Friday 5 November 2021

New art. What Auntie has in mind. 2

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It is Monday and
that can only
mean one very
sweet and exciting
thing and that is a
new piece from the
mind of Christeen

Hi Everyone
Sorry this was a bit late (If indeed it was) but things can get a little out of time at the moment.
 Today we have the first of two images created following the 'Choose Andy's outfit'  vote we held over on Patreon last month, which follow on from the first piece below.
   The second will be posted first on Patreon in a few weeks and later on here.

and here is the first of the two continuation pieces.


  1. Hi Andy.
    Doesn't Andy look bashful, yet very sweet in the evening gown and once Lady Jane has fixed his makeup, I'm sure William will simply be agog at the beauty before him. Though it's a shame Andy isn't wearing the Snow White dress in the background, I've always liked it 🥰.
    It's unusual to hear Andy admit how Jane and he love to play dress up.
    Has your shoulder fully recovered yet?
    Take care. Hope everyone is well. Hugs xxx

    1. PS.
      How did Lady Janes' firework party go? I heard it was shaming as always!!

    2. Hi Mandy
      Yes poor thing looks so embarrassed, but his Aunt will take care of him and there is little point in him complaining.
      He will look divine when he is fully prepared, I know because I have seen him .
      The shoulder is having a few issues again but it will come good in time
      Thank you Mandy

  2. Love the yellow latex gown. Yellow is my favorite color. Though it seems as though Andy is totally unenthused with his aunties choice of costume. poor dear. :)

    1. Wait till you see the finished transformation my friend, embarrassment replaced by something else

  3. Aunt Jane looks magnificent and very assertive. The "don't you" is very pointed. She wants to ensure the blonde assistant is in absolutely no doubt. But she's also kind. Unbeknownst to Andy, she's arranged for the assistant's colleague to arrange a very, very special delivery. What a glorious surprise that will be for Andy. It will be hard for him to moan about going as Belle when the Beast appears at the Halloween Ball.

    Thank you Andy. As Mandy says, you captured Andy's Bashful (see, he could have gone as Snow White: no doubt he'd have been Grumpy at first, but then Happy with his appearance once he's made-up and in heels - they do make such a difference, and at the end of the evening when he's feeling Sleepy, he'll be Dopey with pleasure to be in the arms of his prince. He just needs to watch out for any passing Dockers attracted by his beauty.) look perfectly. The shimmer on the assistant's latex skirt and the shine on Jane's vinyl pants are superb. Lovely. And very touching.
    S xxx

    1. Hi S, yes the "Don't you" is very pointed,just enough to let Andy know there is no room for discussion on the matter.
      However all will be different when the new owner of the other costume appears.
      Love the little snow white fun and so glad you like those crazy shiny pants

    2. How could anyone resist those pants?

    3. Not me, that's for sure XXX

  4. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

    A seminal moment on Andy's beautiful journey into femininity. Probably his first formal gown. With all the beautiful underpinnings, matching heels, elaborate make-up and hair, bejewelled and with Will's strong arm to hold on to he will be in pretty boy heaven. I can see Will helping him with his fur wrap and holding his tiny gloved hand as he helps him into the hired limo to go to the ball (similar to the situation Chris was in on Friday with the handsome Brad).

    Love and XXXXX


    1. You are right Stevie, Andy is to experience for the first time the weight of a full gown with lashings of petticoats beneath

  5. Replies
    1. Fear not Jenny, there will be More and more XXX

  6. No ruby slippers to clash with this costume. Perhaps glass? but uncomfortable for an entire night. He looks tightly laced, perhaps even caged. Try as he might to catch a breath. That might add to his shy and demure attitude. That and being surrounded by strong and assertive woman guiding his through his Aunties choices. This one has my vote. William will love it as well.
    Lady Jane looks like she was dipped into those pants, trousers?

    1. Lady Janes dipped in vinyl, what a thought. Lee
      Yes a soft pair of fitted Louboutins, would be more suitable.But whatever , we all know Andy will be well looked after by those strict ladies

  7. Absolutely love Andy's yellow gown. Auntie is so kind and his tender expression reciprocating, very sweet. I guess Will wont be a real beast, just a handsome one. Won't they be so surprised with each others costume.

    1. No Aidan, can you imagine Will as a real beast?, no he will be perfect for Andy's Belle to fall in love with.

    2. And think what all those whiskers might do to Andy.

    3. Just wait till Friday on Patreon XXXX

    4. Ohhh, it would be also so "fun" to see Will in ultra heary and Macho Beast with the delicious and feminine Andy....just imagine how much Andy will feel....a vulnerable little sissy

    5. Vulnerable yet safe and warm in those arms XXX

  8. I still think that Andy would look great dressed as Ariel.

    1. Hello my dear RH so nice to hear from you, XXXX
      We shall have to see what costumes come up in the future XXX

  9. Andy à vraiment de la chance sa tante s occupe bien de lui trouver les meilleure tenue en latex et tante Jane est toujours aussi canon dans des leggings ou pantalon sexy en latex

    1. Andy is indeed fortunate to have such a caring Auntie, and one so gorgeous in leather, latex and PVC.

    2. Merci mon cher ami. Je suis si heureux que vous appréciez mon travail.
      Oui tante Jane est très belle
