Saturday 2 November 2019

New Art. Andy's Tricky Treat

Hi Everyone
 Yes I know it is  a day late but here is this years Halloween offering. It is Late, (a) because I did not like the original one, It felt to busy and messy so I cleaned it up and boiled it down to it's essence and (b) because I only finished this about 3 hours ago, so it is hot hot hot of the presses.
  So here it is, It fits somewhere in a time before the American escape and Andy's return to Will, though maybe it fits elsewhere, but it  really can stand on its own.
 As ever I will give nothing away before the image, But will be back after for a little extra detail and insight.
  So hope you like this slightly belated entry.

Hello again.
  Well I hope you liked that and as ever it looks as if poor Andy is in for a sticky night.
    One of the reasons i changed it was that originally it was going to be Andy as Morticia Addams and then those pics of Amanda Holden came out and I thought it would be too repetitive and so went back and created this. I love Maleficent, I think it is a stunning outfit/costume and so it became the base of this piece. I spent a lot of time getting the shint right, I have worked a new method which I think creates a deeper liquid shine and gives the outfit a real weight.
 Well that is all techno blah blah, because simply put I think the story speaks for itself and needs nothing but your super input.
Big hugs


  1. Great picture, with Andy at the mercy of his Auntie yet again.

    1. Thank you Anon, some would say where he belongs

  2. I'm not sure if it's positive Jane always use the vibrator on Andy. They were never shown talking about it!

    1. Fear not, it is only a tiny tickler, but perhaps we need to visit that moment

  3. The work is splendid, arouses great feelings in me, including a desire to serve Jane for a month. If you allow me a suggestion I would like to see a scene of Andy and Jane watching movie together, on the living room couch eating popcorn, with latex pajamas as nephew and aunt

    1. So glad it tickles you as much as the hummingbird tickles Andy. It is a lovely idea, u have been thinking about some images with Andy and Aunt Jane like that.
      Thank you

  4. The new tech for extra shine really works. I love it. Thoroughly enjoyed the art. A magnificent costume for Andy. Really shows him off, well suited. I’m sure he’s got lots and lots of pleasure hehe from the door bell linked to his humming bird. He’ll be do sticky it’s gonna be huge effort to take off the dress and clean up. Fun fun fun.

    1. Thank you Aidan, that is so kind of you xx
      Oh yes by the time the party isn’t over Andy will need to be peeled from that dress like the sweetest fruit

  5. Hi Andy, how devilish of Lady Jane to treat (or should that be trick) the lovely Andy to such delights on All Hallows' eve?
    Love the mist already raising off of Andy in that beautiful dress.
    Big hug, Mandy xxx


    1. Thank you Mandy xxx
      So funny the “mist” was designed to be fake cobwebs behind, but it works wonderfully as an eerie misty shroud.

    2. 'oops, sorry Andy.
      I'll just put that down to my old age🍩

    3. Nonsense, when I look at it it is an easy mistake, I quite like the spooky mist idea.

  6. It is a pleasure to see a new item from you this morning. Still dark here.
    Andy is stunning and the look of surprise at his Aunts revelation is priceless. Now he awaits the first revelers, and he should stay close to the front door as he may make slow, yet sensual progress in hos mermaid dress. I hope she does not send him to the store for more candy as it could take hours, or even days.
    Your new skills give a beautiful shine and the stretch across his thighs tell their own tale. Perhaps at the end of the night they should just run a hose up the skirt for a cleanse. If warm enough it could be its own tease.
    It is never too late for your imagination. I am sure Aunt Jane remembered the new set of batteries.

    1. Hi Lee xx
      Hope it isn’t light with you now, all dark again here.
      So glad you liked it and thank you for your kind comments about my new shine tech, as you say it seems to make 5 latex tighter and more restrictive still and Andys sticky cleansing issues all the more tricky
      Big hugs

  7. i'm dreaming of a rubber halloween.

  8. Andy looks glorious as Maleficent, and if their street has as many trick-or-treaters as my road then I am sure that Andy is going to need help peeling that wonderfully sticky dress off. (note to self: get hummingbird, rewire door-bell in preparation for next Halloween.)

    1. Thank you Emma, I imagine by the end of the evening all Janes guests will be thinking Andy has magic powers of his own, always knowing when there was someone at the door, despite the lack of audible bell.

  9. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

    Love it. Andy's outfit is beyond amazing and Aunt Jane is pretty hot as well. It must have taken some time to pour Andy into that beautiful creation. How about them going out and doing some trick-or-treating? Imagine opening your door to be greeted by that glorious vision!

    Love and XXXX


    1. How slow would their trick treating be if Andy had to wiggle his way around in that dress, best that everyone comes to them.
      Many many thanks Stevie, big hugs

  10. Hi dove, very kind of Auntie to have provide a staff with her little darling's incredibly gorgeous costume because I guess before the end of the night her nephew's knees are going to wobble and try to give away from under him (perhaps only restrained from doing so by the so tight-fitting skirt of his bewitching latex dress). In parallel I was wondering why some children I knew had all received an invitation to go trick-or-treating at a special address, even not living in the same neighborhood!!!
    LOVE the art, hug kissies aplenty
    Amber xoxoxo

    1. Hi Kitty
      You might be right about the staff, I think he might need a little help too.
      Ha Ha, I think once the word got out on social media about the shiny Queen, every kid in town would have been calling, along with their Dads.
      Thank you my Kitty cat

  11. Sensational as always. Every time you post new artwork I dream I could be in Andy's position... perfection


    1. Thank you Andrew, so glad I tickled your imagination.

  12. I'm not sure I see the 'trick' side to Andy's predicament, it seems 'treat' all the way to me...

    1. Thank you Kitka
      No Trick Kitka, but very Tricky for Andy and a real treat for all

  13. While this is very late, I wanted to comment on your Halloween artwork. One can never have too many Morticia Addams pictures but your reasoning was very sound & worked out so well. I never noticed before how much Maleficent's gown resembled Morticia's dress. Good job on the image swap. Your latex highlights looked perfect.
    Dr Strangequirk

    1. Thank you Dr for your kind words, so glad you liked it
