Monday, 19 October 2020

New Art. Nice Evening For a Walk

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We have another
wonderful and as 
yet unpublished 
preview piece by 
the lovely
Chris on a leash?
Oh dear,what has the
poor thing gotten
into now?

Hi Everyone.
  Monday comes round so quickly, so If I can help blow those blues away I will, with a new piece featuring our hero/Heroine in a beautifully embarrassing situation and one that, if he can't get his beloved Aunts attention real quick, might go on for a long time.
   Hope you like this, again what started of simple grew and grew with each added detail.

Hello again, well Jane is in a rush to get somewhere, but where? and who needs to know they are on their way?
  However they are not going to get there quickly if Jane doesn't respond to Andy's pleas and fails to unzip that dangerous hobble dress just a little bit.
  But maybe Jane has a reason for leaving it so tight, who knows? I am sure there a theories aplenty.
   Again I like the details, The style of a durable leather jacket over what could be an elegant gown, i find really sexy, plus I have added Jane's masculine watch, because I like to see it on a beautiful woman.
   As ever  please feel free to comment,you know how i like a chat.
  Big hugs


  1. Hobble it is. Jane, who looks every bit as fantastic as you suggest, likes to ensure everything stays snug. She knows that while she strides out purposefully if Andy takes short dainty steps he'll get there. Not just to their destination but to a moist sticky conclusion as his tight little bottom wiggles like a tottering geisha. Although he may end their journey a little out of breathe and perspiring, her host and hostess will be entranced by his dreamy far away look. After all, while he will get stared at by passers by, his eyes will have remained transfixed and focused on his Auntie's gorgeous rear and he'll soon start reliving that lovely last 'meal' he had before they set out. His Hummingbird can stay mute: his walk, that vision and the memory will be enough. Jane just Hope's he will have energy for a full evening's maid duties and that he'll impress their New York hosts and their guests. He will look sweet and ever so slightly flustered but his latex stockings will wipe clean quite quickly since their was no need for panties given the tightness of the hobble.
    Your S xxx

    1. Now dressing Andy as a geisha may be a concept Lady Jane can probably grasp with enthusiam next time they go out and about? Perhaps a flight to Japan to meet with some wealthy salarymen might be in order?

    2. Oh my dear S you are so right, poor Andy will be a wobbly sticky mess by the time they arrive at their destination and as you say ,no need for the hummingbird, all the slick slide will be all the stimulation Andy will need to get him to the brink.
      As for the Geisha. Hmmmm what an interesting idea, a trip to the orient sounds exciting.
      Thank you S and thank you my Anonymous friend

  2. Lady jane must be in a hurry to leave her car undressed as is for a tow. Once again she shines and shows she can display herself with the best, and the youngest, out there in the world. Andy is more that flustered and his steps must be fast and furious to keep up. I wonder how far she will let him lag behind before he draws a crowd of admirers and perhaps ruffians? I agree, there is no need for the Hummingbird with that level of encasement, and rubbing, and squeaking. I am sure she has her finger on the phone to send a charge to get his attention and set his place. I do wonder about the advert on the right behind her car. Is the models hands in his pockets because he has used the nail varnish?

    1. Hi Lee, she sure looks to be in a hurry, but that might just be because she has done her usual thing of striding out into the traffic, expecting it to stop for her (which it invariably does).
      Yes if Andy lags,a little tingle from the hummingbird would put an extra wriggle in that step.
      You had me for a moment there, the Model? silly Lee, I can't imagine that chap waiting for a bus has any desire for polished Nails. LOL

    2. Harrumph! Now that I see his head is too high for the poster/advert, he is in front. Wishful thinking on my part, I guess. Thank you for the clarification.

    3. Sweetheart it can be what you want it to be, all i do is inspire your imaginations

    4. That you do, My Sweet.

  3. Andy’s maid outfit is the best I’ve seen of those kind of outfits so far. A hobble dress is perfect to keep dainty movements. Of course with Aunt Jane striding along he’s at risk of falling on his snot. Hopefully she unzips the dress a bit before then. I imagine she had signed him up to work at some fancy uptown event. Gorgeous art and I agree, Jane’s outfit is sexy.

    1. Awww bless you Aidan, that is very kind of you, The dress isn't too tight as to make movement impossible, but just enough to be practical enough for duties. Though you are right , Jane will need to unzip, just a bit, to allow him to keep up with her confident stride..
      Glad you liked Jane's outfit too

  4. Um uniforme belíssimo digno de um Oscar.
    Esse uniforme me faz enxergar Amanda como alguém que possui seriedade e comprometida com suas funções, o que é importante para servir as vontades de Jane.
    Pelo tempo de convivência com a Jane, se fosse eu no lugar da Amanda já não me sentiria embaraçada em sair na rua de uniforme a final foi a vida que ela escolheu. Eu pediria Jane o cartão de crédito e iria para o site comprar diversos lindos uniformes e calcinhas de látex para eu ficar cada mais vez mais bonita para minha dona.

    1. Olá e obrigado. Estou tão feliz que você gostou deste uniforme.
      Acho que Andy ainda está longe de ser confiante. Eu o imagino ainda muito envergonhado.
      Você está mais confiante e adoraria sair com a tia Jane, talvez seja você quem deva usar o cartão de crédito. Você seria incrível

    2. Se a Tia Jane me adotasse por uma semana eu seria a mais submissa empregada que ela já teve. Pediria lindos uniformes um para cada dia da semana e várias calcinhas para gente poder brincar juntas
