Sunday 13 December 2020

New Art. Friends Forever

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One of the finest
pieces by Christeen
I have seen in a long
time and you know the
high standard of her

Hi Everyone
   Ok, something of an "important" image this week. I have a few of these and this is a reworking of one I posted on Patreon a few months ago and by important I mean, important in that is shows a moment toward the end of Andy's story. 
   Now I have felt in the past, that if I were to post these, it might lead you to think I am near the end of creating Andy and Aunt Jane art. COULD NOT BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH. I will keep on creating this art as long as I am allowed to, however I realised something big the other day, what if I never got to show the end of Andy's story? I mean we all know where it is going, Andy and Will Happily ever after, so why should I deny these pieces which show that.
  So here we are, a sweet, warm image, no big story, Just Andy, Will and their friends....friends forever and a smile that could stop traffic.

Feel like wiping a tear LOL 

I'll be back after

Hello Again, handkerchief anyone?
   Just a little detail.
It was important, after all Andy has been though and worn, that his outfit and style mirrors Wills, Black pants, waistcoat,white shirt,only in that ultra fetish, high gloss way we have come to know him in, plus short hair,styled to reference his early,boyish self.
  Andy is not being a girl,or dressed as a girl, he is what Jane always said he was, A beautiful, feminine Boy.
  Also, did you spot Jane gift?


  1. That smile says it all: confidant, flirty and completely at ease. Andy is comfortable and happy. He knows guys fancy him even though they know he's boy. They can't help themselves, overwhelmed by his beauty and his charm and intellgigence. And girls adore him. They want him for their boyfriend. He'd be the prettiest boyfriend. And who would understand a girl's needs better than another girl, or at least a well trained, immaculate feminine boy? He might even let them borrow some of his wardrobe. So many have always wanted to try latex.

    What's nice is that Jane is so delighted with the progress he's made and loves seeing Andy together with Will. A boy but a boy radiating absolute femininity. And so beguiling! From a distance looking like the perfect male guest at the Church's fund raising ball in his dinner suit. Only as you got closer did you realise that his clothes didn't just have that well brushed evening wear look but were polished to a reflective sparkle. He was in latex: polished, shiny shimmering latex. Even his appropriately floppy bowtie was in latex. And his jacket had been quickly shed. He wasn't in dress shoes either but in high heels. Louboutin heels. Louboutin courts. Louboutin courts with 5" heels.

    She was so proud of her creation. Years of nurture had born fruit. There he was wearing her earrings and her diamanté watch. (The real diamonds rarely left the vault.) He looked so good beside Will. Andy was her gift to Will, while Will was her gift to Andy. But just in case they got a little too over eager, she was glad she had used her little gold padlocks. Three little gold padlocks to be precise: one at each ankle and one on the through zip at the back of his latex pants. They were only coming off when she and Andy got home .... together.

    Your S xxxx

    1. Awww my dear S, you get it so right, Andy is no threat to anyone, everyone will fall under the spell of that smile and his flirty delicate touch.
      I love your description of seeing Andy and the realisation of his outfits secrets.
      I can tell you understand the friends are not jealous, they were confused and unsure at first,but friends adapt and ow they totally understand and are totally happy for the pair.
      You spotted so many details, you must have looked hard to spot the zippers and locks, but the key? That is not in Jane', possession.It is small, but it's golden glint is visible.


    2. Drat! Will's little neck chain. Jane is being kind this evening. But then she does have the Reverend to look after.

  2. Once again, Will only has eyes for Andy. May we surmise that, for the two of them, the evening will not end back at Jane's home?

    1. Hi Sylvain
      You can very much surmise that my friend. I had in fact intended for the dialogue to read something like the friends saying.
      "You two go on up,it's been a long day,Me and Karl will help clear up in here. We'll see you tomorrow"
      It would be a way of acknowledging the fact that these two are relaxed with the idea that Andy and Will sleep together now.

  3. Have we ever seen Andy so happy? All that he has been through, and a happily-ever-after ending with the Love of his life, William. I imagine lady Jane as a close second.
    I was wondering what the gold was dangling from this pants ankle zipper. I did not see the Louboutin's as ankle strapped. Silly me. We had already seen Andy in his Bridal Gown, but somehow a glistening tux is so much more relevant.
    He is not trying to pass as a woman. He is a beautiful creation taking the best from all worlds. Slim and trim, cute and feminine. Bold and Beautiful. Now to see what the future holds for this loving pair.

    1. Oh you got that so right Lee,"He is a beautiful creation taking the best from all worlds" perfectly said and yes he has never been happier.
      The gold? a little lock? but where would the key be?
      The Tux might even be an outfit for the evening party, but this I think is not a wedding after party, this is a celebration of something else.
      Bless you for such a sweet comment

  4. Beautiful and amazing. As always the little details bring it all together. As I have said before I love all the adventures of Andrew in all the different realities but my favorite are always the ones where you see Andrew happy and carefree. With all his adventures with his aunt he has come full circle. He is beauty in all forms. To see him so carefree with his love beside him and his friends around him and still able to be himself. His happiness and self confidence is clear for all to see. No embarrassment no hiding no pretending to be someone else. He is and always will be Andrew. Andy you have told so many stories with your artwork and I hope it never ends but when the time does come this piece will stand out showing the purpose and reason why aunt Jane took Andrew on such an adventure. A piece that brings everything together. Hopefully though this is way in the future and we have many more years of adventures.
    Love Andrews heels and the pants are amazing and of course the locks on the bottom legs of his pants and the necklace that Will is wearing with the key. As always it’s the details that show your love and passion for your art
    Wonderful simply wonderful

    1. Awwww thank you so much, that is a very sweet thing to say, I greatly appreciate your words. When I set out to create this world it was always one full of love and kindness,though the Sisterhood and the Dark Institute cause trouble Jane will always win and Andy will always find love and happiness. I am glad now I posted this, I feel freer to move within my own creations now. Thank you Thank you XXX
      I am so glad you spotted those locks and the key, golly gosh, you and others do study my art so closely, that is amazing XX

  5. Yes I wiped away a tear of joy seeing Andy a beautiful feminine boy just as Jane intended with Will as his life partner. All the little details are real zingers.

    1. Thank you Aidan, That is very kind of you. Jane was only guiding Andy and despite all the side roads they have traveled this was always to be the happy ending.

  6. This is a wonderful piece. The details are amazing - and thanks to your eagle eyed friends for pointing them out to me 😅

    It’s great to see Andy so happy and confident in his new life - as you said, enjoying the best of both worlds as a beautiful, feminised boy. We all enjoy the tales of embarrassment, but lovely to know that, in Andy’s case at least, it’s just growing pains. And we can have lots of fun “filling the blanks” in the years to come.

    1. Thank you Pirata, that means a lot to me, I am so glad everyone takes these kind little stories to their heart

  7. With as much hate that’s going around, especially towards the entire LGBTQ+ spectrum, it’s beautiful to see Andy at ease with his old chums and them with him as he is now.

    1. Thank you Masque, I have always wanted to stress the acceptance of Andy in all his adventures, no one ever questions or condemns him no mater what the situation,
      If only life could be like that Of Andy and Aunt Jane
