Tuesday 29 December 2020

Announcement and New Art (in that order)

Please help keep our
blog alive.
From only $3 a month
   On Patreon today
   The first of a monthy
   Andy Calendar.
   More details below.

Hi Everyone.
  So today, we have both a new piece of art and details of a special monthly, Patreon  event.
So lets start with the complicated bit.

    Back in April you may recall Andy, featuring in the Village Church Roof Appeal Calendar.

   Well, it got me to thinking I could produce a complete Andy Calendar to help celebrate the 10th anniversary of our blog. Yes folks, next year we will have been going for 10 years which I think, by blogging terms is pretty good/Insane. 
     Anyway,it all kicks off today over on Patreon, with Andy in a cosy, little winter number especially for the month of January and each month, it will feature Andy in a new piece of art, fully downloadable and ready to use. 
   However, not wishing to deny anyone anything, all the calendar art will be reproduced here on our blog at various times throughout the year, only without the calendar attached. 

   So moving on, New Art. This was previewed a few weeks ago on Patreon, without a few important details and is a simple and sweet little image, from Andy's early days and features our cute Hero/Heroine and his beloved Aunt Jane in a sweet and nervous moment of uncertainty.
  It needs little introduction, I hope you like it
Big Hugs


  1. Eek! I hate my printer. Full photo quality and all the bells and whistles. The HiDef is beautiful, but it cut off part of his head and the last week at the bottom. Try and try again. Time to crop.

    1. Everyone like a little crop Sweetie xxx

    2. Oh no, not hard Janice, a little tap tap on my up turned bottom is all the inventive I would need xx

    3. My, my, you Ladies are naughty. I love it. Stay well.

  2. I hope he has a lot more closet space for his new clothes, or is that his new closet?

  3. I'd pay for an actual calendar. I have an acquaintance, a fetish model Marilyn Yusuf, who would make an sell wall calendars for $25 USD each, and ship all over the world. Of course she would only print up 100 per year, but I would always buy 2 as soon as she announced them. These were high quality and we're like 12" wide by 18" tall.

    1. Gosh I love Marilyn Tusuf, so elegant and beautiful. A fully realised Andy Calendar,on gloss paper would be really amazing.

  4. Is there something more delicious than Andy?... yeah, Andy in chocolate XD

  5. Olá amigo Andy,
    Te mandei um e-mail depois da uma conferida.
    Tão lindo ver Andy envergonhado e o deleite de sua tia.

    1. Olá meu amigo, sim vou checar meus e-mails ainda hoje.
      Obrigado por seus comentários super, Andy sempre brilha tão docemente quando envergonhado. XX

      Hello my friend, yes I will check my emails later today.
      Thank you for your super comments, Andy always glows so sweetly when embarrasssed. XX

  6. We know that Andrew has gained a lot of confidence since those early days, but I can easily relate to his uncertainty, as I can easily remember how I felt just before the first time I was asked to serve at a protocol dinner in full uniform. My Mistress at the time had lent me to a good Dominant friend of hers who was hosting a half-dozen Dominants (two of which were from England where they know a thing or two about proper protocol and etiquette) who were in Montréal for a big international event. If Lady Jane is as good a teacher as the ones I had, I have no doubt Andrew performed well at the afternoon's event.

    1. Oh that is a thrill recollection. I remember when I was first asked to serve in front of people other than my dear friends, the excitement was almost too much.

  7. You really teasing me to the max on the worst NYE but yeah I’m cheered up now with all the gorgeous art. Thanks. XXX

    1. We all need a little tease at the moment, so so happy to be yours XXX

    2. Thank-you and happy new year

  8. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

    A tender and delicate moment indeed. Before the trip to Paris, before his first pair of thigh boots, before his encounter with the creepy Enrique. However we can already see his beautiful slim feminine figure and flawless smooth skin. Once Aunt Jane has him dressed in that pretty pink number we can see with matching tiny panties and has polished up his numerous petticoats, he will soon realize how pretty he looks and I am sure that Aunt Jane's Lady guests will be very pleased with his deep curtsy and thoughts of scruffy jeans, T-shirts and football will vanish.

    Happy New Year

    Love and XXXXX


    1. Hi Stevie, you have got it spot on, before all their adventures there were moments of doubt and uncertainty, moments when an Aunt's firm but loving control was needed.
      All he needs to do is take his Aunts hand and she will lead him into his shimmering future.

  9. Nervousness was and is natural. Jane knows it will take time for him to accept. But she knows how pretty he looks and, provided he watches that voice, no-one will this afternoon that they're being served by anyone other than her latest pretty maid. It just happens that this one will be slighly different from (most of) his predecessors. He will slowly absorb the compliments. His confidence will go up. The next won't be so hard,and the time after even easier. And then he'll start to look forward to these occasions and the special frisson as she refers to him to her friends as her nephew.

    Thank you for everything you've done 2020 for keeping so many of us happy during a difficult year. Happy New Year and hopes for a better 2021 .... and more adventures of Aunt Jane and her young acolyte.

    Your S xxxx

    1. Happy new year my dear S, it has been my pleasure and saviour to create art for such lovely community.
      You sum Andys emotions up so well and they in turn reflect thoughts I felt when first I served as Maid to Gi and P

  10. Happy new year Janice. Yes , In this case the heels were a deliberate detail, to get Andy on a more even level but still dominated by his Aunt

  11. Oui, sans aucun doute, j'aime cette image montrant toute l'ingénuité de Andy !
    Gros câlins
    < VDB >

    1. Merci mon ami, c'est très gentil à vous de dire.
      Meilleurs vœux
