Monday 29 June 2020

New Art, Will's Helping Hand

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we have some touches
of Pink and a lost image.

Hi Everyone 
     and I hope you are all safe and well
   Ok time for a new addition to the world of Andy and Aunt Jane and this is possibly one of the naughtiest ideas to feature Andy and his beloved Will.
  I think we can set this before Andy and Will become a full couple and place it at the point when Will knows and accepts Andy's second life, but is still slightly naive regarding Andy's love for him.
  However whenever you fit this in, it is just a naughty little moment, based on love and innocent kindness, but with our Andy looking, and maybe for the first time, deliberately sexy.
All the rest I leave in your wonderfully imaginative hands.
   Hope you like this.


  1. Oh wow. My heart literally skipped a beat seeing this picture. I mean, I'm a huge fan of your art and Andy's adventures, but damn, wow, I mean this is just awesome.

    1. Awww Thank you so much Andrew, I am touched and so glad Igot your heart skipping. It is a different concept and I am just so happy it has touched the spot.
      Is it the situation? or the characters? or what really tickled you my friend?

  2. Is it possible that William is even more dense than I?
    He should dream of having such a luscious girl in just that position. Even if it is his best friend, all the better. Andy gliding on his Louboutins and waiting for William to finish. The phone calls and it is off to the shoot. The Zipper must wait and a perfect reason for the couple to stay in fashion and take off together. Apres'
    Jane has her pic for later blackmail, if necessary, though I doubt it ever will.
    Beautiful work and I look forward to your naughty mind adding to the days events.
    I think the gent in the stall is confused as to just what to do.
    Stay safe.

    1. Hi Lee
      Aha!!! you spotted the poor confused chap, he is there purely to express the gender of the bathroom, Andy is still very much in the mind of a boy, which is why he ventured into the gents.
      Will Might be dense, but I think his brain is just soft wired when Andy is concerned.His steadying touch is a pure accident, not that Andy cares.

  3. First and foremost this picture takes my breath away. Bravo truly a wonderful piece. One of my favorites. As for Will I don’t think he is dense I think it’s just innocence. He is focused on trying to fix the issue. This picture is naughty but if you take the dialogue out of it then it becomes one of naivety and kindness. Neither have confessed there feelings for each other so neither know the affect they have on each other. To me this picture shows how sweet and wonderful Will is and why it took them so long to get together. Because both are sweet and innocent and care more for the others feelings then there own. Though I do have to ask...did Andy say he was going to cum out loud or was that a thought that went along with this feels so nice? If he did say it out loud then one most assume it was after wills comment. At this stage I don’t think he would have left his hand there.....then again subconsciously his hidden feelings for Andrew could be driving his body....hmmm. Definitely a always you leave us with questions. Though i wouldn’t want it any other way. Even in the midst of naughtiness there is innocence which is why Andys and Wills relationship is so special and I think why so many people are attached to them. Truly a special piece and can’t wait for the next installment from your wonderful imagination.
    All my very Very best

    1. Ah yes you spotted that little outburst, I just had to put it in and whether it is aloud or a whispered gasp to himself, is all up to you my friend.
      No I don't think he is dense either, just bamboozaled by his feminised friends style and by his own emotions.
      Andy has kind of accepted his place now and it is Will who is now coming to terms with it.
      If I left no questions we would not have the delight of these little chats. Everyone can read the story as they wish and I think that is perfect

  4. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

    Beautiful art as always and it sets my imagination going: Will couldn't quite figure out why one of Andy's nannies was not around to polish up his latex pants for the photoshoot but he was more than willing to help out. However he had never come across one of these all-round zips before which could be opened at the front and at the back. Being up so close to Andy's pretty latex-clad bottom and overcome by his subtle scent Will found it difficult to concentrate on the zip. Using his right hand to steady himself made things worse because it seemed to get Andy very excited! Little did he realize that Andy had set the whole thing up and that Aunt Jane was filming them. Aunt Jane was quite delighted as it all was a big help in her scheme to get the two sweet boys together. Yes, she had plans for the pair of them especially as she noticed the growing bulge at the front of Will's tight jeans!

    Thank you

    Love and XXXXXX


    1. Hi Stevie
      Thank you so much and I am so happy you liked this naughty little offering XXX
      Yes Will would have been taken aback when Andy had revealed the zippers full length and I bet it is snug between his pert little bottom cheeks, making Wills job harder, hence the steadying hand. But is Andy being pulled back by Will or is he pushing against his friends innocent hand. Either way he is in some kind of heaven.

  5. Exquisite art. A certain innocence mixed with naughtiness. Will blaming the polish for the stubborn zip, tut tut, it’s his tingly mind affecting his concentration.

    1. Hi Aidan
      Yes I think you are right, he is all fingers and thumbs and combined with the slippery nature of Andys Zip thanks to that polishing lube, It could prove to be a tricky operation.

  6. Poor Andy. So hard. To hide his discomfiture, that is. Aunt Jane will be so proud of her protégée's progress into an attractive beauty responding in the clutches of his love. Just a few snaps for her album and to share with her girlfriend this evening.
    Your S xxx

    1. Hi S
      Yes they are just a few private snaps as a keepsake and maybe as a reminder to Andy that, despite his protests, she knows his secret passion for Will

  7. Andrew's emotional control scares me. He is under those beautiful latex pants that are already firmly attached to his body and he still has Will taking him directly in his erogenous zone and is not reacting. In normal situations due to the good feeling caused by the latex beyond Will's contact it was to have a height in that region.

    1. Hi PS
      I doubt Andy is in that much control of his emotions, he is doing his best to think of other things than Wills clumsy touch. But you are right, the pants alone, with their tight grip and caress with each movement would usually be enough to push him to the edge.
      But edging is fun isn't it (naughty boy)
