Friday 23 July 2021

A fabulous Friday 4some from Christeen

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A special three image
preview of an Lady Jane
Adventure which I have
been working on over
the past few weeks.

Hi Everyone
  Hoorayyyyy, it's Friday, one more day and all of you, or us, fortunate enough to have the next two days off  can sit back and relax, safe in the arms of the lovely Christeen.


  1. Four different predicaments but Andy seems to be happy in all, even the last. The first is especially wonderful: why would Chris ever consider running away from such a beautiful Mistress? He'll wear her collar with pride.
    S xx

    1. Hi, you're correct. I'm sure, despite appearances, Chris is a happy young man.

  2. Hi Christeen & Andy.
    Chris really shouldn't complain so much if he upsets his lovely auntie, of course she needs to punish her pet and he should be grateful that auntie doesn't want to use him for a bit of pony play, and he needs to thank her for the beautiful bedroom and allowing him time to relax in fragrant bath.
    Wishing everyone a lovely weekend. Hugs xxx

    1. Same to you Mandy. I hadn't thought of pony play. Good idea.

  3. Thrilled to see the lesser highlighted trappings of femininity here! I've always loved girlie bedrooms, bathrooms, scents, etc and you mentioned all three. A feminine lifestyle is more than just clothes. I wonder which brand and scent of bath soap is Chris's favorite - I know he has a favorite, even if he doesn't want to admit it.

    Also, love the heels on his bedroom floor. Wonderful detail!

  4. Happy to have hit three of your buttons Anony.

  5. Very happy to see four Gorgeous pieces.

    #1, Love Chris's outfit and look. Chris grown up just perfect and still a little mischievous, oh my! Of course Auntie wants to keep Chris close by.

    #2, It's a lovely room, just cute enough for you to enjoy a good nights sleep.

    #3, A cute bathroom and I am sure the foamy bath is lovely. The scent is the least of Chris's concerns.

    #4, all part of the experience of a petticoatee. That would be fun to watch trying todo stable chores in a lovely flouncy dress, which unfortunately may get ruined but of course I imagine Chris has a vast collection.


    1. Hello Aidan, I'm sure Chris wants to be kept close to Auntie as well, especially if he's out in public.

  6. Greetings to everyone,
    If Christeen's auntie needs to keep me close by I would have little or no objection to her putting that collar around me and being made to go on all fours to make sure I kept her lovely sexy boots so spotlessly clean. It may take some spit and special liquid polish,

    1. Hi Pillih, His boot chore might require his being taken indoors and changed into a new outfit.

  7. So much practice. Never ending practice. Primping and preening in his room, and bathing under the watchful eyes. Even a day out with a bit of investigation. Window shopping and wandering get him in trouble. Harnessed and soon to be punished upon their return. When will it end? Never, until it is second nature.
    Punished to the stables, feeding and curry and exercise in his heavy costume. Keep it clean and do not stumble in your heels. Someone is always watching.
    Thank you both for the four wonderful visions.

  8. Let's hope it never ends for Chris. Thanks Lee.

    1. If he does get to ride, let us hope it is sidesaddle, and the Hummingbird is off.
