Friday 16 September 2022

Christeen time

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A preview of a
very new piece
featuring Andy
and Aunt Jane.
As ever Andy is in
a bit of a situation
and his blush is
about to go all
the way down.

Hi Everyone
   Quick bit of news. I will not be about next week, a few personal things to get sorted out, so I would not be able to give you all the special attention you all deserve. However Patreon will continue and I will be back ASAP xx

    So on with the fun, It's Friday and that can only mean we have to delight of new art from our dear Christeen.
 Love these,especially the third, Thanks Christeen


  1. Hi Andy, we are missing you already.
    Hi Christeen, a lovely selection of pictures. In the second, I guess it is his aunt telling him that there is nothing wrong with being a girl, but it would be fun if Chris was saying it.
    Love the third one. He looks wonderful in a tight latex catsuit and diamonds. I am sure Auntie cares for him, but only if he continues to touch up his makeup.
    Chris looks great in a hobble skirt, and I am sure Auntie enjoyed herself while squeezing him into it.

    1. I'm not sure what happened there, but it suddenly decided to post itself.
      I hope everyone is well. Hugs xxx

    2. Yes Mandy, I should have had Chris saying that. Thanks.

  2. Those leggings and silver stiletto sandals. A possession worthy of Fort Knox.

    1. I'd love t be wearing rhem as well Skinnie.

  3. Just the first two, for now. Gotta run as always. 😎
    He is stunning as always. Possibly off to a job interview (as practice?). I imagine the Boss will find it easy to chase him around the desk, if they still do that. Either Chris is blossoming even more or there is some padding going on about the hips.
    In #2 he is his usual cute self. Sweet and innocent. I hope they do not have him answer the doorbell to find some old friends looking him up. can he pass himself as his own twin Sister?
    Thank you for another set of inspirational breaks.

    1. Hi Lee, I wish that I had reduced his hips, now that you've pointed that out.

    2. #3 All dressed up to wait. Now just eye candy until needed. I would love to see him practice in those shoes.
      #4 Waiting on his hair, still a need to make sure the make-up is still perfect. Even if it is just to go through the motions. To tease an imaginary date? Someone may stop by.

    3. Sorry, but I have a preference for slim and trim.

  4. The fab four of Chris on Friday - yum. xx

    #1, Would be lovely being either the helper or the helped there.
    #2, Looks like you're gonna be the pretty girl for the lady admirer behind you.
    #3, Very well said. Wow those latex pants. Black and silber is very special classy look.
    #4, Afternoon tea with Chris, that would be lovely.

  5. Hi Aidan, I think I'd rather be the helped.
