Monday 19 June 2023

New Art. Just for you Auntie

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We are back in the 
house and on a 
Monday that can 
only mean we 
are hosting the 
wonderful work 
of Christeen.

Hi Everyone
    Hello Hello It's nice to be back, had a super time with my beloved friends and they have re-ignited my naughty side, so hopefully we are in for so fun.
   As ever, I ask you all to bear with me as I catch up on all your lovely Emails and messages, I will get top them, I promise.
    Monday is here, (Booo) but to lift the blues here I thought I would complete a series which was previewed over on Patreon before I went away.
   There has been much speculation about how this three part mini comic will end and I hope I don't disappoint. 
   To be fair I will post all three parts together.
Hope you like these 

Hello me again, just popped back to ask a simple question.
Can you imagine the pride of having Aunt Jane dressed in those pants, calling your name  as you score that winning goal.
  Andy's mates are going to be so envious.


  1. Hi Andy, I'm always pleased it's Monday when you are around, or am I just being naughty?
    Wonderful to hear that you had a great time and a truly sweet story to start the week. Yes, it would be lovely to see Aunt Jane in those pants, but in my case, it would be if I managed to kick the ball, I really don't think I could score a goal!
    Poor Andy, I don't think he was so pleased to be asked to go to a salon again, but of course, he will do anything for his beautiful Auntie.
    I hope you are all well. Hugs xxx

    1. Awww that is Sweet of you, thank you Mandy. It is nice to be back XX
      No i don't think he was pleased, he still has a long way to go on his story before he is the confident beauty Will loves.
      But once Aunt Jane has roared him onto glory, he will do anything she desires.
      Jane has her ways

  2. Andy's beaming smile says it all. It's wonderful to see him so happy, knowing he has such a supportive Auntie. In many ways, he's already scored. There's an arrow lodged deep in his Aunt's heart. And the feeling is mutual. He will go into the match fueled on an elixir of love and passion, and a desire to do his best for his Auntie. He is so proud to be hers. What other boy on the team will have such an appreciative and enthusiastic supporter? Heads will turn. Not just his team's but the opposition's too. All the dads on the touchline will be distracted, and quite a few of the mums.

    It might be cold on the pitch today, but Andy knows within a few hours of end of the game, all his aches and bumps will be fogotten: he will be wrapped between her legs, gripped tightly between latex calves and thighs. He won't even mind if her Louboutin heels dig into his ankles. Being with her is all that matters as he leans back and rests his head between her ample bosom. Once more he will be in Heaven. Encircled by her love (and her latex).

    Aunt Jane does look fabulous.
    S xxxxx

    1. Bless you my dear S, I love to capture the love between them, Janes touch on his cheek, brushing his hair, is all she needs to make him follow her.
      You are right, all eyes will be on her at the match, but she will not shy away from roaring out Andy's name whenever her gets the ball.
      As for the post match snuggle, Mmmm yes, that is where Andy will melt you her whims.
      Bless you my dear friend

  3. A stunning smile in either mode, but he needs to remember to keep his knees together, or cross his legs?

    1. Ah my dear Lee, you spotted the body language, yes, this is not the feminine posture we will come to know and love, this is a boys posture, but with Jane gentle touch our dear boy will learn.

  4. Looking forward to see your re-ignited naughtiness brings.

    A very sweet negotiation between Jane and Andy.

    Definitely the other boys and their parents will be so jealous of Jane.

    I image Andy to be a very graceful striker to the point of mesmerising the others when he scores a hat trick.

    Later after he has cleaned up the salon experience should be very relaxing and the transformation of course will be very pretty with a sweet cuddle from her.

    1. Hi Aidan
      Thank you so much, my naughtiness is glowing nicely thank you.
      Yes Andy will be slick and smooth on the pitch, but it will be Jane catching the coaches eyes and those of the rest of the parents
