Monday 16 January 2023

New Art. Rachel. Plus STOP PRESS!!!!!!

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 It is Monday and 
that means the very 
welcome return of 
our dear Christeen
with another classic 
image for you to enjoy

Hi Everyone
    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you all so much for your kindness and sweet messages, I am so very very touched, and lifted by your friendships. Bless you all 

I am so happy to be back creating and sharing with you all and today we catch up on a piece previewed late last year over on patreon.

   I am sorry but this moment is way too big to wait until Wednesday, because over the past few days the internet has been on fire with the jaw dropping images of 62 year old Blog Legend Carol Vorderman (62??? that's insane) squeezed into skintight Latex rubber for a photoshoot in the Sunday papers.
I will post more on Wednesday, but for now, take a breath and drop to your knees and give worship.

And now, if we have all calmed down, (which I might never do) on with the show.
 In this piece we meet a new character, the mysterious Rachel, who seems to have a message for our sweet hero/Heroine. However I might be a message other in the Sisterhoods household do not wish her to share.
What could it be? We will find out in good time.
Hope you like this.
My biggest hugs


  1. So pleased to have you back. Now please, just take things gently. Although I'm sure the last thing you'd want is a certain lady being gentle with you when she's clad like that in latex. Ms Vorderman looks splendid. And she didn't even need the Latexium curse to get there. Wow!

    Someone else looking splendid is our favourite sissymaid. If this is what staying a few weeks at Knightley Towers does for him, Aunt Jane was entirely right to entrust him to the capable hands of The Sisterhood. And this must be before their corset training has fully kicked in. Rachel looks very sweet too, and concerned about their newest recruit. So concerned that she's willing to risk incurring the wrath of Governess Dark. Ouch! She knows something. It must be important. But will she be able to tell him in time?

    Gorgeous work.
    Your S xxxxx

    1. Hi S, Thank you for your sweet words, it is nice to be back again.
      No curse required, finally Carol has answered our prayers.
      Yes Andy looks sweet,but he still has the tremble about him, a nervousness which will not calm, especially when face with the beauty of Rachel,
      Time will reveal the truth

  2. Hello Andy.
    It's wonderful to see you back and know that you are feeling better, and what a return, Ms. Vorderman is a total knock-out in latex.
    Our Hero/Heroine appears to be as unsure as ever, but will we find out what Rachel has to tell him, or will Ms Dark keep them apart? Lovely art as always, Andy. I hope the story will continue.
    Take care, Andy. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Mandy
      All will be revealed, but i have no doubt Madame Dark is not happy to see Rachel at Andy's door.
      More from Carol on Wednesday....a lot more

    2. You're just teasing us again,

  3. Welcome Back !!!
    So wonderful to see something new and to hear you are back and better, and getting even more better. Betterest? Betterer. I never could get the knack of the Queens English.
    I think Rachel and Andrew need to meet in private for their sharing. Could it be more that fashion tips? They are both stunning in their own rite.

    1. You are a cunning Linguist my dear Lee and your grip is just right.
      Yes a private meeting is what Rachel has planned, but can it be possible with all those eyes on him

  4. Now we have our collective minds wondering: Who is this Rachel and what secret(s) are being kept from Andy? Lots of ideas, but we all must be kept in suspense until you choose to reveal it. (As you know I can have a devious mind, so my imagination is running wild at this point.)

    1. Awwww hello RH, so nice to hear from you. I am glad i have ignited your devious imagination, so many questions from one image, all of which i will try to answer.

  5. Delighted to have you back. And gosh what an opening with Vorders. Took several moments to calm down to type.

    Very naughty to leave is on a cliffhanger, but I like it. Staying tuned to find out more about the captiating Rachel and what Lies in store for our cute Andrew.

    1. Several Moments Adian, took me several hours to calm down and still not there yet, but more from Carol on Wednesday.
      So glad you liked it, all will be revealed, in a quiet corner of the manor house

  6. What a fabulous start to 2023! I'm all aflutter over a double dose of latex perfection and may remain so for sometime yet. I think we may need to watch The House of Commons Channel today to calm ourselves a little.
    So good to see you back, pace yourself my Dear the interweb without you is a far duller place.
