Sunday 15 December 2019

Start the week with Christeen

Hi Everyone
  Well Monday is here, or very nearly, so if you have that Sunday night feeling, let the wonderful Christeen bring a little uplift.


  1. Oh very lovely art, thanks Christeen & Andy.latex

    Chris really does have the innocent young lady look in #1 and I’m sure he gets a little fun fooling old aquatintances as some relief from the humiliation

    In #2 he should get a smaller chastity so he won’t forget to actually put it on, silly boy thinking he could get away with that, tut tut! Cute in his pink dress tho

    #3 legs spread not very ladylike but very sexy lingerie

    #4 his hair and makeup is very good especially the little touch of a bow, very cute, almost seems unnecessary to put him in a dress. Only kidding. Would be a shame not to continue on, especially since there is a wide choice.

    1. Thank you Aidan for your added thoughts and insight. For #2, Julia puts it on him as I doubt he could be trusted to lock it on himself.

  2. Number 3:

    "Oh don't even JOKE about that, Reilly. She put me in twice last week. It doesn't make any sense. How was I supposed to practice for tonight when she kept putting me in that display instead?"

    "SSSH! calm down, Robyn. She could be IN here."

    "Sigh.... couldjaget-that....(snap)... thanks. You're right. I just donno what the big deal is about tonight. She's been all over my case even more than usual."

    "Well, I... I mean, it's probably nothing."

    "huh?... wait, what do you know?"

    "It's not.... it's nothing. You're going to do great! Turn around, let me get your other stocking..."

    "Wait, no. WHAT do you know?? Tell me, Reilly!"

    "Well,... I wasn't gonna say it because I didn't want to make you nervous, but I heard Lady Margaret talking. And, so... well, a.hem... Chris is going to be in the audience tonight."

    "Chris who?.... wait... THAT Chris!?!"

    "The Chris you're looking at on the wall, Robyn. Yes. That Chris."

    "(gasp!) OHMYGOSH.... She... she came BACK here!?"

    "Well, there's more, Robyn. Chris is here with her finance. To show him more about where she came from. They're going to be sitting in Auntie's box with her."

    "Oh... My..... Reilly, I can't do this... look at her! I'm no where near as pretty... and I've seen Chris dance, on videos.... I'm not... oh no... if I embarrass Auntie now I'll be in the dollhouse for a month!"

    "Come on Robyn! Knock it off. You're every bit as pretty as her. Maybe more. And I've seen you dance too. You can do this! (snap). Turn and let me get your... "

    "Oh God... OhGodOhGodOhGod...."

    "Robyn!! Look at me. Come on. Look at me. Robyn. Big Smile. Big big smile, Robyn. Come on. You've been training longer than any of us. You're gonna nail it. (snap) There. All strapped in."

    "... thank you ...(Sigh)... how's my.... my, 'modesty'?"

    "Pert, tucked, and locked."

    "thank you." (* air kiss... *air kiss back)

    "don't let the dirty old businessmen in the front get too friendly...."



    1. Quite an entertaining narrative re Chris this time Kim. I'll need to add Robyn to my list of characters.

    2. Oh wow Kim, that indeed is a very entertaining narrative, thanks for sharing.

  3. Hi Chris, such a lovely foursome. Thank you.
    Not sure if I like laid back approach in picture one or the way he is pouting in picture four the most. I would have thought that Chris would be happy to finally have to show his feminine side all the time!
    Thanks again, big hug. Mandy xxx

    1. You're welcome Mandy. Of course Chris would love to be feminine all the time but I don't let my art actually divulge that fact.

  4. What a pleasure to cone home last evening and find a new trove of lovely captions from Christeen and Andy.
    I love the first and last the best. Your skills with his eyes is pure delight.
    #1 I wonder is the gentleman caller will notice the resemblance and delve into conversation as to whether "she" is a relative? How could he pass up the opportunity to get the young lady to go out with him at some time soon?
    And #4 has a look on his face knowing this time was coming for a while. Is that acceptance to be the best girl he can be to avoid further restrictions and punishment.
    As always, gotta run. Would like to comment on the other two soon.
    Thank you both for the imagery.

    1. You're right Lee. I don't think the young man in #1 is about to leave just yet. I love doing art where Chris realizes that his life is about to take a scary yet wonderful turn.

    2. Now there goes my diet. What a piece of confection.
      I think that I choose that #2 is a continuation to #1. Chris has been told to accept and is dressed as demurely as possible for his date. The lad does not recognize him, but knows that there is a blood link somewhere. I hope Chris has a backstory ready. The dress is prim and proper, with matching pale Sissy Pink all around, from nails to choker, and lips, earrings and shoes. Almost a tiara as well putting out some vibes.
      Chris has his chastity attached. Uncomfortable, but not as much as a tell-tale bump late in the evening. Another milestone for him to reap.

  5. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

    Only just caught up with these beautiful pieces.

    No. 1 Chris is struck dumb. He recognises the boy at the door, it is Jonny who was one of the few who did not try to bully Chris when he was being sissified by his Aunt before being sent to Mademoiselle's (as in no. 4). "He is really good looking" thinks Chris "with nice broad shoulders and beautifully dressed." "Stop it" said Chris to himself, "I'm not gay, I shouldn't be thinking like that" as he felt pressure against his so tight chastity but was pleased that his hair was looking so beautiful and Nanny had done such a wonderful job with his make-up.

    No. 3 Chris was much more used to being dressed by his Nannies but part of the course at Mademoiselle's required boys to be able to dress themselves whilst also wearing impossible heels. Feminine undies are so much more complicated and he is very pleased that Stevie is helping him. Suspender clips can be very tricky, even more so with such incredibly long nails and. of course, his seams must be dead straight! He is grateful that when he is to be paraded before his Aunt's friends at the weekend in his new pink latex corset with matching thigh-high ballet boots and long gloves that his Nannies will have dressed him; he really couldn't get into a long-length corset by himself!

    Keep up the wonderful work, Christeen

    Love and XXXX


    1. Hi Stevie, Chris certainly does have those identity struggles and is pleased that he looks good enough to be attractive to his old friend.
      In #3 Stevie is actually Chris. Thanks for commenting.
