This is a blog about Kinky stuff, at no point are any of the characters under the age of consent. This is the story of a young man discovering his true self with the guidance of a loving and understanding Aunt. It is a tricky world for those who are searching for identity and we should all offer our love and support to those who are struggling.
Thursday, 29 October 2020
Friday Fun With Christeen
Tuesday, 27 October 2020
La Di Da (Not Annie Hall)
Sunday, 25 October 2020
New Art. Parisian Chic
Thursday, 22 October 2020
Weekend at Christeen's
Tuesday, 20 October 2020
Fun in the Village, Chapter 5 By Mistress LeatherBeth
Jane checked her watch, and then tapped on the door of the room that Andy and Will were sharing.
“Are you two boys ready? We’re meant to be at Snowdrop at eleven.”
The reply was a little muffled for some odd reason, but she got the gist. Andy and Will were rather tied up just at the moment, but they would follow her as soon as possible. Jane raised an eyebrow for a couple of seconds, then shrugged and went downstairs. Ten minutes later she was closing the front door behind her.
About an hour earlier JoJo had awoken, though he had still been rather tired. Well, it was to be expected after last night.
When Carmel had parked the Mercedes next to Snowdrop the previous late afternoon, she noticed that Kat had pulled in behind her and was getting out of the Nissan. JoJo had barely opened his door when Kat linked his arm and said, “Carmel, you don’t mind if I just borrow JoJo this evening, do you? Don’t worry, you’ll get him back safe and sound.” And with that, a stunned JoJo was whisked off in the direction of the pub, leaving an equally bewildered Carmel to mutter something like, “OK, dear.”
Since then, JoJo had lost a succession of virginities. Apparently, it had occurred to Kat that a bi girl might do worse than someone like JoJo, and, whatever happened, it would be an experience (or several) for both of them.
As it happened, it had proved that Kat’s idea had been inspired. Just because it was Joe’s dream to look like an attractive young woman, it didn’t mean that he found women unattractive. But neither did he object to taking the female position.
While JoJo was surfacing, he realised that Kat was fully awake. “Hey there! Girlfriend!” she said. “Time to think about getting you home. Your mother is going to want you there when Jane arrives.”
“Will you come with me? I think she might need some support.”
“Sure, if you think she won’t mind. In that case, we’d better get you ready. I was thinking about this. You were very keen on it yesterday at HotHouse.” With that she held up a stunning latex dress, narrow waisted and barely mid thigh.
“O, yes. That’s just what I need,” breathed JoJo.
Carmel had hardly slept all night. Sure, it was partly the warm summer weather that left her tossing and turning, naked and covered in nothing but glistening sweat. But it was also nerves.
Jane was due to visit them at 11am., with her tight shininess and her heely stabbiness, her total comfort in her own hyper sexuality and her complete fetish-friendly persona. Carmel had never encountered anyone remotely like her, and the prospect of where the conversation would lead was thoroughly intimidating.
And ‘visit them’ was hardly an accurate term at the moment. Since JoJo’s ‘Don’t wait up’ text at about 11.30 last night, she’d heard nothing. She assumed that JoJo was with Kat, but couldn’t be certain. And what would ‘with Kat’ entail? And who was with Kat? Joe or JoJo?
There again, she’d always worried about Joe’s isolation, his lack of friends. But did that really matter now that JoJo seemed to have three new friends, Andy, Will and Kat? By comparison with them, JoJo was almost vanilla.
But wasn’t that why they’d never settled too long in one place? Carmel had been so scared that Joe would be ‘discovered’, bullied. She’d do anything to protect him, assist him. And she owed it to her grandmother as well as to JoJo.
She pondered how to prepare for the visit. In the end she opted for a bold approach, and unwrapped the beautifully soft knee length leather skirt which she had been surprised to find at HotHouse, given that, sexy as it was, it could hardly be classed as fetish. But she’d always had a thing for leather, (not to the same extent as Jane, but she was in a class of her own), and which JoJo had inherited from the earliest times he’d dressed, and she’d decided that she deserved a treat. A couple of minutes later she was admiring herself in the mirror.
At the stroke of eleven, Jane’s elegant finger pressed the doorbell at Snowdrop Cottage and, after a somewhat longer than expected delay, Carmel slowly opened the door.
“Why, Jane. Do come in,” she said, as though she was almost surprised at Jane’s arrival.
“Thank you, my dear,” said Jane, and made her own way into the front room, where she began to look around the interior. “You’ve got this place looking really nice,” she said. “A lovely mix of old world and modern.”
“I’m so glad you like it,” replied Carmel. “I studied design for a time, before Joe came along. And may I say how elegant you’re looking?”
“These?” said Jane, “why, they’re just an old pair of Freddy’s. I must admit, I do love them, but they are just my fourth or fifth best pair, although I do get Andy to help me to keep them properly polished and supple. He’s so helpful around the house.
“Anyway, I’m here to welcome you and Joe to the village. I believe you’ve been otherwise engaged when other visitors have called,” she added diplomatically.
“Erm, yes. I do remember a couple of times hearing the door when Joe and I were busy.”
“But now we’re here. By the way, where is Joe?”
“He, erm, he’s out. With Kat. They became quite friendly when they went shopping with Andy and Will yesterday.”
“Ah, yes. The boys told me something of yesterday,” Jane said, though in truth she’d only seen them for a minute or two before they’d taken themselves off to their room. “Kat’s a lovely girl, don’t you think?”
“She’s certainly forthright,” said Carmel
“But you’re happy for her and JoJo to get close?”
“JoJo? Ah, yes. We’ve finally reached the real subject. Jane, I feel I can be candid with you. You’re not one of those judgmental types.”
“I certainly hope I’m not,” said Jane.
Carmel took a very deep breath. “Very well,” she said finally, “but the story isn’t straightforward.”
“It begins just after the War, with my grandmother still at school, and her elder brother, Walter, about to go to University. One day, my great-grandfather found Walter dressed in his mother’s underwear and shoes, together with a poor attempt at make-up. To say he exploded is, apparently, an understatement. He laid into Walter with his thick leather belt, then gave him five minutes to pack a small bag before throwing him out of the house. His name was never mentioned again at home. He died, homeless, a couple of years later, and my grandmother never got over not being able to help her brother. So, she brought up my mother to be as broad minded and liberal as possible, and this was passed on to me, though I never expected to have to put it into action.
“But then I made a similar discovery with Joe, though he was a little younger.”
“Joe was terrified when I caught him, and you can imagine my shock. But I remembered my mother telling me of her mother’s grief for Walter. What else could I do? If my son was my daughter, or wanted to be my daughter, or to look and live as if she was, that had to be OK with me. But it didn’t stop me being terrified for both of us.”
Jane’s eyes had already become moist as Carmel had let her in on this very personal story, and now the tears flowed as she walked across and wrapped Carmel in a silent embrace.
Kat, dressed much as she had been the previous day, but incorporating the boots she’d bought thanks to Jane’s generosity, was walking hand in hand with JoJo when she suddenly altered their course in order to intercept the vicar, whom she’d seen approaching the vicarage.
“Kat, my dear, how are you? And it’s Joe, isn’t it? Aren’t the pair of you looking good?”
“We’re good, vicar. Very good, in fact. JoJo will be joining me as a barmaid at the Fullerton Arms next week.” she smiled. “He and I are just off back to Snowdrop. Jane is calling on Carmel, as you requested.”
“Oh, that’s so good of her, so kind. We’re lucky to have her in the village.”
“In that case, vicar, why don’t you tell her?”
“I beg your pardon? Tell her what? I don’t quite understand,” said Mayfield.
“Vicar, I do believe that you’re the only person in the village who hasn’t noticed that Jane has a huge thing for you. You need to speak to her, instead of the pair of you just orbiting each other like a pair of shy teenagers.”
“Oh, no. I’m sure you’re wrong.”
“Vicar, I don’t do the ‘w’ word. Jane fancies you as much as you fancy her, so get in there.” With that, she took charge of JoJo again and they set off toward Snowdrop, leaving Mayfield immobile, looking shell shocked, outside the vicarage.
“D-do you think that was a good idea?” asked JoJo. “You seem to have left him in a state of shock.”
“Girlfriend,” replied Kat, “I do believe that’s my calling in life.”
“What about JoJo’s father? Is he still around?” asked Jane.
“Ah, Glen. Yes. Yes, he is, after a fashion. I should hate him to hell and back, but I just can’t, not really.”
Jane’s raised eyebrow was sufficient to propel Carmel forward with her narrative.
“To put it simply, he left me for an older woman. But it’s another complicated story. Even when we were students, me design, him computer science, he was the practical one, setting up little businesses, supplementing our income. Then one day he sold a program that he’d written and trademarked to a big company in California. These days we’d call it app development. He got several million for it. Things took off after that. He was over there more than he was here, and seemed to become Silicon Valley’s King Midas. I only discovered to what extent when he broke it to me that he’d be moving permanently to Palo Alto, but that he’d met someone else. Joe was only a few months old, and we’d been talking of getting married not long before, but now that was all over.
“He said that he’d make sure that Joe and I never lacked for anything. My first reaction was to tell him where to stick his money, but that wouldn’t have been fair to Joe, so I read his offer and nearly fainted. An eight figure settlement for me, a huge trust fund for Joe, and percentages of his future successes.
“And he’s been as good as his word. We’re seriously wealthy, for what that’s worth. And those future successes show no sign of letting up, and with them his generosity to us.”
“In that case,” said Jane, “I think you should just be grateful, and get on with your life. You have a lovely home, financial security, and a lovely son who has all the makings of an attractive daughter. Be happy.”
“You really think it’s as simple as that?” asked Carmel.
“My dear, I truly do. O, look who’s finally turning up,” said Jane, staring out of the window. Carmel looked across and saw JoJo, Andy, Will and Kat, having arrived from opposite directions, rendezvousing on the front path of Snowdrop, with much hugging, kissing, laughing and sharing of compliments.
“Jane, thank you. Thank you so much. I think JoJo and I have found a place where we can finally be ourselves and put down roots. I think we’re going to be very happy here.”
“Carmel, dear, I’m sure you are. And the village will be pleased to have you among us.”
With that, the two women went out to join the youngsters in the front garden.
Monday, 19 October 2020
New Art. Nice Evening For a Walk
Thursday, 15 October 2020
Christeen makes your day
Wednesday, 14 October 2020
Fun in the Village. Chapter 4. by Mistress Leather Beth
The name on the HotHouse lease was Lois Watkins, but clients, staff and the wider local kink community knew her as Madame Stella, the name under which she had accumulated quite a sizeable fortune as a purveyor of discipline and ancillary services around the world, from Hollywood glitterati in LA and US cabinet secretaries in Potomac mansions to Middle-Eastern oil sheiks in Dubai and a Swedish princess in a cabin east of Linköping.
But burn out comes to even the most dedicated and enthusiastic of practitioners in any field, and she had finally decided to return to her roots and see what turned up.
And what turned up, within a few days of settling back in the old ‘hood, was bumping into one of her oldest friends, Izzy Hamilton, along with her husband, George Cooper. Izzy’s nom-de-kink had been Lady Magdelena, and she and Madame Stella had even operated in tandem during their time at University, before Lois’ wanderlust took her abroad.
George was a very successful businessman (although a barely adequate housemaid) and, with Izzy motivating him, they had a more than pleasant lifestyle, to which the recently extended double garage contributed considerably. She had been considering setting up a little kink-friendly business in premises which she’d noticed had become vacant, and when she asked Lois if she would be interested in joining as a partner, Madame Stella had jumped at the opportunity. She’d been willing to invest financially, but Izzy insisted on getting George to sign the cheques, as extra punishment for the recent breakages while washing up.
Now, some three months later, Stella, in severe charcoal business suit and Loubou So Kates, a combination which had earned her almost as much as any thousand dollar catsuit, was studying the little drama unfolding out on the pavement. A stunningly glamourous boy, a handsome young man, a biker babe type, and, if she were not mistaken, a mother and son. All the makings of a profitable afternoon for HotHouse. She called to Chloe to come through from the back room.
“One minute, Madame Stella.”
“If you two can climb off each other’s tonsils,” said Kat, without looking over her shoulder, “You’ll see that we have company.”
Andy and Will complied, albeit reluctantly, but then became all attention as they realised whom Kat was talking about, walking toward them at about a hundred yards distance, but fixing their attention solely on each other in low conversation, before Carmel made a gesture, pointing towards HotHouse.
In truth, it was an intriguing, rather than a spectacular sight. Mother and son were both dressed conventionally in t-shirt, skinny jeans and trainers, and if Carmel’s scooped neck line displayed a more than healthy eyeful, closer inspection left the decided opinion that, by way of a clever use of cosmetics, Joe was making a very good effort to deny, or at least hide, masculinity.
It hadn’t taken long for the boys to appreciate that Kat didn’t do subtlety, and the Rashleighs were still some distance away when they were shocked out of their tête-à-tête by a piercing, two-fingers-in the mouth style whistle, followed by a wink in the direction of Andy and Will. Carmel and Joe, somewhat stunned, found themselves brought to a halt outside the door of HotHouse, and a couple of seconds later Andy, Will and Kat were alongside.
“Well,” said Will, not wanting Kat to have all the fun, “this is a pleasant surprise. I hope you’re not going to the trouble of buying new outfits just because we’ll be coming along with Aunt Jane to Snowdrop tomorrow to see you? Just a spot of kinky window shopping, perhaps?” For it was plain from the window displays that HotHouse specialised in latex, leather, stunning heels and other ‘fun clothes’, to use Kat’s phrase. Indeed, if this was what was on display to the passing public, then what exotica might be inside?
“Not at all,” said Carmel with an almost defiant smile, “JoJo’s been anxious for some time to shop in person, rather than online.”
“And I’ve got a huge tip that needs spending,” said Kat, patting the small, tight pocket on the left buttock of her leggings. “Come on, JoJo, I need some advice. How should I spend it?”
With that, she placed Joe’s right hand on her pocket, opened the door and crossed the threshold, with Joe following, stroking, fondling, as though his hand were magnetically attached.
“I’m sorry, Mrs Rashleigh,” said Will, “You’ll have to forgive our friend Kat, she can be a little over the top at times.”
“Forgive her?” cried Carmel. “I think she’s wonderful,” she said, watching as Kat held up a slate grey leather waist cinching corset against Joe’s chest.
“You’d look so good in something like this, don’t you think” said Kat. “Just imagine, a tight little waist to make your chest larger and legs look longer, a tiny latex skirt, and killer heels, that’s the sort of girl you want to be, isn’t it, JoJo?”
“Well, but, y-yes, but-but, how did you know?” stuttered JoJo, wondering to himself whether it would be OK to give his hand a sniff and inhale the perfume of Kat’s pants.
“Be fair,” she replied, “the two of you aren’t very good at hiding your kink, especially in as kink-positive a place as the village, with experts like Jane and Andy.” (Will leaned toward Andy and whispered, “Ooo, so you’re an expert, are you? Can we play with some of your expertise when we get back?” To which Andy replied, “Only if you’re a very naughty boy.”) Cue more giggles, as they strolled towards the back of the shop to see if they could find any of the ‘exotica’.
Their attention, or at least Will’s, was quickly drawn by a display of gags in all manner of types, designs, colours and materials. Andy, meanwhile, was fascinated by the choice of ropes and other restraints. Kat grinned as she imagined their imaginations (and libidos) working overtime.
However, it was Carmel’s smile which seemed to light up the shop as she watched Kat gradually make JoJo feel more and more the girl that she’d known that he’d dreamed of being from early puberty.
At this moment Chloe appeared, causing Kat to do a double take.
“Chlo, is that you, babes? Looking hot!” Chloe broke off from smoothing the last few wrinkles of the latex catsuit which formed her HotHouse uniform, and gave Kat a big hug, which resulted in that wonderful sound of leather and latex together.
Across the way, Andy and Will both looked at Chloe and instinctively reached for each other’s hands. They were both remembering the occasion, a few months earlier, when Jane had been delayed and had had to phone Will to ask him to meet Andy. Will had found him at a bus stop, clad in similar head to toe latex. Will had automatically reached out to take Andy’s hand to reassure his friend. Now, the sight of Chloe brought back memories of that sweetest of moments.
“JoJo, this is Chloe, an old friend of my sister. Chloe, this is JoJo. I’m helping his mother with his feminisation.” JoJo gulped at the baldness of Kat’s statement, and at the sight of the super-cute little latex vision before him. He stuttered a form of hello, then excused himself to speak to his mother about her opinion of a pair of booty shorts he desperately wanted to be seen in.
“I’d heard that you’d come home early from your gap year travels,” said Kat. “What happened?”
“My own fault, really, I suppose,” said Chloe. “Travelling the world with that baby sister of yours and your mad cousin was a stupid idea.”
“How come?”
“Well, I knew that sex would take up a lot of the menu, and I was looking forward to it, but those two little rabbits are just OTT. At least I have one or two standards.”
“Well,” said Kat, “I knew what cousin ‘Tash was like, but Nikki’s just as bad?”
“Worse, almost. But, anyway, this job is going to be great experience for my Uni course,” added Chloe
“What are you taking?”
“Psychosexual anthropology, with specific emphasis on the development of paraphilias”
“So, kink?” translated Kat.
“Near enough. Anyway, Madame Stella is giving me ‘the look’, so I’d better get over there and help her to relieve your girlfriend and his mother of some cash. See ya.”
Andy and Will strolled over to Kat, each carrying two bags full of assorted ‘goodies’. “Thank goodness I brought some birthday money out with me,” said Andy. Will was amazed at how so much cash could fit into such a small purse. With that, they let Kat know that they would be going back to the car. She nodded, knowing exactly why they were looking forward to some time in the back of the Nissan.
She turned to see Carmel and JoJo over by Madame Stella’s little table, barely big enough to hold the card reader, but was then taken aback when Carmel produced a Coutts’ World Card, sometimes referred to as The Queen’s Card. She must be seriously loaded.
Madame Stella had seen such a card before. Some of her former clients seemed to have a perverse delight in having their payments traceable. Naturally, Stella charged them extra to cover ‘admin’. But, although she was curious to know how this attractive, albeit nervous woman had qualified for such a high status card, discretion was second nature to her.
“You don’t mind if I borrow JoJo to help me carry my things back to the car, do you, Carmel?” In fact, Kat needed no real assistance, her only major purchase having been a pair of OTK, 5” boots, which, for someone as tall as Kat would normally only look good if made to measure. But she’d been lucky to find that Stella had given thought to such problems when ordering stock, and Kat was looking forward to getting them home. Giving Carmel a quick double bise, she handed JoJo the box, put her arm through his, and exited HotHouse, leaving a bewildered Carmel listening to Stella complimenting her on JoJo’s successful feminisation so far.
“You’ll both be welcome back here at HotHouse at any time,” said Stella, “and if either of you, or your friends, has any ‘particular’ requirements, I’m sure that we could arrange for you to be catered.”
Carmel managed to stifle her reaction to Madame Stella’s final sales pitch until she’d left the shop, but her laughter almost choked her on her way back to the Mercedes.
To Be Continued
Monday, 12 October 2020
New Art. Miss Galaxy 2475
Friday, 9 October 2020
The world of Christeen
Wednesday, 7 October 2020
Fun in the Village - Chapter 3 By Mistress LeatherBeth
As Jane led the way back home, the boys were both looking pensive. Andy glanced at Will. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" he asked. "Probably," smiled Will, "but not in public. We'll have to wait until we get indoors." Andy rolled his eyes. "Men," he said, "one track minds." Pause for snorts and giggles.
"What are you two laughing about?" asked Jane over her shoulder. Once Will's brilliant witticism had been explained, Andy then went on to point out that Jane had used the term 'boys' to Carmel, when referring to them. "Well," she said, "it's no more than the truth, is it? It's not as though it's a huge secret. Both sets of parents, Andy's brothers, Kitty, Mayfield, Kat, anyone in the village who has heard that my nephew is staying with me, but seen that you have been my only resident visitor until this weekend, and they've seen what you look like."
"True," said Will, "but there hasn't been such an 'announcement' before now."
"That's because, unless I'm very much mistaken, Carmel and Joe are far from being an ordinary mother and son."
"I don't understand." said Will.
"I think Andy does, even if he doesn't realise it."
Andy was about to say he hadn't got the faintest idea what his dear aunt was on about when his face suddenly registered a combination of surprise and shock.
"You, you mean that that was Joe we saw through the window?"
"I'm sure it was." said Jane
"Who?" "What" "Will someone tell me what they saw that I didn't?" said a confused Will.
"In the front room," said Andy, "in bra, panties and partial make up."
"But Carmel was there. Joe was getting dressed and made up in his mother's presence?"
"With his mother's help, I suspect."
"So, what happens now?" asked Will.
"That we shall have to see," said Jane, "but I reckon there'll be developments before our return visit on Tuesday."
Jane didn’t elaborate, except to say that she’d very much like to discover what had brought Carmel and Joe to the village. Surely, if they had a secret life, the city would be the place to go to hide, she said, apparently unaware of the irony that she and Andy popped up all over the country and, indeed, around the world.
The outside dining area at the Fullerton Arms consisted of four bench-tables in a paddock just outside the more formal indoor dining room. The other side of the pub was taken up with the beer garden, and the following lunchtime found Kat, on a bartending shift today, collecting glasses there. The shift was dragging. Business wasn't brisk, and she really wanted to be off into town to shop; Jane's tip was burning a hole in her pocket. (Even before the tip, Kat had liked Jane. Whilst some people got tongue tied when Jane told them to 'just call her Jane', Kat was the opposite, and would never have dreamed of calling anyone 'Lady This' or 'Lady That'. And the fact that Jane was plainly kinky was a plus in Kat's eyes).
But she still had nearly an hour to go so, for the past five minutes she'd entertained herself by watching Andy and Will slowly make their way down the village street in her direction, pausing every twenty yards or so for a kiss, grope or fumble. Kat had broken up with both her boyfriend Ben and her girlfriend Tess over a month ago. so she was, shall we say, frustrated, and the boys' semi-erotic display wasn't helping, but it was fun to watch.
"Hello, you two" she said, when they finally drew level. "What have you pair got planned today, or is that a silly question?"
"Just getting some fresh air," said Will, as Andy freshened up his smudged makeup.
Kat noted that Andy had forsaken yesterday's red pants, translucent blouse and Fernando Berlins for a sweet little black leather dress, tight, mid thigh, no bra, and a darling pair of patent ankle boots, 5". Andy had a gorgeously squeezable butt, and only Will's presence prevented her from, well, giving him a serious molest.
"What about you?" asked Will.
"Another forty minutes here, then I'm off into town to splurge that ridiculously generous tip that Andy's aunt gave me yesterday."
"After anything in particular?" asked Andy.
"I was thinking of looking in that new place in the Cornmarket. HotHouse."
"I don't think I've heard of them." said Andy.
"No, I don't suppose you have." grinned Kat. "You and your aunt are more likely to be seen in William Wilde, Lux Tenebrae and Loubous. Poor barmaids and waitresses need somewhere like HotHouse if they're after fun clothes."
"Hey," laughed Will, "Andy and Jane aren't snobs."
"OK," said Kat, "why don't you two come along this afternoon and see how the other half pervs?"
And so it was agreed. The boys got themselves a couple of bottles of cider, with a glass for Andy and, about thirty minutes later, Kat popped up the outside staircase to her little flat below the eaves of the pub to get changed.
When she reappeared, Will and Andy looked at each other and grinned. Both boys fully approved of her biker jacket and spray-tight faux leather leggings, whilst her shoes, with the six-inch heels and two-inch platform, ensured that she wouldn’t be the shortest of the three. Though with her five feet nine, flame red hair and stunning green eyes, she usually attracted a lot of attention.
Kat's twelve year old Nissan had obviously had one careful owner...somewhere among the half a dozen lunatics, but, as Andy and Will squeezed in the back, they noted that the engine sounded healthy enough, and they set off, Kat having kicked off her shoes.
"How long have you two known each other?" asked Kat. "Years," replied Will, "we started nursery on the same day."
"And were you always girly, Andy?"
Andy was taken aback, and almost said something cutting in reply. But then he realised that there was nothing malicious about Kat, merely refreshingly direct. Certainly, Will's stifled giggles indicated that he found nothing objectionable in Kat's question.
"Erm, not really. But Aunt Jane recognised the girl within, and although there were times when the embarrassment was dreadful, I began to look in the mirror and see my real self. And then Will told me he thought the sissy Andy was fantastic. Since then, I've just accepted it. And so have my family. And Will's. If that makes any sense. I don't suppose it does."
"It makes perfect sense," said Kat. "I wish I'd received as much understanding when I came out as bi when I was 16. I might as well have been talking Klingon.
“Mother’s reaction was 'But is it even possible to come out as bi? Are you sure you've got that right?'
"Yes, mother. I enjoy sex with boys and girls equally. So I'm bi. And this is me telling you, in a coming out kind of way.
“‘And that nose piercing!’ Apparently, her brain had overloaded and needed a change of subject.”
“Kat,” said Andy, “have you come across the new people in Snowdrop Cottage?”
“Carmel and Joe? I heard you talking to the vicar about them yesterday. What’s the story?” she replied.
“Well,” said Will, “Jane has this idea that the son, Joe, has a girly side to him, and that his mother encourages it.”
“I wouldn’t be at all surprised,” Kat said. “What is it about this village? Between the Coopers’ dungeon in the garage, Miss Evans’ weekly Shibari classes, and you and your aunt, there must be something in the air.
Andy was stunned. Really? George and Izzy Cooper, and Polly Evans? That said, Mrs Cooper was an attractive woman, for her age, and Andy had always thought that George’s ‘henpecked husband’ routine was a masterclass in overacting. But, well. Really?
With that they found a parking spot in Mount Pleasant, got out and strolled in the direction of the Cornmarket. The boys let Kat lead, partly because she knew the precise address, but mainly because, however attractive Kat found Andy's bum, the boys found Kat's just as alluring.
They walked to the end of Mount Pleasant, then right onto Broadway and first left onto the Cornmarket. Just in time to see Carmel and Joe turn into the Cornmarket from The Horsefair. Carmel paused, then pointed to a sign outside the shop at number 17, which she and Joe then made their way towards. Number 17, HotHouse.