Friday 28 February 2020

Step out with Christeen

Hi Everyone
  With all the classics being placed onto Patreon, courtesy of Christeens generosity, this is still one of THE places to go for hot new works by one of our favourite creators.
  So here are 4 beautiful new pieces, full of Christeens unique skill and touch


  1. Ah what a great way to start a Friday!

    #1: The bottom two girls nowadays look forward to an afternoon in the conservatory. As senior level 3's, it usually means time away from Auntie, and more privacy to gossip about fashion and their private fears about their impending re-entry into the real world as women. But today, a newly minted level 3 boy is also with them, and as he hasn't yet learned to embrace and enjoy his new breasts, he is throwing off the vibe, and causing Auntie to check up on them more than she otherwise might. The bottom two girls may not like it, but they remember being there themselves, and they'll help him adjust.

    #2: My favorite thing is the delicate, dainty placement of his manicured fingers on that car window. Feminine training changes a boy in a million ways both big and small, after so many years it's hard to imagine him ever un-learning such details. "I don't look girly enough?" I imagine him saying this more out of disappointment than sarcasm, hasn't he earned at least a small bit of modern womanhood in the form of pants? It's so cold out, even with tights! Alas, women must suffer occasionally in the name of beauty - no exceptions.

    #3: My thoughts here break the barrier that unspokenly contains Christeen's world. Over time, many students begin to realize that the only real way out of Auntie's thumb is through the arms of a man strong enough to stand up to her. What once seemed unthinkable isn't just thinkable, but almost.... dare he admit it to himself.... interesting? If nothing else, it feels good and validating to know that all this femininity does indeed have a higher purpose.

    #4: "that's exactly WHY we have to, Tara. Take a look around, femininity is under attack in all directions in our culture today. Real women are more androgynous and homely than at any time in history. Ugliness is celebrated as a virtue. There IS no group guarding the feminine flame anymore. So it falls to us sissies. You know Tara, sometimes I think half the reason crossdressing is so popular among straight males is that it's the closest they ever get to real femininity in their lives. If they can't receive it from someone, they can become it. We dress this way to show the world what it can be, and for some reason, when men do it, it's held aloft as a virtuous ideal. So at least it persists in some fashion. It may not feel like it right now, but the arc of history will judge as heroes. And with that, please forgive me for breaking character!" "No problem, Karen! Thanks for the talk!"

    Great work as always Christeen,


    1. Thanks for your thoughtful perspectives on these pic Kim. Admittedly #3 adds a new twist to what's going on in Chris's life.

  2. It is always a nice surprise to find an offering before the weekend, and something by Christeen a delight.
    Another set to get the imagination flowing.
    #1 has a group of lovelies having a garden party? Enjoying the weather, small talk and sensual gowns. They do look similar, but their training could have had an impact. The rustle of pettis and other fine fabrics must fill the air.
    #2 has him making a feeble attempt at slipping out in his pants. Surely a tight and caressing material, but not proper day wear for a Lady out to brunch and a art show with the girls.
    #3 has him ready for some boy/girl practice. Perfectly coiffed and dressed for an afternoon with a friend. Long missing and adoring his changes. Both on their best behavior upon meeting and hoping for a second date and more. He has earned some freedom time doing so well in his Levels.
    Ahh, young Love.

  3. Hi Lee, Not sure what was going on in #1 but I loved the base pic itself before I modified it. Chris will never wear pants without a stern rebuke from a woman. A second date for #3? Just a bit farther than my crystal ball can see.

  4. Well done Christeen, another great bunch of your drawings, always posing and asking more questions that are unanswered and make our imaginations run wild! Keep up your good work. Hot Libby.

    1. Hello Libby, Glad to hear that my art and your imagination run together and even pose some questions. Thank you.

  5. Oh gosh Christeen it’s made my weekend seeing theses four. #1 Heavenly, I think the dresses are alive and doing the blushing. But I sure can’t figure out what’s going on but beautiful all the same. #2 Chris’s coat is really girly (I love it) and the jeans look a cute shape. He’s beautifully manicured hand and grip on the car very dainty. I’d be be pleased to go anywhere with him. However his lady friend his correct. A petticoated boy sad Gould only ever be in a dress or skirt. #3 Very alluring pose from Chris. His date will be sad surprises in many levels. #4 They look gorgeous, why are they over thinking it, they will soon learn the fun they can have.

  6. Thanks Aidan, I can't always figure out what's going on either. I modify a photo and then dream up a narrative that might fit, but later on, too late, I think of a better alternative.
