Wednesday 17 June 2020

The self wrap mishap

Please help keep our blog alive

On Patreon today, a few
examples of Strange 
cocoons and  wrappings
very much in keeping 
with todays post.

Hi Everyone

Hope you are all well. Todays offering has been a real struggle to get in place, But i think it has been worth it
  So a little thing featuring one of my fave concepts.
Anyway a quick catch-up, just in case you don't recall the previous episode ('cos I don't).
Ever since she was a child Yua had dreamed of being wrapped up and mummified. Where this strange obsession had come from she had never known, but now, now in her office was the device to bring those fantasies to life.
 The offices new long-base Vinyl wrapper Our Heroine Yua, was designed for wrapping inanimate objects for transportation, however if she lay still that was what she would become. Why not, it would be the same principle and besides, she would set it to just one pass, One pass would wrap her like she had never been wrapped before, but still thin enough to pierce with her nails, at which point it would simply split open and she would be free. Plus she would have her desk scissors to hand should something go wrong and the machine did two passes over her instead of one. One touch of their blade and freedom would be hers. It was fool proof. All she had to do was work late, wait till the building was empty, strip off, set the machine to, lay back and have all her dreams come true.


I hope that played ok, it has been uploaded and edited so many times to get it to fit and play. However. 
Below is a link to the full 7.50 minute version posted on my private youtube account. Sadly you need to be logged in to see it, but you are welcome if you can accesses to it and my apologise for not being able to share it any other way, as Youtube don't like me anymore and  I have had to set up another account for this and publish it only as a private video.


  1. Just to let you know the private youtube link does not work even if you are logged in, or am I missig something.

    1. Oh that is annoying, thank you for telling me, I will see if I can rectify it.

  2. That is an interesting situation. Sucks to be her, until she is found, then there is some explaining to do. I do hope she cam breath. Never saw that on CSI.

    1. Shouldn’t have kept her scissors to hand. But she will be fine until morning, safely wrapped up warm

  3. Yeah cant watch it. Private only means you can see it yourself

    1. Oh that's a shame, thank you I will have to think of something else
