Monday 12 September 2022

New Art: Name Dropper

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A sharp new
image from
the imagination
of Christeen.

Hi Everyone
   Things are nearly settling down here at S.S.n.S Towers the 'net is a little faster and more stable, so we shall see where we go.
    So today we have the completed image of what might become a little series. I previewed it over on Patreon and because of the superb collection of comments had to re-write the dialogue a little.
    This is a busy image, set at the start of Andy's adventure. Still going to football (with Aunt Jane's permission of course) and hoping the world might just settle back into some kind of normality.
   You will be able to figure from which image this follows on, but what the heck I will post it as well just for fun.
   I don't think this needs any more explanation, it's all pretty clear what is happening and to whom she is speaking.
Hope you like this

And now


  1. Hi Andy. Nice to see you are back, shame I missed Christeen on Friday, a lovely set of pictures of Chris.
    New internet suppliers always take around a month to get up to speed.
    Lady Jane is so beautiful in that little black dress, lovely detail with the gold belt & high heel boots. If only Andy knew what was in store for him, I'm sure he would start walking to the football match.
    Will there be a continuation of this story?
    Hope everyone is well. Hugs xxx

    1. Hello my friend XX
      Thank you for the compliments regarding the detail of Jane's dress and yes there will be a continuation, I have just completed the next one. As for the rest....well time will tell

  2. I hope Andrew has no bruises from the game that may show through his appointment tomorrow, and how easily will he be able the turn back into Andrew? Welcome back.

    1. Bless you and thank you my dear Lee. Yes Andy had better stay out of the rough and tumble of it all, or Jane will be on the pitch taking him off for his own good

  3. Beautiful. I don't think Andrew will make it to the game.

  4. Tante Jane est magnifique une robe sexy et des bottes de feu 🔥🔥🔥 je l'envie Andy d avoir une tante si attentionné pour lui trouver des tenues et des chaussures à talon aiguilles magnifique

  5. J espère que ta connexion internet sera au top pour que nous puissions voir tes si beau dessin et aussi ceux de Christeen merci encore 😘😘💋💋💋🥰🥰🥰
