if rather than being rescued by her Will, she's rescued by another Will's Andy (and Lady Jane, of course). By the time they've released her - and hopefully strung up and photographed Ms Milverton in her place for tomorrow's tabloid front cover (more on pages 3-7 inside) - they'll no doubt find the solar powered vibrators have done their worst (🤔 ) and there will be plenty of Royal wee inside the Royal catsuit. Although the Princess will have a rather silly smile on her face, and it won't be just from being rescued by our intrepid hero and heroine.

    Another great piece of art (and Lady Jane Adventure fun).

    S xxxx

    1. Hi S
      Thank you so much and did you note my nod to, Sherlock Holmes?.
      So glad you liked the completed piece and thank you for your fun comments.
      I have not forgotten our Lady Jane plan and as soon as I am out of the work woods I will reply properly

    2. Kate did somewhat confuse me rather than Eva but it did allow me the royal licence.
      Remember the associates of Milverton almost capture Watson. But I'm sure he'll manage to kick away his pursuer with a nicely turned high heel. 👠

  2. Hi Andy, I hope you had a great weekend.
    One could almost imagine that it was Auntie Jane and Andy in the garden, and it was Andy that was being punished for not doing his polishing correctly.
    I'm sure the man in the background was a little confused when he saw the new scarecrow, and when he heard the muffled sounds!
    However, maybe Kate is enjoying the game and hoping Jane will take her time in rescuing her.
    Hope everyone is well. Hugs xxx

    1. Hi Mandy
      Think the guy in the background has no thoughts about the fate of the Princess at all, his only concern is the protection of his employer.
      Perhaps she is helplessly enjoying the sensations and all that sun (lucky people) must be getting her so hot in every way

  3. I think she needs a lot more practice in her (?) capacity as scarecrow. Her not-so-gentle curves show a definite training regimen. Now she is locked onto her cross and dreaming in her own little world. Time is meaningless.

    1. Yes my dear Lee, time drifts in such isolation, but does Lady Jane know where she is? Time is short, the game afoot

  4. Beautiful. I think I'll be adding a Princess K8 to my not so english garden. xxx
