Monday 27 April 2020

New Art. Wilde about Andy

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Hi Everyone
  As ever I hope you are safe and well XX

   A quick heads up, this is the first of  two new pieces from me this week. The second I will post after you have had time to digest this first one and there is a lot to digest
   Ok, this one is very new, red hot and only fully completed last night, but I am so happy with it that it jumped straight to the top of my publishing list.
  It is a classic Andy and Aunt Jane image and although it is not set at any specific time, I think you can tell by Andy himself this is early in his story and ever Jane strikes again, increasing her beloved nephews embarrassment levels with an "oh so innocent" word.
   I had completed it it once before, but then added detail on detail, just to expand to the story and to the characters. 
   You can see I am edging round the details, but I will be back after to highlight a few. 
  Everything else I leave in your soft and comfortably naughty hands
 Hope you like this, because I do.

Hello again
   So I do hope you liked that, as I say, it was one that needed detail to tell the story of the day.
    Clearly they have been shopping, and Jane has spent a lot of money on some very special designer outfits for Andy. 
    The bags carry the genuine William Wilde lettering and slogan and I imagine they would be the very high end, gloss bags, one would receive form my favourite designer. The mystery is.....why is one of them red? I know why, but do you?
    Also, their personal bags carry significance. Both are naturally designer, Chanel, but Jane's is bigger, dominant, whist Andy's is smaller,submissive and only usefully for carrying those purely feminine things.
    Andy's outfit is also of note. Apart from being deliberately sexy, (those heels!) it is also deliberately sitting between male and female. He wears pants and a roll neck pullover, change the cut and material and Andy is in male clothes and yes that is a hint of bra, beneath a translucent Latex top.
   One more thing, I spent a lot of time getting the look on Andy's face right, it was important, I wanted to show Andy was young and also still surprised and confused by how his Aunt refers to him in company. 
  She wants me to be beautiful and feminine, but always refers to me as Andy and as a boy. So embarrassing.



  1. Why, the better to match his heels and purse, and lips, and nails, I should think.

    1. The black and red of the other bags matches already Lee, so a special red William Wilde bag? the mystery continues

    2. Completely off the wall, is the red bag a sign of appreciation for a job well done? In the way that it's traditional for a QC to give a junior barrister who's performed particularly well a red bag for their gown?

    3. Oh a clever idea Kitka, smarter than mine. No it is to do with what the bag contains

    4. Quite an interesting collection of observations from your loyal following.
      I for one thing several possibilities on my own, but the color on his cheeks could very well be blush showing through the rouge (yes, I am that old), and it is exacerbated by Jane's hold on his head. Possibly laying down the law/facts as to his new occasional life as her Niece.
      The red bag of reversed store colors could be a special gift for new models for his later unveiling.
      Jane is glorious and elegant in her latest matching colors. Matching slingbacks and mini slit.
      The bra was a nice touch. You always go the extra bit to make it look even more realistic and just a little more humiliation for Andrew if he thinks he could pass as her Nephew this day. If just washing his face and kicking off his heels would only be a start.

    5. You know me and my colour coordination Lee, Everything in an outfit should tie in somewhere else, skirt, heels,bag, lops and nails. This shows Jane has enough style and money to be able to coordinate with ease. I imagine her, cough cough under garments are matching too.
      Speaking of which, the red bag???
      I think Jane's touch of Andy's head is far gentler, more of a caress than a hold.A loving touch as ever

  2. Okay I’m going to try and not leave a book like I did on your patron page....😅. This is such a cute piece and shows the path that Aunt Jane wants Andrew to go down. She is so thrilled that he gets to be there model this afternoon and whenever there is a chance to tease or embarrass her sweet nephew she just can’t help herself. Though how you have her telling Andrew in an almost ditzy way that she told them he was a boy so he wouldn’t get embarrassed if they called him a girl is wonderful. You can just see Jane trying not to smile as she tells him. Then the detail you gave Andrews face with a look between disbelief and embarrassed is amazing. You can see that he is trying to form a response but just don’t know How to respond. The heels are beautiful and some of my favorite from you. The almost unisex look you gave him that is only highlighted feminine because of his gorgeous red heels and out of his bra. So many little details. As usual you leave me with a question. What’s in the bags from the latex store? More outfits or his first maid uniform or both or something even more amazing...... I dare to hope that another piece is in the works for his adventure at the William Wilde store?? Beautiful artwork as always and the detail on this piece is some of your best it 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
    All my best

    1. Now that I think about could the red bag be his first......hummingbird? Would be from the wilder side of William Wilde’s I know I know I can hear the groans it’s a low hanging fruit but still funny.....😝

    2. Oooo that's an idea and not the one on my mind, Jane has bought Andy three very special outfits, so it must be something else in that bag, something more private?
      I am so glad you read Jane's words in the same voice as i, It is a deliberate tone, that makes her fun, yet smart and leaving Andy, as you say, with a look of total befuddlement. Which is why Andy is silent, he can't find words.
      I am so glad all the details and colours came together and that Andy's outfit worked.
      Adventure in William Wilde, that is a dream of my own

  3. I remembered a piece of art that looks a lot like the one you made out of Amanda in the Victorian dress:

  4. A inspiration for the future, one of my favorites:

  5. Andrew is so cute! A real delight to taste !!
    Her bra is very subtle!

    1. Thank you so much. I am happy with the hint of bra XXX

  6. I loved Aunt Jane's purse and the color of her skirt, these two details were very well designed. On the other hand, I didn't like Amanda's hair and makeup, they didn't match very much. One detail I realized is that Amanda is loving everything that is happening, there is a certain bump in her pants, certainly she is quite excited to model and please her aunt.

    1. A bump Gosh!!!!
      The look of richer make up was the result my not colour correcting the image before posting. If is don't it increases the saturation. I have now corrected it.

  7. Others have said so much which I agree with totally, all I can say is the obvious, beautiful and very enjoyable.

  8. As another comment stated, good use of color. My question is, is that some extra applied rouge on Andy's cheeks or is it the glow of embarrassment, as usual? Will Auntie Jane ever doll Andrew up to be her twin?

    1. Oh he is glowing alright. XXX
      We nearly saw them twined in the image "Hello Again". In red vinyl pants and white blouses

  9. Can Aunt Jane be developing Andy (Andi?)beneath the sweet brassiere. It would take him in the right direction by making it very pleasurable, while halting unpleasant male characteristics. Capri pants would also be an incremental fait accompli further towards sublime feminisation ... with a pretty ankle chain? And ... I hope it's not indelicate to mention it but ... might protective chastity, as for Chris, just be a sensible safety measure. I mean there are men who would be driven to passionate extremes by his exquisite beauty. I do think caring Aunt Jane should consider that.

    1. Hello aster XX
      Now, there maybe a hint of jane's plans on show beneath that bra. I have said in the past that Jane would never use surgery to enhance her nephews femininity, but might just add a little something to his juice. I have always had this idea that she will keep Andy in the blossoming stage of development, tiny boobs, that only hint at the woman he could become.
      As for chastity? not sure, i Think the treat of Aunt Jane will keep anyone but William at a safe arms length.
      Like Capri pants, perhaps a holiday in the sun is called for.
      Bless you aster

  10. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

    Beautiful artwork as always but I confess to being a little puzzled with this one. I love the bra (Aunt Jane no doubt told him it would help with his posture) but do not really get the roll-neck, latex and tight though it is. However, I am sure Aunt Jane has bought him a lot of sexy gear from William Wilde and the red bag is probably a surprise extra sexy lingerie set. His next adventure, acting as a model for the beauticians, will really test him but he will look even more pretty when they have finished with him and I am sure he will appreciate it deep down when he realizes how pleased his Aunt will be. The beauticians will surely have seen feminized boys before but none as pretty as Andy. Incidentally, a little down the line, surely William Wilde will have a great rival when the Boy? creations come on stream modelled by Andy.

    Love and XXXX


    1. Hi Stevie
      You have got it, the red bag is William Wilde Lingerie, very exclusive and special, possibly Andy's first.
      Ah i have to say, I love high necked tops like that, I find them really hot, especially with pants.
      And you may well be right, once Boy? is up and running William Wilde will have competition. But even then Wilde will always be special.
      Thank you Stevie
      Big Big hugs

  11. ... and further thoughts, which one can't help having ..... the cosmetics counter makeover is a good place to 'tentatively' try out small but crucial advances towards more feminisation .... 'just for fun!'; heavy and very feminine make up, perhaps exaggerated false eyelashes and see how they make Andi feel. And his hair style ... i have been looking at 60s 'bubble' hairdos, not so different from his present overall look and deceptively simple but bigger, bouffant, needing to be girlishly careful with and kept just right ...... ultimately, on a pretty boy, extremely feminine but still giving Aunt Jane some deniability. Asking to, one day, be finished off with a sweet silly pillbox hat.

  12. For illustration ... the bubble hairdo of early Barbies ... chic and stylish early 60s ....
