Friday 23 June 2023

In the arms of Christeen

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A sneak peak
at anew piece of
my own art. This
one was inspired by
a certain blog legends
recent sunbursting
Latex dress.

Hi Everyone
   My goodness an entire 5 days has rattled by, leaving us safe and sound in the arms of the wonderful embrace of Chisteen.
4 new classic pieces today, all of which I adore.
I am sure you will too.
Thanks Christeen


  1. panel one was simply perfection, i'm curious of the horizonal bands at the garter tabs.. never seen that before

    1. I agree with shadoman about the first: Chris is looking superb, if tired. His Auntie must be so proud. He clearly learned a lot last night. But there's always more to learn, as Auntie knows only too well.
      Thank you Christeen (and Andy). xxx

    2. hi shadoman, The bands were a first for me as well.

  2. Hi Andy, hi Christeen.
    What a delicious four. But what does Chris have to endure next? I'm sure his full transformation will make him just perfect.
    Such a shame that we can't enjoy the sweet sound of his singing, the group of girls in the third picture could make beautiful music together.
    Chris should just enjoy the alone time, before he has to face his admirers.
    I hope everyone is well. Wishing you all a lovely weekend. Huhs xxx

    1. Hi Mandy, I'm sure the girls are all lovely soft voiced sopranos, curtesy of Mademoiselle.

  3. Not so very alone in public, for long. I am sure there are those in the background making sure the gurls are safe. Perhaps they are advertising an apparel company specializing in such items . . . and accessories? I do like his hairstyle in the last. Hopefully he is being taken shopping and he is properly beset under the coat in foundation for quick changes.

    1. Hi Lee, They are indeed training matrons in the background. i hadn't thought about what might be under his coat.

  4. Four adorable pics to embrace and adore. xxx

    #1, Aw the poor thing, after a rest then he will cheer up.

    #2, I imagine it is an Angelic sound.

    #3, Gosh all those frill do give a petticoatee alot to hide behind.

    #4, Looks like Auntie is taking Chris out to a fancy afternoon at a charity fundraiser at the vicarage.

    1. Hi Aidan, Vicarage. Never would have guessed it to be a destination for Chris.
