Thursday 28 November 2019

New Art. A Walk In The Park

Hi Everyone

   A new piece of art, created about a week ago. Without giving anything away, this is set in the early days of Andy's new life, His embarrassment is still very clear and the fear of discovery still very much on his mind.
  The image has little plot, but was more a desire to create this kind of outfit and place it in the correct context.
  It also has a slight nod to Christeen's art in the framing of the image.
  Enough for now, I have no doubt you will find the details and that your naughty imaginations will fill in any gaps I might have missed and as ever, more after the  image

Hello again.
 Well as ever i do hope you liked that. As i said it has little plot, just a moment in time. I figure we are at the start of Andy's journey, we glimpse Will from the back, but he only recognises his best friend Andy's Aunt Jane, the girl in the gleaming dress on a sunny summers day is still a delightful mystery to him.
  For ages I have wanted to put Andy into the kind of dress Victorian ladies would have worn to promenade in the park on a Sunday afternoon. They are so wonderfully flamboyant,so elegant,restrictive and properly demure and with their wide Sunday hats and delicate parisoles, I also knew they would be perfectly embarrassing for Andy to be seen in, especially one made entirely of gleaming red Latex.. 
  It took quite a bit of time to get the outfit right, I can become obsessive with details and things (handy for my day job) but the results always make me happy, as I hope they do you.
  Biggest hugs


  1. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

    This must be one of your best pieces ever. Andy's outfit is stunning and has everything. Restrictive (showing off his beautiful figure) but demure (very little flesh on display but so suggestive). I love the gloves and parasol and the hat is magnificent. we can only imagine his heels and gorgeous matching underpinnings. Also, the delightful train; imagine the difficulty he would have getting into a car or using stairs. his Aunt must be very proud of him and it is no surprise that Will is blown away. Wait till he finds out!

    Love and XXXX


    1. Ah Stevie you have looked at the wider picture, not only does Andy have to deal with the tiny steps he must take but there are so many other elements to his predicament. Heavens imagine if Aunt Jane wishes to take afternoon tea at one of the cafes.
      Thank you so much for your wonderful words I am deeply flattered and hope I can create bigger and better adventures in the future.

  2. WOW! Andy this is just so beautiful & as Stevie points out this is one of you best pieces.
    It's really lovely to see Andy going out for an afternoon stroll with his Auntie Jane on a lovely sunny day. Andy looks so amazing as a girl from Pride & prejustice, so ladylike But I'm wondering if Andy is more aflutter seeing his friend, William for different reasons?
    Think this is the first time I've seen Jane in pink, kinda suits her looking relaxed & allowing her nephew to take center stage like this.
    Thank you so much for this lovely piece, big hugs Mandy xxx (I do hope that you're doing ok hon x)

    1. PS
      Just seen why Jane is handing the boy a kleenex. I missed the mark on Andys' wonderful red dress last time, must have been so dazzled by how delightful they both look.

    2. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

      Me too. But does Aunt Jane have a spray can of polish with her?


    3. Thank you so much Mandy, I am so happy this picture has been taken so well. I deliberately put Jane in the background in terms of the colour she is wearing, allowing Andy to literally shine out.
      So glad it took two looks to spot the handkerchief offered to the boy, he looks rather dumbstruck and had better do a good job of restoring Andys shine or Jane will be most unhappy.
      Thank you again

    4. Hi Andy, I'm sure after a few stern words from Jane the young lad will soon have the gown glowing so beautiful once again.

      Hi Lee, I was naughty and had a look in Andys' delectable parasol, there is a small can of polish hidden away for such emergencies.😊

      Hugs to both xxx

    5. Oh what a naughty thing you are. Good job Aunt Jane did not see you peaking into Andys things.

  3. Oh my! and Goodness in spades.
    It is a good thing I topped off my coffee, because it will be cold by the time I stop studying your latest.
    I could say that you have outdone yourself, but all of your works are exemplary. I love the centering of the subjects (a no-no in some circles) and hope the periphery just keeps adding to the depth.
    You know how much I like gloves, and the hat is the topper (har-har) and almost hides his features. A Retro Lady in Red with a lavender, silk lining.
    I find myself hoping the buttons are functional and the jacket with shoulder pads comes off for when the Sun does come out and he begins to melt.
    Good for Will, I hope he finds even more about the duality of his best bud.
    Stay safe and Happy Thanksgiving. Perhaps Grouse instead of Turkey? Spotted Dick? Hmmmmm.

    1. Andrew could explain that his Aunt is helping him practice for a fancy dress party. Now Will can help as well?
      Even the pigeon seems in awe.

    2. Hi Lee many many thank yous xx I greatly appreciate your kind compliments regarding the framing.
      Firstly the buttons are functional because I actually fitted the top over the dress, so yes it can be removed, not that Jane would allow such an exhibition, sun it not.
      I think that might be the only possible explanation, should Will spot him.
      It seems pigeons are always in awe when Andy is about, I think they like shiny things.
      Happy thanksgiving to you, not one of our celebrations but my beat to all

    3. It would seem that the talent in your fingers is exceeded only by your fertile mind.
      It would seem also that Will will have to wait for day is done before assisting his friend in removing the layers.
      I think the lad at their feet needs the hankie to clean up his drool. He must be at the very first stages of his training. being lent out to see Lady Jane's handiwork.

    4. Your attention to detail is fantastic and I love your art.

    5. Bless you Lee, you might be right about the boy at their feet, I doubt in all his life he has ever seen anything like a latex dress. Xxx
      And thank you Unknown, you are very kind

  4. Why does Andy have breasts? If he is still at the beginning of his journey, his body is probably still male, no?

    1. Hi Ps
      The answer is simple, a quality cut of the outfit, moulds and shapes the puppy fat on his young chest, giving the illusion of breasts

  5. The dress is wonderful, I wish I could be in Andy's shoes. Seriously nice to be Aunt Jane's nephew and maid for at least a week.

    1. I doubt Jane would let you leave after just one week

  6. Hi Janice
    Gosh thank you so much for your wonderful comment. I have wanted to try this look for a while but had no idea it would go down so well.

  7. Adore those outfits too. Gorgeous work babe.

  8. Well, what more can I add to what’s said already by great commentators. The art is excellent. Andy’s dress is very beautiful. He’s lucky to have Aunt Jane parade him around the park.

    1. Don’t think Andy feels that lucky to be out in public, at least he can hide his embarrassment behind the brim of his hat.
      Thank you Aidan

    2. True, Andy won’t feel lucky to be out in public, but some would love to be in his predicament ;) and the hat useful for Andy to hide his face, but it’s a lovely accessory for others. Just me being contrarian, projecting too :)

    3. Be contrary Aidan and project away, because you are not alone in dreaming of being in Andy's heels.

  9. One of my all time favorites Andy and you know my tastes.

    1. Thank you Christeen, it just felt like your style of work, totally accidental but I am so happy how it works

  10. Quite a bit Seurat .... ???!

    1. You are so right my friend, it is very Seurat. Excellently noted

  11. You have excelled yourself (yet again). I would so wear that gorgeous outfit Andy is modelling so beautifully.

    1. Bless you Emma, so happy to present to such kind people. I’d wear it too, never mind the sticky heat, that would just make it all the more thrilling.

  12. Andy,
    Most excellent work! As you've stated, you are indeed progressively improving. All the details (big & small) are wonderfully done.
    Great job.
    -Dr, Strangequirk-

  13. Adorable!
    I already have the skirt, blouse and jacket (albeit they're black and white rather than red) but so need that hat!
