Friday 2 June 2023

New from Christeen

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The first two in a what
is as yet a 3 part mini
comic. Th image was 
previewed earlier last 
month but today we 
have the first to fully
completed two.

Hi everyone
 Gosh doesn't the weekend come round quickly.
A quick heads up, from a week Friday I will be away for a week, cashing in a few accounts and going to visit my friends for a week, but that is for the future.
 Today we have 4 new and glorious images from our dear Christeens, imaginative mind.


  1. Wow! what a grouping of pics and what a way to start a weekend.

    regards Shadoman

    1. HI Shadoman,
      Thanks so much.

  2. Hi Andy, Hi Christeen.
    Naughty Chris the maid, is he only wearing his five-inch heels? Maybe the new maid needs to be sent back to Madeomiselle for a little more training? At least Aunties will know full control, just as in the final, lovely picture.
    The young mans' first shopping trip, but he is always under the eagle eye of Madeimiesse, but he must have found some lovely underwear and was simply eager to try each sample on, and as we can see in the second frame, we can see how he was caught.
    Wonderful art as always, Christeen.
    Have a lovely weekend. Hugs xxx

    1. Hi Mandy, 5 inch heels should be high enough, but not according to Auntie.

  3. The first three bring back so many (happy) memories:
    - the first time I went shopping at She-an-Me in Hammersmith (a tentative start with PVC bondage pants, although much more was to follow)
    - the excitement at arrival (and wearing) of my first chastity device. Excitement that was quickly tamed.
    - the first time dressed in full sissymaid uniform and 6½" heels

    Thank you Christeen (and Andy)
    S xxx

    1. I'm pleased that these pics could bring back those happy memories Skinnie,

  4. These Ladies sure seem to be keeping a close reign on his antics. Changing outfits and situations to keep him guessing. No wonder he gets a bit frazzled and missed his expected perfection. Sometimes it seems they trip him up just to punish.

    1. Hi Lee, I suspect Chris feels frazzled quite a bit. He better do a better job at keeping up with changing rules.

  5. Gorgeous glimpses of dear Chris. Thank-you.

    #1, Nice stage of his training. Definitely would be fun to be taken Dress shopping. So much to learn in that lesson too.

    #2, Silk on silk is a very sensuous experience. No wonder he wants it to be intimate.

    #3, Tut Tut imagine not putting on the correct uniform. So many lessons difficult for him to get it right all the time. Mademoiselle will have sorted in no time. Either way to be served by Chris is cute.

    #4, A lovely relaxing time having ones hair taken care off.

    1. Hi Aidan, #4 does seem to be a lovely moment for Chris to relax and enjoy his new life.

  6. I do like how Chris' hairstyles in the first two pictures are far too mature for a budding young modern woman. I'm sure that helps maintain the humility that Mademoiselle is trying to impart on our heroine. I hope his hair in picture #4 will soon be teased, sprayed and lacquered into a style no modern teenage girl would be caught dead wearing.
