Monday 15 March 2021

New Art. Andy Loves Will

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Its that back to
work tonic, a cute
new preview from
the wonderful 
mind of Christeen.

Hi Everyone
  So my tech is up and running and I can create new art and finish off old pieces and it is one of these unfinished pieces I start with.
 It is not really a story. It is from the Boy Ad campaign (Something you will see more of in the future), more of a portrait and I chose this simply to get my software tuned in again, but I really like the image and to be honest the more I do these sort of detailed portraits the near I get to myself at or Hero/Heroine's age.
  Anyway, I have just locked a new Lady Jane Adventure and now eager to move on to the next piece, Time needs to be made up.
   So biggest hugs


  1. Now here's a thing. What a dilemma you've posed.

    Now we could believe that this is a publicity still from next Boy Campaign. It would seem reasonable and a natural progression for their supermodel to be publicly confessing his love. And yet, and yet..

    This looks so like a quiet moment for Andy. Aunt Jane's left him to do his make-up on the morning of the 14th. Jane had left a little snap on his vanity reminding her boy of the journey he'd taken. But who was the card from? An anonymous admirer, no doubt. But who? Aunt Jane? There'd been no postage on the envelope so it could easily be. One of Jane's girlfriends? Quite possibly, after all most of them did show a strong affection for Jane's niece and maid. Will? Andy hoped so. That would be so sweet of him. Still not daring to speak his name. Another male admirer? But why would it have been dropped through the letterbox of Aunt Jane's house? Who else knew? Unless it was one of those delivery boys that Jane insisted he answer the door to.

    Andy just hoped it was Will. He had a new found confidence since he'd starting doing modelling for BOY. He was comfortable. After finishing his make-up, he felt playful. Why not write on the mirror? It was his mirror. (Well it was Jane's but she had given this corner of her bedroom.) He went over his lips again and then playfully made his declaration. Maybe he wanted Jane to see that affirmation. Yes, he did love Will. He thought, he hoped, he wished Will loved him too. Aunt Jane was lovely but a kiss from Will was what he longed for.

    Fortunately in the same way that Jane understood Andy. Andy understood
    his Auntie.

    It wouldn't be long before Jane took a snap to capture that moment. Will might find he had a less than anonymous card arrive later that day.

    Your S xxx

    1. Oh what sweet ideas you have my dear S, You weave little stories and come up with so many variations, that bring my art to life in ways I had never imagined.
      The card was put in as a tease and you spotted all the was it can be reinterpreted .
      Thank you so much

  2. Aw, young love is so sweet.
    Beautifully captured Andy x
    Hugs to all xxx

  3. Later that day the front bell rang. Jane opened the door and there was a delivery man with two boxes. She guessed that these were flowers. After bringing them inside she set then upon a table. Andy hurried over. Could these be from Will? He looked at the tags on the boxes. One was for him and the other for Aunt Jane. His hands trembling he opened the box. Inside were a dozen red roses. But there was no card. Jane opened her box and found a dozen pink carnations. She adored carnations. Unlike Andy, there was a card. It read "Thank you for making my Valentine's Day dream come true." There was no name on the card. Who was this mysterious admirer?

    1. Oh that is so nice, who is the mystery card from, I have my ideas.
      Thank you for creating such a sweet idea, In such a few lines you have imagined such a sweet idea
      Bless you RH

  4. Ever so lovely, Andy in a dream state. Thinking of his love after getting dressed, or practicing an alluring look for his William. Matching lips and lacquer. As much soft, smooth skin on display that would be decent, yet enticing. Will his Knight visit today? He has come such a long way and his current situation offers so much adventure. Just stay perfect, be perfect, as if always on display

    1. Hi Lee,
      Yes perhaps Andy wrote that in a dream of Will, bathed in his new self, he just wants his Will to know how much her means to him, If only he had the nerve
      Thank you so much my friend

  5. As Andrew finished up his makeup he couldn’t help but daydream..... He had come so far in such a short time. Never would he have guessed that he would feel comfortable wearing makeup or even more so that he would have such confidence and find such such joy in being so beautiful and love all the attention his looks gave him. Though as he looked on he couldn’t help but smile. He owed his aunt more than he could say. If she had not been there to gently push him....granted sometimes a bit harder than he liked he would never have had the confidence to go after his greatest wish. A wish his heart knew all along. Will his best friend the one who knew Andrew the best. To be able to freely say how much he loved him was a gift that Andrew had no way to thank his aunt for. To find your true love is a treasure few find. To be able to grab it and hold onto it is indescribable. As Andrews mind wondered he couldn’t help but get lost in the infinite possibilities that life with Will would be like. The laughter and the tears and everything in between whatever life had in store Andrew knew he wouldn’t want anyone else by his side other than Will. With the last touch up to his lips and hearing his aunt calling for him He gave his reflection one last look and wrote what his heart was yelling...... This piece was beautiful and full of love. Truly amazing my extraordinary and wonderful friend. All that needs to be said is simply..........I loved it.

    1. Oh My Goodness, you have excelled yourself my dear friend, a beautiful and sweet little story, beautifully told and perfectly embracing of the art.
      Your little piece is inspiring on its own, capturing the emotions of the moment to perfection.
      You thank me for my art and I in turn thank you for your time and talent, you have made my art even better.

  6. The sweetest art, almost life like.
