Monday 27 June 2022

Appreciating the finer things

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On Patreon Today
Its Monday and
that can only mean a 
super sweet new piece
from our dear Friend

Hi Everyone
   So here we are (I hope) back in the room for some more fun. I have missed you all so much and can't wait to get back to creating new art and sharing it and loots of other fun things with you.
   As for all those messages on my emails and comments both here and on Patreon, I will make an effort to catch up as soon as I possibly can, I cherish all your messages an things so please give me some time.
  So let us stop messing about and get the show on the road.
 On Patreon a few weeks ago I shared the preview of this piece and had lots of fun and sweet comments and ideas to what might have been happening, some even more fun than my own idea. In fact my idea is very simple but I just love the glow of embarrassment it will put in our sweet Andy's cheeks, because it would seem Andy's early days exasperation at being feminised, has once again got him in to trouble with the ever inventive (and appreciative) Aunt Jane.
 Hope you like the final version


  1. Hello Andy. It's lovely to see you back. I hope you had a lovely holiday..I'm sure my postcard will arrive eventually🥰

    Poor Andy, but if he will moan about his little outfit, Auntie will find a way to punish him. I just wonder if she has invited a few friends for afternoon tea, then Andy will be embarrassed serving the refreshments.

    Hope everybody is well. Huge hugs xxx

    1. Hello my dear Friend
      Thank you it is nice to be back, I have had lot of fun with lots of lovely fun people XX
      Even if Jane doesn't invite friends I am sure there will be a window cleaner or other trades person to add to his embarrassment

  2. Chirrup. This is superb, love everything about it, thanks Andy. Hope you had an indulgent and relaxing break.

    Birdie X

    1. Birdie Birdie !!!!!!! tweet tweet tweet Yay, hello my friend and thank you it is so nice to be back XXXX

  3. Watch out for Aunt Jane. Andy does have a cute bottom, but his legs go on forever. Even without the platforms. Then again, there isn't an aspect of Andy that is not perfect.
    Welcome back, and I hope your time away was all that you could have hoped for.

    1. Hello Lee, I am sure Janes eyes will be drifting up and down those legs too, whilst just resting for a while on that pert bum.
      Bless you my dear friend, happy to be back with you

    2. My world is complete once again.

  4. Well, this is somewhat different from the little story I sent following the untitled version on Patreon, but it shows how stern and implacable Jane can be. Andy can either go along willingly with what his Auntie wants, or he can resist. But if he resists, he will still have to go along with her wishes and she will take steps to heighten his embarrassment even further. If he's going to continue staying with her at Fullerton Hall, he must learn to comply with her wishes in every detail. Having him petulant and ashamed of his appearance and predicament just heightens Jane's pleasure. She loves being in control and seeing him take such tentative steps towards his growing femininity. She loves to see him blushing. But at each and every step he goes along with her wishes.. Today, he'll have to clack around on his new platform mules. He'll look so sweet.

    1. Your idea was so wonderful and detailed, I am a more simple headed thing.
      Yes Andy needs to learn, but I really don't think Jane cares if it takes a year for him to do so, because she has so much fun teasing and embarrassing him in the most delightful of ways. As you say, the clack of those heels will remind him of his silliness.

  5. Welcome back Andy, this is an absolute delight! The gossamer-thin latex stockings, the Loubou mules, the awaiting camisole...and soon to be, the Hummingbird?

    1. Hi Kitka
      Thank you so much I am delighted you liked it. As for the hummingbird, perhaps that is still to come in Andy's journey

  6. My life has meaning again... thanks for coming back and I hope you are very well. Beautiful art

  7. Love the final version, it's very cute.
    Very glad you're back with fun.

    1. Thank you Aidan, wonderful to be back XXX

  8. Trop belle Andy magnifique avec ce set et ces sandales super sexy 🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘

    1. Totally agree: his peep-toe, platform mules look stunning.

    2. Merci beaucoup mon cher ami

  9. In my humble opinion, I think very very excited Jane really won't want to share this intimacy between her and him; for both, it will get hotter and hotter. Knowing that she won't be able to resist this living temptation, dressed just the way she likes, she won't be able to help but take care of him in a very special way.

    1. I will not deny, Jane might find Andy tempting, afterall they are not blood and yes She has, in the past, Helped him to gain release, but that is where she would draw the line, Love is all she needs

  10. He needs more lip gloss, shiny and pink as usual. Speaking of, he really should do another Dior Gloss campaign!

    1. Mmmmm yes we need a new poster campaign, I am sure the Boy? brand can stretch to that
