Monday 10 July 2023

New art. Special Preview

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Monday brings us
the delights of a
new piece by
our dear friend 
This is a sweet 
new piece which 
I know you will 
all Love

Hi Everyone
   Hope you are all super well.
  Now then a bit of a treat for the blog, something un-previewed before. This is a few pages from a mini comic which I have been messing with for a few months. 
It is kind of away from the AndyVerse, but knowing me it might  be re-tooled to become part of it. I know Its complicated , but that is how my brain works.
   It is kind of a recreation of one of my favourite early pieces, from back when I created single story images, before the whole extended Andy story really got going.
    I will add more to it, I have 7 or 8 panels completed and they will be shared both on Patreon first  and later on here. Today though the get premiered the old fashioned way, on our blog.
    Big Hugs


  1. Hi Andy.
    Perhaps Auntie Jane already knew of the schools' punishment rota, and of how Robin was already the maid, and that is why she selected the school for her lovely nephew. It will be the perfect training for him when he has to serve his beautiful Aunt.
    A sweet story, Andy, but that will teach him to break the rules.
    Hope you're well. Hugs xxx

    1. Oooo that's a clever idea Mandy, like it.
      We shall see where I end up XXX

  2. Oh my, this takes me back to when we first met Robin all those years ago, and some earlier art of Andy at school. Lovely to see Robin back, and looking all the better. It seems he must have transgressed in similar ways to Andy. At least Andy will have someone to guide him on the path.
    Very nice sequence and storyline.
    S xxx

    1. Hi S,I think you are remembering the very piece that inspired this series. Andy was in a red dress?.
      I have no doubt Robin will be about to aid Andy for the first day at least

    2. I think my mind was going to back to an early piece (one of the first, as I recall?) titled "6th form". Closely followed by "expelled" and "Two maids", with the even naughtier "party gift" to follow where we see Robin and Aunt Jane returning from a party to 'entertain' Andy.

    3. I will have to get the archive drive out and check, but i think 6th form was the one that inspired this and yes party gift was a little naughty. XX

  3. It is truly a shame that Robin will not have his contract renewed. They will make a lovely pair. Especially serving the Ladies into the night. It would seem what she sees in Andy as it looks like it may not take too much to get him more attractive looking than Robin. We all know he has the legs for it.

    1. Don't worry my dear Lee, Robin will be about for a while, so Andy will have his guiding hand and as for those legs, yep we know hat is hidden under those trousers

  4. Fun and beautiful. Hoping Robyn stays on a bit, seems allot to teach Andy. xxx

    1. Don't worry Aidan, Robin will be about for a while XX

  5. So how long as Robyn been doing it if his hair as grown that long, or is it a wig?
    If it’s not a wig it does seem such a shame for him to give it all up.
    I do hope he stays on to teach Andy.

    1. Remember my Anon friend, Robin is only the weekend Maid, so that would be a wig, Andy however.... well that might be another story, Summer holidays are coming XXX
