Wednesday 22 September 2021

Wednesday Round up with Friends

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Hi Everyone
  Welcome to Wednesday and I am delighted to say we are totally in the hands of our friends and contributors

By Mandy Sweet Heart
The missing Chapters part 4

Chapter Four. 
With Andy appearing to be lost in the reflections of his recent humiliation at the 
filling station, and maybe he was imagining the ones yet to come, Jane knew he would be alright because every now and again he would mumble. “I wish Will was here with me.” Or something similar, and Jane felt that she could empathise with him, therefore she drove at a steady sixty. 
Despite driving along the monotonously straight road for well over an hour, and with very little of the unrestricted scenery reshaping itself, an electronic voice abruptly sounded. “Turn right in one mile.” 
Using the mirror and glancing around her, Jane was mystified as she couldn’t see any indication of any buildings and apart from the tarmac in front of her, there was little sign of any civilisation, but in seconds the road plummeted into a lilliputian canyon and they could both suddenly see the immaculately tended gardens opening out before them. 
For Lady Jane, the only despondency she felt was due to the gardens being laid out in a precocious French style that was popular during the seventeen hundreds, she would have prefered the design to be created in an Italian landscape. However, as she marveled at this creation in the middle of what was essentially a wildness, even Andy seemed to come back to life, as he too was impressed by the sight. 
“Let’s get this over with, and then we can go home.” Jane purred as she cruised up to the gold finished, ornamental cast-iron gates, complete with an attached gatehouse. Hastily glancing at either of the pillars, Jane looked for an intercom but to her unexpected surprise the gate was manned, and both Jane and Andy watched the young person hurry towards them, though the individual was having some difficulty walking on the finely graveled pavement while wearing six inch, spiked heels. “He’s pretty.” Andy softly said, and yet he was truly impressed by the attendants tiny black glossy maids outfit. 
“Hush child, or I’ll inform William about all of your unbecoming behavior.” Jane said in a tone that left little to the imagination, and Andy realised that she didn’t just
imply right now but he was to constantly act as her subservient assistant while they were here. 
“Please forgive me for keeping you waiting, Ma’am.” The attendant begged, and Jane realised that this was the same line as the chauffeurs had used and she guessed that all of the boys had to use it. 
“I’m Lady Jane Fullerton-Jones,” Jane said briskly, yet in a tone that left little imagination to who was the superior here, “and this is Andrew Watson, I believe the sisters are expecting us?” 
“Of course Ma’am. The sisters have been awaiting your arrival,” the boy grovelled, then he reached for something in his decorative apron pocket and aimed it at one of the pillars while pleading. “However, please may I ask you to drive carefully? It’s just that there may be gardeners around, plus a few maids may be on a day off and they tend to stroll around the gardens.” 
By the time the effeminate gate keeper had finished talking the gates had fully opened, Jane gave him a curt nod before smoothly depressing the accelerator and began driving away at an extremely sedate pace. 
Somehow, Jane kept to a pace that would accommodate anyone walking close to them, and although the infrastructure during the mile long drive was impressive she was finding the momentum absolutely tedious, hence she couldn’t find it in her heart to berate Andy when he became restless in his seat. 
Eventually they passed a group of tall coniferous trees that had been meticulously encouraged to grow into a hedge and before them stood an immaculately maintained white building that would have looked at home in South Carolina before the American civil war. 
After such a long drive, Jane was happy to finally turn the key to turn off and allow the hot engine to cool down, and despite the quiet clicking she found the silence a further delight, the stillness was so complete that she heard Andys’ latex garments modestly creaking as he lifted himself from the seat. 
Andy started to straighten out his tight latex trousers, but seeing how his aunt remained behind the steering wheel he hurried around the front of the vehicle so he could open the door and help her out. However, he fought against the loose grave, an effort that was multiplied by the way Andy was attempting to stop the precipitous heels from being ruined when they sunk into the stones. 
Thankfully he made it without any mishaps and as he held the car door open he was undecided where to place his eyes, naturally he was concerned about his aunts’ warfare but his eyes kept being distracted by the two beautiful maids quickly gliding through the bell shaped doors and down the white marble steps. “Keep your eyes off of the boys.” Jane advised. 
“Boys? Are you sure, Auntie Jane?” Andy cautiously asked. 
“I counted six as we drove through the gardens.” Jane purred while Andy blinked, then took another look and wondered if he needed glasses. “If you don’t behave I’ll treat you to the horse whip again.” Jane added, and watched as a grin spread over Andys’ features, the sight delighted her and she bent to whisper in his ear. “I’m sure you won’t want me to tell Will about all of your kinky habits!”
Andy definitely felt unsure about Will knowing too much just yet, and he began to instantly concentrate on what Lady Jane demanded of him. Yet as Jane eased away from him, she was distracted by one of the maids who had been dutifully waiting for her to finish addressing her ward. “Ms. Lady Jane Fullerton-Jones?” 
Jane simply nodded an acknowledgement, although Andy seemed to be preoccupied by her fancy lace neckband and wrist trimmings. 
“If you please Ma’am, my name is Chantill.” The taller, blond maid began. “Mistress Celeste has requested that I escort you to her. I can see you have some luggage strapped to the car and if you have any more, Toni will be more than happy to take it to your rooms.” 
Although Jane had not considered staying at the mansion for long, she knew that she wished to freshen up and change before returning to London and she cautiously handed the keys to the brunette maid. “Thank you Ma’am.” Toni said in a lustrously soft feminine voice. 
“I prefer to have Andy doing my unpacking.” Jane blatantly stated before gently taking hold of Andys’ hand and following Chantill up the stone steps and through the wide doors that led into a broad, elongated entrance hall that had the deep perfume of fresh lilacs and sumptuous feminine perfume. 
Whilst the musical sound of clipping heels seemed to surround them and with Andy still in tow, Jane continued to follow Chantell along the hallway until they had reached the last doors, where Chantell softly said. “Please wait here a moment, Lady Jane.” Then he swiftly knocked and opened the door before entering. 
The maid had only been in the room for less than a minute before reappearing, and while using a hush voice, he ushered Lady Jane and Andy to go in. “I’m sure the Mistress will be with you soon.” Chantell whispered before returning to the hallway. 
Luckily, Jane was familiar with other people imagining that their time was more important than hers’ and she used the time to appraise the woman as she sat on a deep cushioned, leather sofa. Nonetheless, Jane found it hard to place the womans’ age, maybe that was due to the dyed, platinum blond hair that had been cut into a classic bob and the style made her appear around sixty, yet her clothes told a different story, like Jane, she wore a pair of classic, black Christian Louboutin pumps and whereas Jane favoured leather, the woman the maid had called Celeste was attired in a knee length, black latex skirt with a black corseted jacket that was fastened to the white collar and glowed with an unreal luster. 
After a minute of being ignored Jane started to assess the room and her eyes were immediately drawn to a display case containing several gold phalluses, and as Andy let out an audible gasp Jane went to take a closer look. There were only four objects on the display, yet the smallest one was around fourteen inches tall with an advantageous girth. 
“I see you’re admiring my sisters’ ornaments.” A deep feminine voice said softly. Jane turned towards the voice and saw Celeste pulling on an old fashioned velvet bell ribbon. “Personally, I am much more concerned with technique and stamina than size but she just loves to belittle the new boys, by telling them that this is the dimensions of a real man. 
“I’m sorry to have kept you waiting Lady Jane, may I call you Lady Jane?” Although Jane normally
would be opposed to people using her title, she would allow it this time and she nodded dismissively. 
“Good, and I’m pleased to see that you are interested in our offer.” There was a courteous knock on the door and the maid, Chantell, entered, he gave a quick curtsy and said. “I’m very sorry to keep you waiting Mistress Celeste, is there something I can do for you?” 
“Yes, take this note to Ms. Darkly and ask her to write a letter for me, I wish it to explain how I will accept Ms. Stoners’ maid for training.” Chantell accepted the piece of paper, but before he could give another curtsy, his Mistress seductively said. “Then come right back here, I have a feeling that I might need you later.” 
Abruptly, a third voice appeared and Janes’ attention was automatically drawn to the three high back gothic chairs facing the rear gardens. “If you two are going to be talking business, maybe I should take Lady Janes’ sissy to see the stables.” As the woman who had just spoken started to show herself, she instantaneously stepped to greet Jane, although Jane was stunned to see another woman and how much she appeared to be just like Celeste including an identical latex outfit, yet a fervent growl began, one that seemed to be issued from Celestes’ direction, and instantly the other woman simpered. “Forgive me Mistress Celeste.” 
“Mistress Giorgia, you know how I do so hate the phrase, sissy,” then she turned to Jane to continue. “I much prefer beautiful boys, don’t you?” Celeste asked Jane, but before Lady Jane could reply, Celeste suggested. “However, it’s a wonderful idea and we should all go.” 
The interaction between the two sisters had only lasted mere seconds, but it gave Jane enough time to realise that, just as there was a hierarchy within any organisation, there was within the pinnacle of the Sisterhood.

To Be Continued.......

And now some sweet translations of my art by our dear friend Girlie Morgane.

Here is a clip featuring my favourite member of South Korean Kpop group Mamamoo, the beautiful Hwasa. By the way it also features a pair of super slick vinyl pants.

These next three are images sent to my by our dear Lee, Thank you Lee you send me such sweet images which really do inspire me.
If I may, I love the first one here.

This is so Gothic, I love it

and amazingly Lee even somehow tapped in to my love of Blue biker leathers amazing


  1. Hi Andy.
    Tee hee, just in case anyone is confused, Andy used the file name (Hello 4) rather than Hello 3 as it has in the heading.
    I do like the sultry biker outfit too.
    Hope everyone is well. Hugs xxx

    1. Doh! What a Bimbo, I shall change that asap.

  2. Thank you, Sweet Andy
    It is always nice to be appreciated and I am glad my little offerings may have brought a smile to your glossed lips. The Equinox is here after all and the colors of Autumn right around the corner. perhaps I can dig up a snowball fight in Latex for you.
    The KPop video was different than I expected. In a good way.
    I do need to wait until I have the time to read that Chapter in its entirety. Ms. Mandy is also a true talent and never ceases to amaze.
    I too like the Pink, but my love is the blue leather. It gives a Woman that new car smell no matter what her gender may have started out as.

    1. Aw, thank you for you sweet words about my writing Lee, that's very kind of you, hope you enjoy this chapter & the one to follow.
      Take care, hugs xxx

    2. Ooooo a Lady with a new car smell, Nice. Those biker suits are a thick leather so the aroma is real strong. I love all your little offerings Lee and the idea of a Latex snowball fight is fun.
      Thank you for being such fun
      Big hugs

  3. I'm wondering if you wanted be in a relationship with someone who lives in a different country

    1. Gosh that is very sweet of you my dear Anonymous friend, where are you? xxx
